
Introduction to Thai BuddhismBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Yoneo Ishii, "An Introduction to Thai Buddhism" - A recommended introduction to Buddhism in Thailand, where Theravada Buddhism still lives and breathes.

The appeal of this book is that it provides a realistic picture of Buddhism in Thailand, as only the author, who has spent a long time in the country and conducted research and surveys, can provide.

The book does not discuss esoteric philosophies and doctrines, but rather, as an introductory book, describes the daily lives of the local people and Buddhist monks.

You can also learn what Thai Buddhists consider salvation and why they are so devoutly devoted to Buddhism.

This book is a very exciting glimpse into a different Buddhism from Japanese Buddhism. We encourage you to pick up a copy.

Invitation to Theravada Buddhism in Southeast AsiaBuddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia

Invitation to Southeast Asian Theravada Buddhism" - Recommended to learn about Southeast Asian Buddhism, which is different from that of Japan!

Rather than taking a detailed look at the Buddhist doctrines of each Southeast Asian country, this book takes the form of a look at what the lives and faith practices of Buddhists in those countries are like.

Of course, the first chapter of this book provides an easy-to-understand explanation of what Theravada Buddhism is in the first place, making it friendly to those with no specialized knowledge. This work is extremely valuable because it explains the differences from Mahayana Buddhism in an easy-to-understand manner. Moreover, since it is taught in a narrative style that even beginners can read with ease and familiarity, it is highly recommended for those who want to learn not only about Buddhism but also about culture itself.

This book was very exciting to learn about Theravada Buddhism and what it is and what it is like at the level of the lives of the people living there. It was very interesting to read it while thinking about the differences and similarities with Japanese Buddhism.

the path of civilizationIndian thought, culture and history

NHK Special: Paths of Civilization Silk Road by Sea and Land" - An exciting book to learn about the connection between ancient India and the Roman Empire!

この本は古代インドとローマ帝国を結んだシルクロードについて学ぶのに最高の一冊です。図版や写真も豊富でイメージしやすく、解説も初心者でもわかりやすいように丁寧に語られます。 古代インド、ローマ帝国、どちらも私にとってはロマン溢れる大好きな世界です。その二つが繋がった本書は私にとっても大興奮の一冊でした。ぜひぜひおすすめしたい名著です。ぜひ手に取ってみてはいかがでしょうか。

History of Buddhism in New Asia 02Buddhism in India

New Asian Buddhist History 02 India II: The Formation and Development of Buddhism" - Will it change the image of Buddhism? A reference book that questions the history of Buddhist studies itself

The "Buddhist studies" that we took for granted and enjoyed were born completely unrelated to Japanese Buddhist thought and culture.

This book will give you a clear understanding of how "Buddhist studies" came into being and how it was brought to Japan and applied to Japan.

The most common criticism of Japanese Buddhism is that "compared to primitive Buddhism, Japanese Buddhism is corrupt," and we will consider the reasons for this criticism. We readers will also become aware of the problems with this criticism.

This book is a wonderful work that gives us a bird's eye view of the discipline of "Buddhist Studies" itself.

1.3 Billion ToiletsIndian thought, culture and history

Daisuke Sato, "Toilets for 1.3 Billion People" - India has no toilets! A book to learn about the harsh work of the cleaning caste and the pollution of the Ganges River!




New Asian Buddhist History 01Buddhism in India

New Asian Buddhist History 01 India I: Background of the Emergence of Buddhism" - Recommended for learning about the relationship between Buddhism and the caste system and the historical background!

This book is a recommended work to learn about Indian society at the time the Buddhist Order was born.

It is clear that Buddhism, too, was not born out of the sudden birth of the great Gautama Buddha, but in the context of the Indian world that has continued since ancient times.

By looking at the social conditions of the time, we can see a picture of the Buddhist Order that cannot be seen through ideology and theory alone. This was stimulating. It made me realize once again that India is not a simple entity after all.


Mahayana Buddhist ThoughtBuddhism in India

Gen Nakamura's Selected Works, Volume 21, "The Idea of Mahayana Buddhism" - A stimulating reference book for thinking about primitive Buddhism and early Mahayana.



PauderBuddhism in India

Gen Nakamura, Mitsunori Saegusa, "Bauddha [Buddhism]" - Recommended reference for learning what the Agong Sutra is and the process of formation and propagation of the Mahayana sutras.





From Primitive Buddhism to Mahayana BuddhismBuddhism in India

Gen Nakamura Selected Works, Volume 20: "From Primitive Buddhism to Mahayana Buddhism" - A Turning Point in Buddhist History! A masterpiece full of important suggestions for thinking about Japanese Buddhism.




Social Thought in Primitive BuddhismBuddhism in India

Gen Nakamura Selected Works, Volume 18, "The Social Thought of Primitive Buddhism" - Recommended for understanding the relationship between primitive Buddhism, the state, and the market economy.


そして今作『中村元選集〔決定版〕第18巻 原始仏教の社会思想』では、そうした在家信者という、いわば個の問題ではなく国家や市場経済という社会全体との関わりについて見ていくことになります。
