List of 16 Recommended Science Fiction and Dystopian Novels - Modern Society from Science Fiction and Dystopia

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

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List of 16 Recommended Science Fiction and Dystopian Novels - Modern Society from Science Fiction and Dystopia

The first science fiction novel to be introduced on this blog was the king of dystopian novels, George Orwell's1984."was the catalyst.

I first read this work when I was a student about 10 years ago. I was only about 20 years old and didn't know much about the world, but I remember the book made a strong impression on me because of its horror.

It has been a long time since I re-read "1984" this time, and this time I felt a very different kind of fear than the last time I read "1984.

I say this because I recently studied the history of the Soviet Union, the Nazis, and the Russo-German War, and felt the horror of totalitarianism as much as I do.

.Learn from Lenin" article about Lenin, the Soviet revolutionary
.Soviet Dictator Stalin: His Character and Life "Learning from Stalin" Articles
.Horrifying similarities with the Soviet Union and totalitarianism - and the Karamazov connection "Learning from the Inquisition" article list
.List of 16 recommended reference books on the German-Soviet War - The German-Soviet War to learn about now.
Learning about the Soviet Purge and the Nazi Holocaust - "Learning about the Russo-German War and the Holocaust" article list
.What Soviet Soldiers Believed and Why They Fought: "Learning from the Battle of Germany and the Soviet Union" Articles

If I could, I would like to present all of the articles, but that is not possible.

However, what I immediately realized when I read "1984" after learning about the history of the Soviet Union and the Nazis was that "1984" was not merely a prophetic portrayal of a future dystopia, but a surprisingly accurate depiction of what was actually happening at the time.

Of course, not everything is as it should be in reality because of technology issues. However, I feel that the philosophy and principles of action of the party led by Big Brother are exactly like the totalitarianism of the Soviet Union.

Science fiction novels question our "now" through their world.

What kind of world are we living in "now"?

I have been particularly fearful of this since the beginning of the Corona disaster.

What do you all think? I would especially like to hear from those who have read "1984". I cannot dismiss "1984" because it is fiction. Looking back in history, this novel cannot be dismissed as a mere dystopia of the future. Big Brother could appear before us at any moment.

And the scary part is that it is very possible that Big Brother will appear unrecognizable as Big Brother. This is exactly how a controlled society can be completed without us even knowing it.

It goes without saying that science fiction novels are interesting, but they also pose big questions to those of us living in the present.

You may read for pleasure.

You can read it while carefully considering the world today.

I think the beauty of science fiction novels is that they can be enjoyed in many different ways.

We will discuss the book in more detail at each of the links, so if you are interested in any of the works, please take a look at them as well.

Let's get right to the recommendations.

Orwell's "1984" Synopsis and Impressions - How Totalitarian and Surveillance Societies Work - A Terrifying Work that Questions Our Present

The year 1984" is the undisputed best dystopian novel of all time.

The story of "1984" centers on Winston, the protagonist who questions the party system. He is a heretic, unable to conform to the Party's way of thinking. He feels that he is already "dead.

Through the eyes of Winston, such a heretic, we, the readers, will also see the oddities of that society.

What I think is clever about Orwell is that by making Winston a lonely heretic, we, the readers, can see that world through the eyes of the same heretic. No one but Winston thinks the world they live in is strange. They have been educated to adhere to Big Brother's teachings and no longer question them at all, and it is completely ingrained in them. If we had looked at Winston through their eyes, I think it would have a completely different feel to it. (And it would have been horrifying...)

Another outstanding aspect of the novel is the detailed explanation of the mechanisms of totalitarianism. How to control the consciousness of the people, how to expose heretics, and such processes are described in detail.

What is also most frightening is the way the party does not just try to capture and kill Winston, a heretic, but to completely rewrite his mind and remake him into a good Big Brother follower. The scene in which O'Brien, the enforcer, nonchalantly hunts down and converts Winston is shudder-inducing.

It was commonplace in the Soviet era for heretics to suddenly disappear one day. This work describes it as "evaporating," but Winston's modifications go even further beyond evaporation.

This work was not simply written to imagine a dystopia of the future. It describes what was actually done in the Soviet Union and Nazi totalitarianism.

1984" is a very frightening work. But it is hard to find a work as important as this one. I think it is one of the must-reads of our time. I urge you to read it.

