Atouda Takashi, "To Enjoy Shakespeare" - A recommended introductory book that makes Shakespeare's works, which seem difficult, instantly accessible!

Atouda High School (middle school of Kochi Prefecture) Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces


William Shakespeare (1564-1616)Wikipedia.

Shakespeare's most famous works include "Hamlet," "Macbeth," "Romeo and Juliet," and "The Merchant of Venice," but he produced too many masterpieces to list here.

However, if you try to read those masterpieces out of the blue, you will have a surprisingly difficult time.

This is because, as with Japanese Kabuki, it happens that unless you know the historical background, characters, and synopsis of the performance, it is difficult to get into the story right away.

Since Shakespeare's works are basically performed on stage, when you start reading, the story suddenly opens and begins with the characters' conversations.

It is also tactless for a play to have the performers explain the background of the stage in an explanatory tone after the play has just begun.

If you do not know the general outline and background of the story at the beginning, you will be left with no idea of who is trying to tell the story or what they are trying to say. If this is the case, you will not be able to understand the interest of the story, and you will probably end up reading the book.

Therefore, when reading Shakespeare's works, a certain amount of knowledge is necessary beforehand.

I recommend the book "To Enjoy Shakespeare" by Atouda Takashi, which I will introduce here.





ご正解! でも、もう少し知りたくありませんか?

[シェイクスピア] 1564~1616 (ひとごろしイロイロと覚えます。謀略・発狂・嫉妬・情死、作品の登場人物は、考えられる限り様々な理由でこの世を去ります)。誕生目と命日は同じ4月23日。欧米の大衆娯楽演劇の原点、ハリウッドで最も売れている脚本家、世界で一番有名な作家です。名前は知っているけど、作品も大体見当がつくけど……、という方のための〈アトーダ式〉解説本。

AmazonProducts Page.


1935 (昭和10)年、東京生れ。早稲田大学文学部卒。国立国会図書館に勤務しながら執筆活動を続け、’78年『冷蔵庫より愛をこめて』でデビュー。’79年『来訪者』で日本推理作家協会賞、短編集『ナポレオン狂』で直木賞、’95(平成7)年『新トロイア物語』で吉川英治文学賞を受賞。他に『あらし』『シェイクスピアを楽しむために』など著書多数。

新潮社 阿刀田高『シェイクスピアを楽しむために』

阿刀田氏はこの作品の他にも『ギリシア神話を知っていますか』、『旧約聖書を知っていますか』、『新約聖書を知っていますか』、『コーランを知っていますか』など難解で長大な書物の入門書を数多く手がけています。以前当ブログでも今作の他に'For the Enjoyment of Homer.'introduced.



Romeo and Juliet
A Summer Night's Dream
The Merchant of Venice.
Julius Caesar."
Richard III.
King Lear"



I myself was helped very much by this book.

I started reading "Julius Caesar" without any explanation at first, but I couldn't get into the story and gave up!

I even now find "Julius Caesar" to be a particular favorite.

So much so that this book is a great help in reading Shakespeare.

Please read this book before reading Shakespeare. I assure you that your enjoyment of the story will be multiplied many times over.




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