Dostoevsky Chronology and List of Works - A quick look at Dostoevsky's life

Dostoevsky Dostoevsky's works


Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881)Wikipedia.

This article includes a list of Dostoevsky's works and a brief chronology of his life.

Knowing when and when his works were written will help you learn more about them.

Please note that early short stories are omitted from the chronology.

Please see the links below for a synopsis of each film and my thoughts on them.

For a chronology and list of works,
Hideo Kobayashi, The Life of DostoevskyShinchosha, 35th printing in 2012.
The Brothers Karamazov (Part 2), translated by Takuya HaraShinchosha, based on the chronology listed in the 78th printing in 2016.

List of Dostoevsky's works

October 30, 1821 (Russian calendar), Dostoevsky is born.
1845 (age 24)The Poor.
1846 (age 25)Dual personalities.", ,Mr. Prohalotin."
1847 (age 26)A Novel in Nine Letters.", ,The Landlord's Wife.
1848 (age 27)The Weak Heart, ,Porzhnkov.", ,The Honest Thief., ,The Christmas Tree and the Wedding, ,White Nights.", ,The Stranger's Wife and the Husband Under the Bed."
1849 (age 28)Natechka Nezhwanova."
1849-1854 Siberian exile
1857 (age 36)The Little Hero.
1859 (age 38)My Uncle's Dream., ,The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants."
1860 (age 39)Records of the House of Death (*completed in 1862)."
1861 (age 40)The Oppressed.
1862 (age 41)The Late Talk.
1863 (age 42)Impressions of Summer as Chronicled in Winter."
1864 (age 43)The Memoirs of a Basement.
1865 (age 44)The Crocodile
1866 (age 45)Crime and Punishment.", ,The Gambler.
1868 (age 47)The Moron.
1870 (age 49)The Eternal Husband.
1871-72 (age 51-52)Evil Spirits."
1873 (age 52)Diary of a Writer."
1875 (age 54)Minors."
1876-77 (age 55-56)Diary of a Writer."
1879-80 (age 58-59)The Brothers Karamazov.
1880-81 (age 59-60)Diary of a Writer."
January 28, 1881, Dostoevsky dies.

Dostoevsky Chronology

1821counter for years (following a number in the hito-futa-mi counting system)(age 0)Born in Moscow, the son of a physician, Mikhail.

1831 (age 10)Dostoevsky's father, Mikhail, purchases a fiefdom in the village of Darovoye, Tula Province. Dostoevsky's first life in the countrysideSchiller's "The Robber Baron"He was impressed by the play of the

1834 (age 13)Entered boarding school in Moscow

1836 (age 15)and by sensitizing teachers.Pushkininfatuation with

1837 (age 16)In February, his mother Marija died; in May, he and his brother Mikhail went to study in Petersburg.

1838 (age 17)and entered the Petersburg Engineer Academy. Around this timeBalzac, ,Hugo-, ,HoffmannIndulgence in reading the

1839 (age 18)Father Mikhail died. *There was a theory of "murder by serfs" on which Freud also relied, but it is now questioned. For details, see the following tweet by Naoto Saito, a scholar of Russian literature. (Quoted from "The Brothers Karamazov" by Naoto Sugisato)

1843 (age 22)He graduated from the Corps of Engineers in Petersburg and has been a member of Balzac's Corps of Engineers since December.Eugenie Grande."Began translation of

1844 (age 23)In October, he retired from his job. Tried to make a living as a writer. Drafting of "Poor People

1845 (age 24)Spring, maiden workThe Poor.Completed. Receives critical acclaim from the critic Belinsky. Drafting of "Dual Personality

1846 (age 25)JanuaryThe Poor.Announced Feb.Dual personalities."announcement

1847 (age 26)He fell out with Belinsky and began attending the socialist Petrashevsky's circle.

1848 (age 27)and many short stories, including "Porzhnkov

1849 (age 28), ,
In April, he was arrested for participating in the Petrashevsky Circle.
In December, his four-year Siberian exile is confirmed. He is transported to Siberia and arrives the following January.

1854 (age 33)
In February, his sentence expires. However, he is not allowed to return to Petersburg, and is moved to Semipalatinsk as a member of the Siberian border garrison.
In the spring, he meets Marija, the wife of Isayev, a local official, and falls in love with her.

1855 (age 34)Drafting of "Records of the House of Death". Death of Issayev.

1857 (age 36)and married Marija, the widow of Issayev.

1859 (age 38)
In March, he retires as a second lieutenant. Allowed to leave Semipalanchsk and live in Tveri.My Uncle's Dream.published
November, allowed to reside in Petersburg, returned to Petersburg in December.
DecemberThe village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants."announcement

1860 (age 39), ,The Record of the House of Death."Serialization

1861 (40 years)The magazine "Jidai" is launched, co-edited with his brother Mikhail. From the magazineThe Oppressed.serialized in a series of articles.