Orwell's "1984" Synopsis and Impressions - How Totalitarian and Surveillance Societies Work - A Terrifying Work that Questions Our Present

Orwell's "Animal Farm" Synopsis and Comments - This is how people are fooled. A masterful satirical allegory of Soviet totalitarianism.

Like "1984," I first read this work when I was a student about 10 years ago. I still remember the shock I felt at that time.

I was particularly shocked by the scene in the final part of the story where the pigs march on two legs, and I still vividly remember my surprise at that moment.

Reading the book again after studying the history of the Soviet Union over time, I realized what an excellent work it is: the skill with which it so well describes and satirizes the movements of the Soviet Union from the Russian Revolution of 1917 to the Lenin and Stalin regimes is nothing short of astonishing.

The story begins with a speech by a pig named Old Maeser, reminiscent of Lenin.

Create an enemy, and once you have defeated it, an ideal world will come to you. That is what he tells the animals. And that it is justice.

The pigs speak of noble ideals, show the animals their dreams, and state that an ideal world will come to them if only they can defeat their hated enemies. However, after defeating the farmer, it is the pigs who end up in his place, and the animals will live the same, or even worse.

As I read this "Animal Farm," I realized that we must be careful of sweet words and words that incite hatred. What I also notice is the strength of the pigs' storytelling. Their eloquence makes the farm animals feel that something is "wrong" with them, but they are easily seduced. And by the time they realize it, they are dominated by violence. And despite this, they still continue to be deceived by their clever tricks of disguise.

Animal Farm" is a short work of about 150 pages. The writing style is easy to read and you can read it in one sitting. It is such an easy-to-read work, yet it contains a surprisingly concentrated essence.

It is true that "1984" is a large work, and it is also true that it is difficult to read in terms of content. Many of you may have been frustrated. For those people, I would highly recommend this "Animal Farm". Of course, it is best to read it in combination with "1984," but I can assure you that this one book alone will be a shocking read.

This is a highly recommended book. It is a must read for now.

Orwell's "Animal Farm" Synopsis and Comments - This is how people are fooled. A masterful satirical allegory of Soviet totalitarianism.

Aldous Huxley's "A Wonderful New World" Synopsis and Comments - A masterpiece of dystopian fiction along with "1984".

I was first surprised that this work was written in 1932.

And while "1984" depicts a dark world completed by the construction of a thoroughly controlled society, Huxley's "A Wonderful New World" has no such darkness. In Huxley's "The Wonderful New World," there is no such darkness. The people who live there are "happy" and do not even need the thorough surveillance of "1984. This is a big difference, but the eerie "happiness" and the way it is constructed can leave us, the readers, feeling fearful and uncomfortable.

The drug Soma is particularly memorable in this work.

With this, you can forget about stress. You can forget about the things you don't like. And there are no side effects.

Therefore, people living in this world are stress-free. They also have plenty of leisure time and are free from disease. Thanks to technology, they are encouraged to stay in their youthful bodies until they are 60 years old and to continue indulging in sexual pleasure. And indeed, everyone is happy and enjoying it. (We are all programmed to die a violent death at age 60, but none of us are afraid of it. We are also programmed not to fear death.)

It is indeed a "wonderful new world" and a "utopia.

However, how this is accomplished is very eerie.

This is the original dystopian novel, and I recommend it not only to science fiction fans but to everyone. While "1984" is quite painful to read, this work is not as harsh (although it does make you think a lot). (It is not that harsh, although it does make you think a lot...)

The work is easy to read, even for those who were frustrated by "1984.

What is happiness? What is utopia? What would happen if there was a magic potion called soma that would allow us to forget suffering? I wonder if I would be able to use it. In "1984," which is also a work that makes your mind work extremely hard, this work will make your mind work at full speed, but in this work you will have to work at a different kind of full speed.

Aldous Huxley's "A Wonderful New World" Synopsis and Comments - A masterpiece of dystopian fiction along with "1984".

Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451 Degrees" Synopsis and Comments - Recommended especially for book lovers! How does one live in a world where books are banned?

Before I go any further, let me say that this book is amazing...! The first half of the book was difficult to read because it was hard to get into the worldview, but from the middle part of the book, I was pulled in at once. From that point on, I was so absorbed in the book that when I finished reading it, I was in a state of lethargy. I was so absorbed in reading the book that I was in a state of lethargy at the moment I finished reading it. It had been a long time since I had such a great feeling after reading a book. That's exactly what it was, pure white. I felt as if I was completely possessed by this work.

