Round-the-World Travels - A journey through the world's religions and history - Why I, a Buddhist monk, embarked on this journey

Ordovai. Tanzania and Turkey

Round-the-World Travels - A journey through the world's religions and history - Why I, a Buddhist monk, embarked on this journey

Hello everyone.

Today, instead of the usual "subject of the day," I would like to talk about "Round-the-World Travels," as the title suggests.

Suddenly, I, Takahiro Ueda, left Japan on March 26 this month,

Tanzania → Turkey → Israel → Poland → Czech Republic → Austria → Bosnia and Herzegovina → Croatia → Italy and Vatican → Spain → USA → Cuba

and will return home on June 14 after touring 13 countries.

What's going on all of a sudden?" Some of you may be thinking, "What's going on all of a sudden?

But for me, it will be a very emotional trip, having planned and prepared for this trip for about a year and a half.

This is because when I was in college, I studied religious studies in the College of Arts and Letters.

From that time on, I became interested not only in Buddhism, but also in Christianity, cultural anthropology, psychology, and many other things.

And as I specialized in Jodo Shinshu in graduate school, I became increasingly aware of other religions and cultures.

I would like to know more about what temples are.

I want to know more about what Buddhism is that I believe in.

What does it mean to live as a monk in the first place?

I apparently have a tendency to have to think things through until I am satisfied.

I would like to fulfill my position as a Jodo Shinshu priest with conviction.

And I want to continue to think about it without being satisfied with it.

I think so.

And I believe that in order to know oneself, "this side," the existence of others, "that side," is indispensable.

We are not made independently of "ourselves".

Without the "other side," there would be no "this side.

That is why I believe that by learning about other religions and the history of the world, we can see "this side" of Buddhism more clearly.

I believe that if we can understand the differences, we will be able to see Buddhism and Japan in a different light.

When we read the Judeo-Christian "Bible" and the Islamic "Qur'an," interesting discoveries keep appearing.

It is exciting to see how different regions, eras, and cultures can change the way of thinking so much.

When we find similarities and commonalities, we sometimes feel a sense of excitement that compels us to say, "Hmmm... I see.

I have learned most of them by books.

They have become truly irreplaceable for me.

But that is why I thought of this.

I want to see on the ground what I've learned from the books!"

'How will I feel on the ground what I have gained so far on the books!'

I was eager to visit the area.

That is why I decided to make this trip.

The route I have chosen to take this time is a route of my own choosing. Each place is filled with my deepest feelings.

I think it will be quite difficult to sit down and write articles during the trip.

Therefore, I hope to briefly share with you what I saw and felt with photos.

Then, after returning home, you will be able to reexamine the religion, history, and culture of each country and each city.

Japanese, Monk Takahiro Ueda.

I would be happy to talk again here from the perspective of

I have never been to Europe, nor have I traveled for longer than a week. Of course I am anxious, but I am really looking forward to this trip.

We would be happy to continue our relationship with you.

Well, thank you for reading to the end today. We look forward to working with you in the future.


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