
Four SignaturesBritish and German Literature, History and Culture

Conan Doyle's "The Four Signatures" Synopsis and Comments - The Great Thames Chase! The second film that defined the Holmes series serial!




A Study in ScarletBritish and German Literature, History and Culture

Conan Doyle's "A Study in Scarlet" Synopsis and Comments - The memorable first novel in the Sherlock Holmes series!

Recently, I have been asked more and more often, "I don't usually read books, but are there any interesting novels that are easy to read even for me?


The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

A. Warner, "Victorian London and Sherlock Holmes in Photographs" - A recommended book to learn the secrets of Holmes' popularity and historical background!




Improve your observation skillsDiary of a Monk

Overview and Impressions of "Sharpening Your Observational Skills: Reading Famous Paintings" - If you change the way you look at things, you can change the world! A great book that I highly recommend students to read!




I was shocked at how big a difference there was between "seeing" and "watching.

This is an important skill for study, for work, and even for all of life. This is an amazing program that I hope many people will experience.

Organizational ThoughtDiary of a Monk

Shigehiko Toyama's "Organizing Thoughts" Summary and Comments - The best reference book for thinking about how to study! A great book for an introduction to reading!

You may think that studying and reading are rigid and difficult, but this book turns those stereotypes upside down. This book will help you understand the meaning of "learning" and how fun it can be.

I also feel that reading this book has made my reading much more enjoyable. I feel that I am now able to "organize my thoughts" and lead a richer reading life, rather than just reading unnecessarily. Most importantly, I can now read more books with confidence. This book has taught me how to appreciate books and various studies more deeply.


motivate a personDiary of a Monk

D. Carnegie's "Motivating People" Summary and Impressions - Lost in a book title! A masterpiece that makes you reflect on your own inadequacies. A classic that can be called the originator of self-help books.



It is not just a small life technique. It is not just a small life technique. It is not like a book that says, "Read this book and you can use it in business," or, "Let's move people around and make things happen. Of course, you can use it that way, but I think it is the exact opposite of the true value of this book.

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(20) Visit the Church of Santa Bibiana, the debut work of architect Bernini! The Strongest Patron, Urbanus VIII





WILDHOODDiary of a Monk

Summary and Comments on "WILDHOOD Wild Adolescence" - Why do youthful indiscretions happen? Are the problems of youth common to the animal kingdom? A pleasant work that should be read by young people!

This is a work that should be read by young people. It is during adolescence and young adulthood that we encounter and worry about many things, and it is also the time when we are searching for ourselves. Reading this book at such a sensitive time is very significant in terms of confronting oneself.

This book is also highly recommended for those involved in education and for parents who are raising children. When you have the perspective that humans are also animals, it will change the way you see the world.

Well - it was a wonderful book! This is interesting! This is a great book that you should definitely pick up!

mountain where monsters roamBritish and German Literature, History and Culture

Thomas Mann's "The Devil's Mountain" Synopsis and Comments - What is life? A hodgepodge of strong personalities! A masterpiece of German literature!


I first read this book when I was a graduate student. I had been wanting to read a profound novel about life issues, and this was the one I suddenly came across. I was originally interested in Thomas Mann, having read "Death in Venice" as a student and having heard his name mentioned in connection with Goethe.


Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(19) Bernini's "David" - Bernini's astonishing concentration and comparison with Michelangelo's "David".