1862 (age 41)First trip to Europe in June, 2006. Visits Paris, London, etc. At the end of the year, he begins dating a woman named Apolinariya Suslova.

1863 (age 42)
It is his travelogue of his European travels.Impressions of Summer as Chronicled in Winter."Announcement.
In May, the government orders Jidai magazine to cease publication.
In the summer, he went on his second trip to Europe accompanied by Apolinariya Suslova. They indulge in gambling in Baden-Baden, Germany.
In winter, his wife Marya's chronic lung disease worsens.

1864 (age 43)In 1975, he and his brother published a new magazine, Seiki (Century), to replace the defunct Jidai (The Age). March-AprilThe Memoirs of a Basement.serialization
In April, his wife Mary dies of lung disease; in July, his brother Mikhail dies suddenly.

1865 (age 44)
Feb,The CrocodileAnnounced: In June, "Century" ceased publication. The company is saddled with huge debts.
From July to October, he traveled to Europe for the third time. During this trip, he indulged in gambling in Wiesbaden and came up with the idea for "Crime and Punishment" while penniless and destitute.

1866 (age 45)From Jan.Crime and Punishment."Serialization begins; completed in December.
OctoberThe Gambler.Writing. Proposes marriage to Anna Grigorievna, who served as his stenographer.

1867 (age 46)
On February 15, he married Anna Grigorievna, 21.
In April, he and Anna went to Europe to escape from debt collectors. From here, they stayed abroad for four years.
In June, clashes with Turgenev in Baden-Baden. He indulges in roulette at a casino.
Leaves Baden-Baden for Geneva in August. At the end of the year, he drafts "Hakuchi" (The Moron).

1868 (age 47)From January to DecemberThe Moron.Serialization, complete.
In February, Sonya, his first daughter, is born, but dies of pneumonia in May. In September, he leaves Switzerland for Italy.

1869 (age 48)In the summer, he left Italy for Dresden, Germany via Prague.
September, birth of second daughter, Lubovfi. Autumn, writing of The Eternal Husband.

1870 (age 49)January and February.The Eternal Husband.Published. Immersed in writing "Evil Spirits"

1871 (age 50), ,Evil Spirits."Begins serialization. On July 8, he returns to Petersburg. On July 16, his first son Fyodor is born.

1872 (age 51)In the summer, he visits Stalaya Rusa, a holiday resort south of Petersburg; "Evil Spirits" is published in November and December, and is completed.

1873 (age 52)and in The Citizen magazine.Diary of a Writer."Began serialization of

1874 (age 53)He moved to Stara Raya Rusa in May and stayed there through the winter.

1875 (age 54)Jan.Minors."Begins serialization and completes in December; second son, Alexei, is born in August. He goes to Ems, a holiday resort in Germany.

1876 (age 55)Personal MagazineDiary of a Writer."He is the founder of He has published several short stories, including "The Peasant Murray" and "The Meek Woman". In the summer, he goes back to Mms.

1877 (age 56)and "Diary of a Writer" continued, with a short story "A Funny Man's Dream".
In the spring, he buys a villa in Staraya Rusa; in July, he visits the village of Darovoye, where he spent his childhood.

1878 (age 57)In June, he and his friend, the philosopher Solovyov, visit the Optina monastery. In June, he and his friend, the philosopher Solovyov, visit the monastery in Optina, where they begin writing The Brothers Karamazov.

1879 (age 58), Jan,The Brothers Karamazov.Begins serialization. Moved to Summer Ems. for recuperation.

1880 (age 59)November, "The Brothers Karamazov" completed.
June in MoscowUnveiling of the Pushkin Memorial Statueand gave a commemorative performance to impress the audience.Diary of a Writer."It begins again.

1881 (age 60)January, the last issue of "Diary of a Writer"; hemoptysis on January 26; death on January 28; funeral at the Alexander Nevsky Temple on February 1.


In this article, we looked at a list of works and a simplified chronology.

Dostoevsky's life is a tumultuous one that cannot be described in a simplified chronology. Especially around the time of his outing to Europe with his wife Anna, he had a spectacular gambling-crazed life. The episode was introduced in this blog before.Anna Dostoevskaya, "Dostoevsky in Recollection."andThe Diary of Mrs. Dostoevsky, AnnaIt is described in detail in a book called

Also, in "The Brothers Karamazov," which inspired me to read Dostoevsky, his beloved son Alexei died suddenly just as he was beginning to write. The cause of death was a sudden onset of epilepsy.

Dostoevsky himself suffered from severe epileptic seizures from a young age. As a result, it is said that he was tormented by the despair of having lost his beloved child to his own heredity.

Later, to heal his despair, he became one of Russia's most respectedOptina Monasteryand met with the elders. It is said that his experiences at that time greatly influenced his works.

Dostoevsky's works are also closely related to his life. Knowing his life will be a great help in understanding his works.

This is the "Dostoevsky Chronology and List of Works - A Brief Look at Dostoevsky's Life".

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