This work is set in a future world where books have been banned, and the protagonist is a man named Montag who works as a "fire ascendent" to burn books.

As you can imagine when you are burning books, this world is an ideologically controlled and managed society. What is good and what is bad is decided by the state, and people are thoroughly educated from a young age. And to the peopleExcellent."Entertainment and distractions are also given. This area is1984."rather thanThe Wonderful New WorldIt is a worldview similar to the It is not an Auversian worldview that rules people with a thoroughly monitored society and hatred and insecurity, but a world that manages people in a way that erases their suffering and makes them dream of a happy world.

But even in such a world, there are, of course, heretics. And they generally have books. The fireman's mission is to find such books and burn them down. Finding heretics is also a mission, of course.

The main character, Montag, is also a fire ascendent, so he too was a man amenable to this kind of worldview. However, he felt a little uncomfortable in this world. His wife was so absorbed in this world that she did not try to understand him at all. Such differences were also eating away at him.

Then, as mentioned in the synopsis above, an encounter with a girl sets his wheels in motion. He realizes the strangeness of the world he had taken for granted. He is horrified by the fact that he had been burning books as "evil" as a matter of course. And he finally decides to commit the forbidden act...

This is the general flow of this work.

This work is a masterpiece of science fiction dystopian fiction along with "1984" and "A Wonderful New World". I highly recommend you pick up a copy. Highly recommended!

Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451 Degrees" Synopsis and Comments - Recommended especially for book lovers! How does one live in a world where books are banned?

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" Synopsis and Comments - A masterpiece of science fiction that became the basis for "Blade Runner"!

This work is based on the famous science fiction film "Blade Runner.

This work is known as a milestone in science fiction film, and its original story "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is also a highly recommended novel. The story of the movie and the original work are quite different, so they can be read as completely different works. The novel version is also very good! The novel has a different charm than the movie.

The film "Blade Runner" has steadfastly maintained its status as a masterpiece of science fiction cinema with its overwhelming visual beauty, action, and composition.

But this original work, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is a "static" work that makes you face your own mind slowly in a dark atmosphere rather than such visual beauty and sweaty action.

I believe this is the unique appeal of books.

Listening to the author's words carefully and ruminating over them.... The charm of a novel is that you can experience such a deep feeling as if drops are dripping into the depths of your heart.

I highly recommend this work as well; it is a classic of the royal road of science fiction. I hope you will experience the fun and depth of this work.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" Synopsis and Comments - A masterpiece of science fiction that became the basis for "Blade Runner"!

W. Golding's "Lord of the Flies" Synopsis and Comments - The destruction of the myth of the innocent child! A masterful dystopian novel that explores the essence of human nature!

Now, "Lord of the Flies," which I will introduce here, is another tremendous work of art.

I first read this 5 years ago in 2017. I was able to remember most of the flow and significant scenes, even though it had been 5 years since I read it.

I will never forget the shock I felt when I first read this piece.

At first, the children were supposed to be living happily together alone, but before long, that disintegrates. And the process of rational and good children giving in to barbaric and violent forces is very painful to read.

When I read this book, it really makes me feel sick to my chest. It really makes me angry as to why good children have to suffer so much from violent children. Let me be clear. This book is hard to read. It is not a work to be laughed at and enjoyed.

But there is no doubt that it is a work that has an unparalleled impact on our consideration of human nature.

Man can be anything. Rational or bestial.

How did children who were supposed to be good friends at first end up committing murder? This work exposes the mechanism of the crime with the utmost precision.

To be honest, there are so many things I think about this work that I don't know what to write about it anymore.

The allegory of Golding is so effective that I no longer know where to begin or what to say. I am in a state of panic.

That is how intense this work is.

I hope you will read this piece and experience its impact. I highly recommend this work.

W. Golding's "Lord of the Flies" Synopsis and Comments - The destruction of the myth of the innocent child! A masterful dystopian novel that explores the essence of human nature!

Nojima, Kazuto, "Metal Gear Solid Substance I: Shadow Mosses" Synopsis and Comments - Novelization of the greatest scenario of the 20th century!

