Shakespeare's "Macbeth" Synopsis and Comments - "Until Burnham's Wood comes to Dunsinane."

Macbeth Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

A synopsis of Shakespeare's "Macbeth," the masterful tragedy made famous by "Till Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane."

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)Wikipedia.

Macbeth was written by Shakespeare between 1603 and 1606.

I read "Macbeth" translated by Tsunen Fukuda, Shinchosha.

Let's take a quick look at the synopsis.

Yes, the stars, too, extinguish the light! Don't let them light up this blackened ambition at the bottom of your chest--.

The best of Shakespeare's four great tragedies about a man addicted to the poison of "power"!

Macbeth, a Scottish warlord who has long desired the throne in his heart, puts his ambition into action at the instigation of three witches he meets in the wilderness who make a strange prophecy and a fiercely willful wife. After assassinating King Duncan in his own castle and seizing the throne, Macbeth's fear of losing it leads him to commit one crime after another at the hands of bloodstained .......

It is the most dense and cohesive of Shakespeare's four great tragedies.

AmazonProducts Page.

The hero of this work is the brave warlord Macbeth. He is a general who has achieved many military victories and is trusted by the king.

One day, Macbeth meets three witches in the wilderness.

These witches' "Dear Macbeth! You will be king in time to come! The wheels of Macbeth's destiny were set in motion by the mysterious prophecy of the witches.

The commentary at the end of the book states

Hamlet."Both "Macbeth" and "Macbeth" have in common that the protagonist's action is triggered by an encounter with supernatural forces (ghosts and witches). However, the two plays, especially in terms of their protagonists' personalities and ways of being, are markedly different. (The two plays, in particular, are markedly contrasting in terms of their protagonists' personalities and ways of being.)

The most important difference between Hamlet and Macbeth is that the former is a legitimate prince indirectly usurped by his uncle, while the latter is a usurper who assassinates the legitimate king with his own blood on his hands. Hamlet's crime wasdone、、、、person, and McBeath is a criminal.perform,,(omitted).

Macbeth believed in the fate represented by the witches' prophecy (he did not believe in the literal meaning of the prophecy, but only in his self-centered interpretation of the fate as favorable to himself), and he gradually became more and more daring in his crime, believing in his own immortality, When the forest of Burnham moves and he is pitted against Macduff, who is "not born of a woman," he realizes that the witch's prophecy was all a duplicitous trap, and he is robbed of his faith in fate, and his begging wife dies, leaving him completely alone and alone in the world to go to hell as an isolated person.

Shinchosha, Macbeth, p173-175, translated by Tsunen Fukuda.

As the synopsis states, Macbeth was ostensibly a man loyal to the king. But deep down inside, he was after the throne. His true intentions were brought out in his entire being by the witches' prophecy.

If he really had no ambition, he would not have listened to the witches' prophecy. The reason he couldn't get the witches' prophecy out of his head was because he was consciously or unconsciously aiming for the throne.

Macbeth then invites the king to his castle, frames his guards for the crime, assassinates the king, and becomes king himself.

But from this point on, he had to keep getting his hands dirty to keep his position...and so the tragedy began.

The climax is the battle between Macbeth's army and the army of Malcolm, the son of the previous king.

Driven by anxiety before this battle, Macbeth again goes to the witches and asks for a prophecy.

That's where he got the famous "Until Burnham Forest comes to Dunsinane" prophecy.

The witch said

Put on the heart of a lion and stand tall, no matter who is angry, no matter who is troubled, no matter where the traitor plans to go, Macbeth will not be destroyed, unless the great forest of Burnham rises up to the hills of Dunsinane.

Shinchosha, Macbeth, p. 89, translated by Tsunen Fukuda.

To which Macbeth replies.

Who can summon the forest to do such a thing? Who can order a tree to pull its roots out of the ground? You're the best! I have no complaints. Even the dead will raise their heads in resentment, and that will never happen again, until the forest of Burnham rises up en masse!

Shinchosha, Macbeth, p. 89, translated by Tsunen Fukuda.

There is no such thing as the Burnham forest moving! Then my peace is assured! The victory is mine! and Macbeth goes home rejoicing.

But this will be the death of him.

Yes, it is after this that Burnham's Woods will actually come into action and close in on his castle. Please read this piece to find out why that happened.


The tragedy of Macbeth's attempt on the throne, seduced by the witches, is the main theme of this work.

The storyline is fast-paced and breathtaking. The witch's mysterious prophecy is also an exquisite foreshadowing, and it is really interesting to see how it will be recovered.

The "until Burnham Forest moves" I mentioned earlier is also exquisite.

There are many other highlights of "Macbeth" besides the main storyline.

Of these, I was particularly impressed by the suffering of Macbeth and his wife for their sins.

Macbeth is seduced by the witches to kill the king.

But even Macbeth hesitates to kill the king when he welcomes him to his castle. He is not that evil by nature.

It was Lady Macbeth who blackmailed her husband into the murder. Macbeth is compelled by the strength of his wife, who is stronger and more determined than her husband, to carry out the murder. Macbeth, who was famous for his valor as a military commander, was also impressed by the power of his wife. Women are strong, after all.

Well, Macbeth assassinated the king as planned and became king himself, but that was the beginning of hell for him.

He is tormented by the guilt of having killed the king, and he is also plunged into a state of doubt and anxiety, fearing the revelation of his crime and the downfall of his position. And so they end up soiling their own hands with blood.

And what happened to the wife who rebuked her husband with the force of a great man?

Her delirium increased day by day and eventually she began walking around at night in her sleep and mumbling.

She rubs her hands together as if she were washing them and says, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Go away, accursed blot! I told you to hurry up and disappear! One, two, oh, it's time to go. How gloomy hell is! Oh, you, you pathetic, pathetic thing! You're a warrior, and you're afraid? What is there to be afraid of, no matter who knows? What is there to blame for your sins on the powers that be? But who would have thought that an old man could have so much blood? (omitted)

It still smells like blood, and all the sprinkling of Arabian perfumes will not add a sweet fragrance to these tiny hands. Ahh! Aah! Ahh!

Shinchosha, Macbeth, p113-114, translated by Tsunen Fukuda.

The blood of her cursed predecessor, which is stuck on her hands, torments her. No matter how much she washes, the blood will never disappear from her dirty hands. She says, "I can still smell the blood, and all the sprinkling of Arabian perfumes will not add a sweet fragrance to these little hands. Aah! Aah! Aah! is a lament that horrifies the reader.

In fact, I saw "Macbeth" on stage, and the wife's lament left a strong impression on me. The sight of the wife in agony of guilt made me feel something strong.

Macbeth" is a very interesting story, but it is also a terrific portrayal of inner conflict and fear.

This piece is also one of my particular favorites. I highly recommend this work.

The above is a synopsis of Shakespeare's "Macbeth" - "Until Burnham's Wood comes to Dunsinane".

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