Announcement】The top page of the blog has been renewed.


Announcement】The top page of the blog has been renewed.

Hello everyone. I have an announcement to make today.

Yesterday, September 29, we renewed the top page of our blog.

The previous pages were in the style of a blog, with new articles being updated as they came in, but the new version is in the form of a series of category pages.

There are so many pages, I don't know what to read."

I had trouble figuring out where everything was."

Recently, I have had many opportunities to receive such comments, and I thought to myself, "Yes, the number of articles has been increasing, and it might be a good idea to make a drastic change to the top page.

Looking back, I started updating my blog in May 2020 with the theme of "Shinran and Dostoevsky" and have continued to upload articles almost every day since then. I realized that I have written almost 1,000 articles on this theme alone.

I have been doing a little bit every day, so I don't really feel it, but I have a sense that I have reached a milestone in my life.

Of course, we will continue to update "Shinran and Dostoevsky," but this theme is now reaching its climax.

Once this theme is finished, we will finally start updating on Buddhism.

Dostoevsky started out to learn about Buddhism and Shinran, but he ended up taking a tremendous detour.

I also never imagined that it would take three whole years.

However, I am convinced that what I have learned in the past three years will definitely come alive in my future studies of Buddhism and Shinran.

I will continue to learn with the same spirit of "reading everyday," and I hope you will continue to follow along with me.

Thank you for your continued support.

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