This work is a novelization of the game METAL GEAR SOLID, which has been called the best scenario of the 20th century.

The "Metal Gear" series of games was created under the direction of Hideo Kojima, and its scenarios are based on Cold War, anti-war, and anti-nuclear themes.

And to see what this game is actually about, you can quickly watch the following video.

Now, I have never actually played this game "Metal Gear" series.

But I am a big fan of this series.

What this means is that the Metal Gear series has been novelized (adapted into a novel) and the scenario can be read as a work of art.

My first encounter with the Metal Gear series was originally through a science fiction novel titled "Slaughterhouse Organ" by Keigo Ito. Then I heard that Keigo Ito had published a novelization of "Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots" and read it. From there, I was hooked on the Metal Gear series in no time at all.

Cold War, nuclear, genetic.

It is this perfect combination of grand themes and storytelling that has led to the creation of what has been called the greatest narrative of the 20th century.

The author, Kazuto Nojima, is also a very good storyteller. Instead of simply following the game scenario, he entertains us readers with devices unique to novelization. At first I was puzzled by the format, but as I read on, I learned the meaning behind it and roared, "This is amazing! I was surprised at the meaning behind it as I read on.

And here is something I would highly recommend to everyone.

This video will be edited from the game "Metal Gear Solid" and composed like a single film.

I would highly recommend this to anyone who has never played the game.

As I mentioned earlier, I have never played this game. I am someone who got hooked on the Metal Gear series from the novelization.

This is a great video that even I was able to learn about the world of Metal Gear. It is extremely interesting. It goes completely beyond the realm of games. If you watch it, you will be surprised at how interesting and deep it is.

I would definitely recommend this video along with the novelization work.

Nojima, Kazuto, "Metal Gear Solid Substance I: Shadow Mosses" Synopsis and Comments - Novelization of the greatest scenario of the 20th century!

Nojima Kazuto's "Metal Gear Solid Substance II: Manhattan" Synopsis and Impressions - The looming AI domination! A terrifying work that questions our present!

Let me say something at the outset about the book, "Metal Gear Solid Substance II: Manhattan," by Kazuto Nojima.

This book is amazing..!

Of all the games in the Metal Gear series, this one had the strongest impact on me. The scenario is just too ghastly...!

The message conveyed in this work is too powerful.

It is hard to find such a horrific piece of work.

Even if you have never played the game, this work is something you should definitely see.

While the previous film was set on an isolated island in Alaska, this one takes place in the center of civilization, New York City, where a battle that will shake the world will take place.

This novelization work is told in a format that is completely connected to the previous work, "Metal Gear Solid Substance I: Shadow Mosses".

As I mentioned in my previous article, the author, Kazuto Nojima, is an excellent narrator.

A novelization of the game is not simply a tracing of the scenario. We have exquisitely captured the deep messages contained in this game and reduced them to its narrative.

And like the previous film, this one can be seen on video!

It's a blockbuster, just over 5 hours long, but it's already great...! Too much fun..!

Please watch it! That's all I can say! It is an incredibly complete work of art!

Metal Gear Solid II" has become a very emotional film for me.

It would probably be best if I could explain the depth of this work in detail here, but I do not have the ability or time to do so now. To be honest, there is so much charm and message in this work that it is impossible to describe it all.

Read it anyway!

Anyway, please watch it!

Anyway, please read and watch!

It boils down to this!

This is the work in the Metal Gear Solid series that has had the greatest impact on me!

Nojima Kazuto's "Metal Gear Solid Substance II: Manhattan" Synopsis and Impressions - The looming AI domination! A terrifying work that questions our present!

Toshiji Hase's "Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater" Synopsis and Comments - MGS's prehistory of Big Boss begins here.

This work is the prehistory of Metal Gear Solid I and II introduced in the article above.

The protagonist of the Metal Gear Solid series is Solid Snake, as the title suggests, but the most important character throughout the series is Naked Snake, the protagonist of this game.

Naked Snake, later called Big Boss, plays a decisive role in this series.

Who is this person who forms the basis of the Metal Gear series? What is the existence of "Snake" in the first place?

This piece is also a masterpiece among masterpieces. It is wonderful!

As with all Metal Gear Solid titles, it's really hard to know what to say about them! There is so much going on that it's hard to know where to start.

