Russian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Russian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Takeo Kuriyuzawa, "Tatar Kubiki: A Study of Mongol Domination in Russian History" - Recommended reference book for understanding the connections between Russia and Asia!

How have the Russians perceived Tatar rule?" This leads me to the question of the present.

Reading this book made me think about "how history is spun. I really felt that history is "made by those who are alive today. History is not about the past, but about the present. It is a matter of "historical perspective.

Russian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

O. Fayziz, "The Crimean War" - A great book to learn about Russian-Ukrainian relations and modern Western European affairs!

I was really surprised by this work as well.

I was stunned to learn that the Crimean War was such a war.

Although this war is covered in world history textbooks, it is a reminder of how intricate the background was and how the effects of this war have continued to the present day.

In a world shaken by the situation in Ukraine, it is very significant to learn about this war.

I highly recommend this work.

Russian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

O. Fayziz, "Natasha's Dance: A Cultural History of Russia" - A recommended reference book on the origins of Russian culture and spirituality!

A great book to learn what the Russian spirit is all about!

It makes me think about how culture is created.

For me personally, I was particularly impressed by the book's description of the Optina monastery.

This is a very famous Russian monastery that was visited by Dostoevsky in his later years, and even Tolstoy visited the monastery many times.

The book also provides a very important perspective on Dostoevsky's understanding of Christianity.

Russian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Montefiori's "History of the Romanov Dynasty 1613-1918" - One of the best books to learn about the history of the Russian Romanov dynasty!

For me, Montefiorelli is a historian I can have great confidence in, and this work was of consistent Montefiorelli quality. I can only say one word: "Excellent.

You will learn in a dramatic and fast-paced manner how Russia expanded and grew in power from the beginnings of the Romanov dynasty.

The chapters are also progressed for each emperor, so it is very easy to understand the flow of the times.

This book is a great way to learn about the history of the country of Russia and what it has gone through to get to where it is today.

Russian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Takeaki Enomoto's "Siberian Diary" - A great man associated with Hakodate at the end of the Edo period traveled across Russia and Siberia!

Enomoto Takeaki studied in Holland as a young man, and from there, after fighting in the Boshin War, he again traveled to Europe as a diplomat.

In this book, you will learn about the landscapes, industries, and people's lives in Siberia, which he saw for the first time. He left Petersburg in 1878. This was the year when Dostoevsky started writing "The Brothers Karamazov" in his last days. He was in Russia exactly where Dostoevsky was.

His "Siberian Diary" is an excellent source of information on the lives of Dostoevsky and his contemporaries. In this sense, I found this book extremely interesting.

It was a very gratifying opportunity to learn about Takeaki Enomoto, a great man associated with Hakodate.

Russia at the End of the Czarist EraRussian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Henri Troyer, "Russia at the End of the Empire" - To understand Russian society after the death of Dostoevsky

The book is a novelistic introduction to society at the end of the Russian Empire in 1903.

The protagonist is a young Frenchman, Jean Roussel. He is suddenly inspired to travel to Russia. We, the readers, will witness Russian society of the time through the fresh eyes of a foreigner just like him.

The book introduces the religious situation, especially the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as various events such as the workers working in poor conditions, the inner workings of the army, and the life of the peasants.

It is a very useful book to learn what Russian society was like at that time. Moreover, it is an easy-to-read novel.

Japan Orthodox ChurchRussian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Visit to Hakodate Haristos Orthodox Church - Russian Orthodox Prayer and the Sound of the Bell of Gan Gan Temple

The first Russian Orthodox church built in Japan, the Haristos Orthodox Church is a symbol of Hakodate.

Although Russian Orthodoxy is the same Christianity, its teachings, ways of praying, and culture are quite different from Catholicism and Protestantism.

It was here in Hakodate that the Russian Orthodox Church first arrived in Japan and took root. It is said that Father Nikolai, who came to Japan as a missionary, was acquainted with Dostoevsky.

As a lover of Dostoevsky, I feel some strange connection with him. I felt a kind of fate that Hakodate, where I live, has a very significant meaning in my study of Russian Orthodoxy.

Uverture for AngelsRussian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Jumping Fish@Russian History and Russian Style "Uverture for Angels Part I (Cartoon Introducing Alexander I)" - A cartoon about Tsar Alexander I of Russia!

In "Uverture for Angels Part I," Mr. Leaping Fish introduces us to the life of Alexander I, the man who defeated the invincible Napoleon, in an easy-to-understand cartoon.

The image of a Russian czar may seem rather grim, but Leap Fish's illustrations are very delicate and beautiful, and will change the image of Russian history, which is not easy to grasp.

hingleyRussian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

R. Hingley, Writers and Society in Nineteenth-Century Russia - A classic book covering the little-known connections between Russian society and its literary figures.

Why does Dostoevsky and other Russian literature strike us so?

It was in their seriousness about life.

So states author Hingley.

The book explains the connection between 19th century Russian society and its culture and its writers.

Nineteenth-century Russia is often mentioned in literary treatises and philosophy lectures, but its social conditions and cultural aspects are not often discussed. In that sense, this book provides a very interesting perspective.

McCarter.Russian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

R. McCarter, "Great Architecture is 90% Experience" - A recommended guide to understanding the meaning behind buildings.

This book teaches us that architecture is not only about the exterior, but it is the experience felt in the interior space that moves people.

There is a feeling that cannot be understood unless one actually goes to the place, rather than just seeing it in pictures or videos.

That is why it is so meaningful to go there and experience it firsthand.

I was reminded of this when I read this book.