Reading Zen'e Hotta: A Compass for Understanding the World" - Recommended introductory book by the great writer who also influenced Hayao Miyazaki.

Indian thought, culture and history

Reading Zen'e Hotta: A Compass for Understanding the World" - Recommended introductory book by the great writer who also influenced Hayao Miyazaki.

The book we present here is "Reading Yoshiemi Hotta: A Compass for Understanding the World," written by Natsuki Ikezawa, Shinobu Yoshioka, Shigeru Kashima, Hojiro Ohtaka, and Hayao Miyazaki and edited by Takashi's National Museum of Literature, published by Shueisha in 2018.

Let's take a quick look at the book.

Zenie Hotta (1918-1998) is a writer who left behind many outstanding works, including "Time," which describes the Nanjing Massacre from the perspective of a Chinese intellectual; "Goya," a critical biography that includes "Hojoki Shiji" and "Goya," which depicts an observer who calmly observes the times; and "Thoughts in India" and "Shanghai," a review of civilization written after visiting various countries in Asia. ). Hotta's depictions of turbulent times and his thoughts on them still shine brightly as a "compass" for living in today's chaotic society. Hotta's works continue to exert a profound influence on leading creators. In this documentary, Natsuki Ikezawa, Shinobu Yoshioka, Shigeru Kashima, Yasujiro Otaka, and Hayao Miyazaki, all admire Hotta's work, offer insights into the appeal of Yoshiemi Hotta and his works, and the messages they hold for us today.

AmazonProducts Page.
Yoshie Hotta Yoshie Hotta [1918-1998] Special Web site to commemorate the reissue of Yoshie Hotta's "The Times and Humanity.

I picked up this book by Yoshie Hotta, whom I introduced in my previous article'What I Thought in India'was the catalyst.

The book was so interesting that I became completely obsessed with Zen'e Hotta. I wanted to know more about Zen'e Hotta! I thought to myself, "I want to know more about Hotta Zen'e," and started looking for a good introductory or explanatory book.

One of the authors is Hayao Miyazaki. Hayao Miyazaki had the following to say about Yoshiemi Hotta

When people ask me what influenced your films, I have no choice but to answer, "Zen'e Hotta. Of course, I have been influenced by Osamu Tezuka and many others, but at the core of my work is Zen-e Hotta.

Shueisha, Natsuki Ikezawa, Shinobu Yoshioka, Shigeru Kashima, Hojiro Ohtaka, Hayao Miyazaki, "Reading Hotta Zen'ei: A Compass for Understanding the World," p. 161, edited by Takashi's National Institute of Literature

In this book, the author Yoshiemi Hotta, who was so admired by Hayao Miyazaki, explains who he is, his charm, and what makes him so great.

The five authors of this book are eminent members. Among them, Dr. Shigeru Kashima has been introduced many times in this blog.

In this book, too, Kashima's style is in full force, conveying the charm and fun of Yoshiemi Hotta.

Of course, every chapter is very interesting as it tells the story of Zen'e Hotta from each author's point of view. After reading this book, you will be compelled to read Zenie Hotta's works.

At the time I read this book, I had only read "What I Thought in India," but even I enjoyed reading it. I would say that this book should be read not only by those who are familiar with Yoshiemi Hotta's works, but rather by those who have never read his works. You will be surprised to know that such a wonderful writer existed in Japan!

As the title "Reading Zen'e Hotta: A Compass for Understanding the World" suggests, this book asks us how we should live in a world in turmoil. Here was a writer of an incredibly large scale! I can't help but read this book! From the bottom of my heart, I too would like to read Yoshiemi Hotta's works from now on.

This book is a recommended introductory book to learn about such Yoshie Hotta. We highly recommend this work!

The above is "Reading Yoshiemi Hotta: A Compass for Understanding the World" - a recommended introduction to the great writer who also influenced Hayao Miyazaki.

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