But this work, as usual, can also be seen on video.

While the previous title, "Metal Gear Solid Substance II: Manhattan," left you shivering with fear, "Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater" will leave you with a sense of sadness about reality that is almost irresistible.

It is a very interesting work. This is one of my favorite works that I would like to read again and again.

I hope you will enjoy it along with the video. I highly recommend this book.

Toshiji Hase's "Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater" Synopsis and Comments - MGS's prehistory of Big Boss begins here.

Keisuke Ito's "Metal Gear Solid: Guns of the Patriots" Synopsis and Comments - A masterful novelization by the author of "Slaughterhouse Organ!

This work is the finale of the story of the Metal Gear series. The foreshadowing that has been told until now is collected, and the mysterious battle is brought to a conclusion.

The excellence of the game's scenario no longer needs to be said, but the greatest appeal of this novelization lies in the narrative style of the author, Keisuke Ito. Keisuke Ito was an avid fan of the Metal Gear series. This novelization overflows with his love for Metal Gear.

This novelization is a story told from the point of view of Otakon, the sidekick of the main character Solid Snake.

I was fascinated by this narrative.

The world of Metal Gear as seen from the perspective of Otakon, a sensitive and naïve sensibility.

It is nothing short of astonishing that Keisuke Ito was able to recreate the world of Metal Gear so faithfully while still maintaining his own style. It is an amazing masterpiece.

As mentioned in Keisuke Ito's afterword, this work can be read even by those who encounter Metal Gear for the first time. The past episodes are well incorporated in this work, making it easy to understand the flow of Metal Gear. This work was my first Metal Gear experience. But I was so drawn into this work that I was moved to tears. It is truly a wonderful work.

And you can also watch this film on YouTube.

At just under 8 hours, this is a blockbuster, but it is also a must-see video.

I cry. I cry no matter how many times I watch it. It's the best.

In fact, Keisuke Ito died of illness shortly after writing this novelization.

Reading and watching this work with such a feeling in mind will give it more weight.

It was Keisuke Ito's "Metal Gear Solid: Guns of the Patriots" that introduced me to the Metal Gear series. It has become an important book for me. This book, filled with Keigo Ito's thoughts and feelings, is a treasure for me.

I would highly recommend this work.

Keisuke Ito's "Metal Gear Solid: Guns of the Patriots" Synopsis and Comments - A masterful novelization by the author of "Slaughterhouse Organ!

Ito Keikaku "Slaughterhouse Organ" Synopsis and Impressions - My most favorite science fiction novel that I highly recommend!

This is the novel I would say is my most beloved work in the last few years.

The title is "The Slaughterhouse Organ," a phrase that would not be familiar to a monk's blog, and I have not had much of a chance to introduce this work until now, but with the current trend of German-Soviet war, Cold War, and dystopian novels, I thought it would be a good time to introduce it. I am now finally going to introduce it to you.

I first encountered this film through a commercial for it that happened to be playing on TV.

This commercial was the reason I picked up the novel, and I was quickly charmed by the book when I read it.

In the linked article, I will talk more about why this book was so addictive for me, but if I were to list every single thing I liked about it, it would be a very long dissertation.

This work is a masterpiece among masterpieces. I have read it more than 10 times and I never get tired of it. I love this work.

I would highly recommend this work.

Ito Keikaku "Slaughterhouse Organ" Synopsis and Impressions - My most favorite science fiction novel that I highly recommend!

Keisuke Ito's "Harmony" Synopsis and Impressions - Dystopia of an advanced medical society where "life and health are more important than anything else

Keigo Ito wrote his debut work "Slaughterhouse Organ" while battling cancer, and this work was also written under near terminal cancerous conditions. It took only two years for Keisuke Ito to become a professional writer.

It is nothing short of astonishing that he was able to write such a work of art while fighting a disease. It is nothing short of astonishing that he was able to write such a work while fighting an illness at such a young age and facing imminent death. Harmony" is a work that cannot be separated from his real-life experiences.

What is life? What is illness and death?

That is what Keisuke Ito will pursue in this work.

When I think of Keisuke Ito's own circumstances, I feel the weight of this work even more.

This is a terrific piece of work to read now that the Corona disaster is here.

I would highly recommend this work.

