Chinese Buddhism, Thought and History

Chinese ReligionChinese Buddhism, Thought and History

Koichi Matsumoto, "What is the Chinese Religion, Taoism" - Recommended as an introduction to Taoism! Lots of photos and documents.

Taoism is so deeply rooted in the lives of the Chinese people. And interestingly, it is also mixed with Confucianism and Buddhism and is still believed in today. This is similar to the way Japanese people practice their religion.

Taoism is not easy for Japanese to visualize, but this book is visually friendly with many photos and documents.

I am also pleased that the explanations are designed to be easy to read and understand even for beginners.

I highly recommend this book as an introduction to Taoism.

ConfucianismBuddhismTaoismChinese Buddhism, Thought and History

Shota Kikuchi, "Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism: The Space of Ideas in East Asia" - A recommended introduction to what Chinese religions are all about.





World History from a Nomadic PerspectiveChinese Buddhism, Thought and History

Masaaki Sugiyama, "World History from a Nomadic Perspective" - An exciting book that shatters our preconceptions! To gain a multifaceted view of history

This book is a work that overturns the image of nomads that we vaguely imagine. It is also a terrifying work that questions not only the existence of nomads, but also our very understanding of history.

And when I wrote "shattering preconceived notions" in the title of this article, that is exactly what I meant. At least, I was shattered to my heart's content.

This is despite the fact that I have been reading a variety of genres and trying to look at things from as many different perspectives as possible. I am extremely embarrassed by this fact.

I am sure many of you will feel the same way as I do after reading this book. Well, it was a painful book.

Visual Big Book of Chinese HistoryChinese Buddhism, Thought and History

Visual Big Book: History of China" - Recommended resource book with many photos and illustrations! Learn Chinese history by watching!



Chinese History 07Chinese Buddhism, Thought and History

History of China 07: The Mainstream of Chinese Thought and Religion - Also recommended to learn about the revolution in knowledge brought about by the art of printing and its influence on Buddhism and Confucianism!



Chinese History 06Chinese Buddhism, Thought and History

History of China 06: The Glamorous World Empire, Sui and Tang Dynasties" - A book in which you can also learn about the Tang Dynasty envoys, Buddhism, and Ennin!

Although the Sui and Tang dynasties are well-known in Japanese history, until now I too knew very little about what the political situation was actually like. I had only a vague image of the Sui and Tang dynasties as world empires that boasted enormous power. That is the image of Chinese culture in all its splendor and splendor.

But in this book, we will take a closer look at how these Sui and Tang dynasties were founded and declined. Above all, it was very interesting to see how they tried to carry out the tremendously difficult task of governing the whole of China.

How do you govern a vast country in the absence of modern means of communication? This book will make you think about that again.

Chinese History 05Chinese Buddhism, Thought and History

History of China 05: The Collapse and Expansion of China: Wei, Jin, and the Northern and Southern Dynasties" - The Liangwu Emperor, who brought about the rise of Buddhism, also made an appearance!

Although it would face oppression in the future, the Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties period, which is the subject of this work, had a great impact on the development of Buddhism in China. Religion is not only about religion. Various social factors were also involved in its transmission to the people.

This work, "History of China 05: The Collapse and Expansion of China: Wei, Jin, and Southern and Southern Dynasties," is recommended to learn more about the historical background and the connection to Buddhism.

Why not pick one up?

Chinese History 04Chinese Buddhism, Thought and History

History of China 04: The World of the Three Kingdoms, Later Han Dynasty, Three Kingdoms Period" - Recommended reference book to learn the differences between "The History of the Three Kingdoms Yanyi" and historical facts.



Chinese History 03Chinese Buddhism, Thought and History

The History of China 03: The Legacy of the First Emperor, The Qin-Han Empire - Recommended for learning about the birth of the Chinese emperors and their historical background.

In the previous work, "History of China 02: From City States to China, Shang and Zhou, Spring and Autumn Warring States," we looked at the period leading up to the birth of Qin Shi Huangdi, and now the flowery stage of Chinese history is finally beginning.

In this book, you will learn about the history of Qin, where the First Emperor was born, and the Han and Later Han dynasties, which also appear to have connections with Japanese history.

In this book, you can learn the background of the prehistory of the Three Kingdoms Period. It is precisely because of the existence of the Qin and Han dynasties that the epic battle to unify all of China took on a realistic form.

I was also pleased to learn about how history has been compiled in China. It is often said that the First Emperor was a "burning books and burying Confucian scholars," and I appreciated learning the background of this discourse.

Chinese History 02Chinese Buddhism, Thought and History

History of China 02: From City States to China, Shang, Zhou, Spring, Autumn, and Warring States" - Recommended for learning about the period when Qin Shi Huangdi, Confucius, and the Hundred Families of the Zhu Zi were born.

