
Dostoevsky and Freud's Killing of the Fathers





Dostoevsky and Freud's Killing of the Fathers


前回の記事で紹介したフロイトの伝記、ルイス・ブレーガー著『フロイト 視野の暗点』でも、フロイトがいかに科学的根拠のないまま理論を作り上げ、それを適用していったかが書かれていました。その伝記で書かれていたフロイトのあり方をより詳しく、ひとつひとつの理論がいかに根拠もなく語られていたかを知るのにこの本はおすすめです。


Dostoevsky and Freud's Killing of the Fathers

ルイス・ブレーガー『フロイト 視野の暗点』~フロイトの虚構と神話を指摘する、中立的なおすすめ伝記




Is Marx a religious phenomenon?

Historian E. H. Carr's Views on Marxism - Why Marxism Attracts People

In this biography, E. H. Carr will point out the problems in Marx's "Capitalism. He then discusses such contradictions as the famous "surplus value theory" and the "value of labor," and analyzes why Marx is believed by so many despite these problems.

It may be said that E. H. Carr, as a historian, takes a step back in his approach, not only in terms of economics, ideology, and ideology, but also in terms of his relationship with the world as a whole.

Is Marx a religious phenomenon?

Why I, a non-Marxist, study Marx - Marx as a religious phenomenon.

Marx criticized religion.

As one religious person, what do I say to Marx's criticism of religion?

This is a big challenge for me.

I am not a Marxist.

However, Marx had the magical power to move people all over the world. I think that is a fact. So what is the source of this magical power? Why did Marx's thought attract so many people? Who was Marx in the first place, and under what kind of historical background did he live? I believe that learning these things is a great clue to learning more about religion, or even about human beings themselves.

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

The trap of "Summary and Explanation (Fast Information)" on TV and the Internet, which is interesting and easy to understand! The world of "451 Degrees Fahrenheit" is now a reality!


