Year 2022

German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

S・マッケイ『ドレスデン爆撃1945 空襲の惨劇から都市の再生まで』~ドイツの美しき古都が消滅した悲惨な爆撃とは






Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(8) A roundup of sites associated with Zola's "Lugon MacCarl Series" in Paris - set in Paris under the Second Empire of France.

In this article, I will introduce the places associated with "The Lugon Makkar Series," a masterpiece by Emile Zola, a writer I respect and admire.

The "Lugon McCall Series" is just fascinating. And I suspect that nothing has exposed the workings of the modern society we live in as much as this group of works.

We encourage you to first pick up a copy of even one of the masterpieces by the genius that is Emile Zola. And please be shocked by its powerful blow.

I would highly recommend "Izakaya" and "Nana" as they are available in paperback.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Kikuro Miyashita, "Venice: One Thousand Years of the City of Beauty" - Recommended as a tourist guide! A useful book for understanding the history and art flow!




そしてそんなヴェネツィアの歴史や文化を知るのに今作『ヴェネツィア 美の都の一千年』は非常におすすめな参考書となっています。

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(7) Paris Sewerage Museum - Experience the guts of the monster that Jean Valjean of Les Misées stepped on! And other places related to the film

In this stroll through Paris, there is one spot that I would highly recommend to the general public, even though it is maniacal.

That will be the Sewerage Museum of Paris, which we will introduce here.

Jean Valjean, the hero of my favorite "Les Miserables," steps through these Parisian sewers to save Marius.

However, Paris at that time was known as a city of stench and filth. Moreover, the sewers were almost labyrinthine and dangerous for people to enter. I went to this museum to get a feel for the world of darkness and pollution that Jean Valjean had traversed.



五大長編を幅広い視点から深く鋭く論じていくこの作品は圧倒的です。 そして私はこの本を読んですぐに感銘を受けました。特に冒頭、二葉亭四迷がドストエフスキーやロシア文学について語った箇所があるのですがこれがもう素晴らしいのなんの。 この二葉亭四迷の言葉で始まった本書はまさにその言葉通りの姿勢が貫かれた素晴らしい作品です。



Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(6) Tour of Paris and Balzac's places of interest: Boulogne Forest, Balzac's House, Pere Rachaise Cemetery.

This article will introduce the places associated with Balzac, the French literary giant famous for "Grandpa Goriot.

We will look in turn at the Boulogne Forest, which is significant in the novel, and Balzac's house and the Pere Lascheuse cemetery, where his grave is located.

It was especially satisfying to see his favorite walking stick and coffee pod at Balzac's house.


Dolinin (ed.), "Diary of Souslova - Dostoevsky's Lover" - to learn about Dostoevsky's stay in Rome.






Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(5) Visit the Invalides where Napoleon's tomb is located - The more you know about Napoleon, the more charismatic he became.

After visiting the graves of Rousseau, Voltaire, Zola, and Hugo at the Panthéon, I headed to the Invalides. This is where Napoleon is buried.

Still, the imposing standing of the Invalides is enough to make one sigh. In a sense, such an architectural structure is Napoleon's tombstone. It reminds us of how huge a person Napoleon was.

In this article we will talk about Napoleon.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Kukai Nanri Kazuyoshi Nomachi, "Vatican: Pope, Time of Prayer" - A book full of rare photos of John Paul II and the Vatican!





Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(4) Dostoevsky poking fun at French eloquence in the Pantheon - And I visit the tombs of Zola and Hugo

In this article we will talk about the Pantheon, which was also visited by Dostoevsky.

Here are the graves of philosophers such as Voltaire and Rousseau, and national literary figures such as Zola and Hugo.

Dostoevsky wrote about this episode in the Pantheon in his "Impressions of Summer in Winter". This is a very humorous and interesting story, which I will introduce in this article.

Dostoevsky may have a dark and stern image, but he is actually a mischievous character as well. His eloquent and intoxicating exchanges with the Frenchman cannot help but elicit a giggle.