Keisuke Ito's "Harmony" Synopsis and Impressions - Dystopia of an advanced medical society where "life and health are more important than anything else

Shinichi Hoshi "Bokko-chan" A collection of recommended shorts by a leading figure in Japanese science fiction!

This book is a collection of short stories by Shinichi Hoshi, a leading figure in Japanese science fiction.

I first became aware of the works of Hoshi Shinichi when a friend of mine who likes science fiction recommended them to me.

And when I started reading it, I was surprised by the impact of the work.

The first book, "The Devil," is only five pages long, but within those five pages, the story unfolds in an astonishing manner! From the very first page, you will be fascinated by what is going to happen, and at the end, you will be surprised by the unexpected ending.

Oh," he said, "this is Shinichi Hoshi! So this is Shinichi Hoshi!"

I couldn't help but think so, it was a unique view of the world. This is amazing! I was completely fascinated by its ability to realize surprising developments in such a short number of pages.

And, of course, it was interesting, but I also felt that it was fashionable.

The book is strangely titled "Bokko-chan," which even sounds cute, but no, its work is extremely cool. It is fashionable. Stylish.

If you want to read Shinichi Hoshi's works, I recommend this book first.

Since they are called "short shorts," each piece is extremely compact.

Therefore, we are happy that you can easily read the book at any time.

I would highly recommend this work.

Shinichi Hoshi "Bokko-chan" A collection of recommended shorts by a leading figure in Japanese science fiction!

Chapek Recommended "Robot (R.U.R.)" Synopsis and Comments - The origin of the word "robot" is this work! Shockingly interesting!

I picked up this work out of curiosity about who Chapek was, one of the leading writers of Czech literature, and was immediately taken aback when I read it.

To be clear, it is extremely interesting! I was just shocked that such a work existed in the Czech Republic! I was just shocked.

The plot is simple. At first, the robot simply works, but eventually it develops a "will" and attacks humans. No, this work may have paved the way for later science fiction novels. I am not an expert on the history of science fiction novels, so I don't know exactly what happened, but I can only tip my hat to the imagination of Chapek, who created a science fiction novel with such a high degree of perfection in 1920.

And not only is the scenario interesting, but what another profound analysis of human beings by Chapek...!

What is a human being, and what is the difference between a human being and a robot? In this work, he asks what makes human beings human. Robot manufacturing will also change the meaning of "labor" in the world. Furthermore, the world economy will be drastically changed. What will happen to the lives of human beings when mechanization advances to its limits?

Moreover, he depicts these events with his signature humorous style, so it is not simply a dark and heavy work. I think this is a remarkable talent. The theme itself is very heavy. However, his humor gives it an exquisite lightness. So it is easy to read. And it's funny. I couldn't stop turning the pages. I read the book in one sitting, forgetting about the time. It is rare to come across a work of this caliber. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a masterpiece among masterpieces. It is a tremendous work.

Generally speaking, Prague Czech literature is first associated with Kafka.

But wait a minute. Here is a genius to be feared..!

I like Kafka's work as well, but I have to admit that I was turned off by this Chapek. Robots" is a work that deserves to be better known. It's a different genre.Transformation.I think it is a wonderful work that is not at all inferior to the

Well - I found a good book.

I would highly recommend this work. You will not regret it. It is that interesting. Why don't you pick it up?

Chapek Recommended "Robot (R.U.R.)" Synopsis and Comments - The origin of the word "robot" is this work! Shockingly interesting!

Chapek's "Prickly War" Synopsis and Comments - The Prickly War is coming! Will science and technology save mankind? A masterful science fiction novel!

We have introduced Chapek's masterpiece novels "Robot (R.U.R.)" and "Absolute Manufacturing Factory," and this "Prickly Ash War" is also in that vein.

It was written in 1936, just before World War II, but Chapek had already completed an astonishingly high level of science fiction. One can only marvel at the imagination of Chapek, who was able to create such a terrifying work from such a time period. The following is a commentary on this work.

R-U-R" is the story of a man who creates cheap, uncomplaining robots to take the place of noisy workers, only to be destroyed by an increasing number of robots. The question is, "Will the development of science and technology bring happiness to human beings? On the other hand, it may seem to bring happiness, but instead it brings misfortune and ultimately leads mankind to extinction. The Prickly Ash War is a further development of this theme. Here, too, the prickly salamander, bred as a cheap and easy-to-handle labor force, reproduces en masse, gradually submerges the land, and conquers mankind.

Iwanami Shoten, Karel Chapek, translated by Tsugu Kurisu, Sansho Senso (The Prickly Ash War), 2003, 8th printing edition, p. 441

The Prickly Ash can be made to work at the convenience of humans, and makes enormous profits. In no time at all, the Prickly Ash swells to unimaginable numbers and gradually acquires intelligence. The process from the discovery of the Prickly Ash to its practical application is also eerie. Chapek is in his element here.

Chapek packs his work full of human problems, satirizes them, and then brings them together to warn us about them.

Moreover, this is a first-rate novel and extremely interesting.

I would say that the pace of the story is good, and you are pulled into the story at a brisk pace. You will be pulled into the story with a sense of excitement, wondering what is going to happen next. The eerie ecology of the Prickly Ash, and the tense and horrifying scene when he is attacked by a group of Prickly Ash are terrific.

And then there is Chapek's fearsome talent in choosing the existence of the Prickly Ash in the first place!

Normally, if you're looking for a science fiction thriller, you'd choose something more terrifying, such as aliens, monsters, or machines. Chapek, however, is different. After all, he is a Prickly Ash. To be honest, it's a little bit cute. But in Chapek's hands, the eeriness goes far beyond aliens and monsters.

And this work was written just before the outbreak of World War II. The Nazis were gaining power, and the Czech Republic was on the verge of national extinction. This work is also a critique of Nazism and totalitarianism.

Hailed as "a classic of modern science fiction." I highly recommend it. It is a masterpiece in which you can experience the genius of Chapek.

Chapek's "Prickly War" Synopsis and Comments - The Prickly War is coming! Will science and technology save mankind? A masterful science fiction novel!

Yukio Mishima's "A Beautiful Star" Synopsis and Impressions - That Mishima wrote a science fiction novel! Also the connection with the Brothers Karamazov!

Let's take a quick look at the book.

Perhaps your father is not an alien?

The Osugi family now had a secret. The entire family became aware that they were aliens. The father sent a message to the leaders of the U.S. and the Soviet Union, concerned about atomic and hydrogen bombs, and the daughter visited a man who claimed to be a Venusian compatriot and returned with a virgin conception. ...... The controversy over the merits of saving mankind with the rival alien "Haguro faction" is comparable to the chapter "The Grand Inquisitor" in "The Brothers Karamazov". A unique work in which the themes of Mishima's literature meet science fiction entertainment. ShinchoshaProducts Page.

Yukio Mishima (1925-1970)Wikipedia.

Kinkakuji TempleYukio Mishima, the famous author of "The Great Mishima", wrote a full-fledged SF novel! This is a bolt from the blue! I really want to read it! With this in mind, I picked up a copy of this book.

A Beautiful Star" was published when Mishima was 37 years old. Mishima was a prolific writer at that time, and two years prior to this, he had written the masterpiece and short storyThe Grief of a the world.

Gyukoku" was a highly ideological work directly related to Mishima's self-determination. That Mishima, who wrote such a work, would write a novel about aliens is a surprise in itself.

Moreover, this work is extremely easy to read. It is so easy to read that if the author's name was withheld, you would not know it was Yukio Mishima. Furthermore, the immersive feeling is so strong that you find yourself completely immersed in the world of the novel. The fact that the members of the Osugi family are aliens and the existence of other aliens appear in the middle of the story, but they are so exquisitely spoon-fed that it is hard to tell where they are real and where they are science fiction. We find ourselves unwittingly caught in the middle of Mishima's calculated literary artifice. This is interesting. Simply interesting!

Well, it was a brilliant piece of work.

Yukio Mishima's "A Beautiful Star" Synopsis and Impressions - That Mishima wrote a science fiction novel! Also the connection with the Brothers Karamazov!


What do you think of our 16 recommendations for science fiction and dystopian novels?

Some of the works were royal works that everyone knows, while others were unexpected discoveries, such as Japanese science fiction and works by the Czech writer Čapek.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, science fiction fiction is a genre with depth that can be enjoyed and can also question our present.

The works introduced above are all masterpieces that we highly recommend.

If you are interested in any of the books, please take a look at the linked pages.

The above is a list of 16 recommended science fiction and dystopian novels - modern society through science fiction and dystopia.

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