
ConfuciusChinese Buddhism, Thought and History

Kaji Nobuyuki, "Confucius: New beyond Time" - A recommended biography that also details the origins and historical background of Confucianism!

This book is just interesting!

This book does not worship Confucius as a god, but rather explores Confucius as a "human being. Rather than deify Confucius and portray him as a saint, we carefully follow his life from the historical background. It is easy to understand why Confucius came into the world and why his teachings spread throughout China.

In this biography, we will see not only the very man Confucius himself, but also the times in which he lived. It is very exciting to learn what Confucius wanted and what he suffered from. The author's narration is excellent and the book is extremely easy to read.

Chinese PhilosophyChinese Buddhism, Thought and History

Yoshihiro Murayama, "The Idea of China" - A recommended reference book to grasp the historical background and overall picture of Chinese religion!

I read this book because of "Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism: The Space of Thought in East Asia" by Shota Kikuchi, which I have previously introduced on this blog. In that book, this book was introduced as follows

Yoshihiro Murayama's book, "The Idea of China," is one that I recommend to anyone interested in the subject. It is a concise summary of the history of Chinese thought, but it is exciting because it is sometimes quite blunt. For example, the first sentence of the book opens with the following statement.

There are many people who are interested in Chinese classics and thought, but their knowledge is generally inaccurate and sometimes highly erroneous. "There are many people who are interested in Chinese classics and thought, but the knowledge they have is generally inaccurate and sometimes highly erroneous.

It's so painful that it's like you're suddenly slashing at the person in front of you."

In fact, this book was truly a sharp and stimulating read.

ConfucianismBuddhismTaoismChinese Buddhism, Thought and History

Shota Kikuchi, "Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism: The Space of Ideas in East Asia" - A recommended introduction to what Chinese religions are all about.

According to the author, this book is intended as an introductory book, but what is taught in this book is very dense.

It looks at the teachings and characteristics of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism respectively, and how they are intertwined.

The book also tackles the straightforward question, "What is religion in the first place? This is interesting!

Our neighbor, China. What exactly is the religion of that neighbor? Surprisingly, I don't know this. This book was very stimulating and interesting for me, as I have been asking myself such questions for a long time.

World History from a Nomadic PerspectiveChinese Buddhism, Thought and History

Masaaki Sugiyama, "World History from a Nomadic Perspective" - An exciting book that shatters our preconceptions! To gain a multifaceted view of history

This book is a work that overturns the image of nomads that we vaguely imagine. It is also a terrifying work that questions not only the existence of nomads, but also our very understanding of history.

And when I wrote "shattering preconceived notions" in the title of this article, that is exactly what I meant. At least, I was shattered to my heart's content.

This is despite the fact that I have been reading a variety of genres and trying to look at things from as many different perspectives as possible. I am extremely embarrassed by this fact.

I am sure many of you will feel the same way as I do after reading this book. Well, it was a painful book.

Ranman and DostoevskyDostoevsky and His Wife's Fateful Journey: Travels in Western Europe of Madness and Love

On whether Keiko Kotobuki of "Ranman," who fought off debt collectors, and Dostoevsky's wife, Mrs. Anna, may look alike.

When I saw Jueko-san, who successfully turned away a debt collector in this week's NHK morning drama "Ranman," I couldn't help but think of Dostoevsky's wife, Madame Anna.

Mrs. Anna also supported Dostoevsky, who had no livelihood, and even helped him clean up his manuscripts, publish them, and even fight off debt collectors.

In this article, we will discuss their similarities and the unexpected aspects of Mr. and Mrs. Dostoevsky.

Visual Big Book of Chinese HistoryChinese Buddhism, Thought and History

Visual Big Book: History of China" - Recommended resource book with many photos and illustrations! Learn Chinese history by watching!

This book is an excellent reference and work for the study of Chinese history. The most attractive point is the overwhelming volume of illustrations. Moreover, it is all in color! It is a great book to learn about Chinese history and culture visually. It is like a reference book that I had in junior high school and high school.

This book is filled with amazing photographs. It is guaranteed to take your breath away at the grandeur of China and the sophistication of its civilization.

Chinese History 07Chinese Buddhism, Thought and History

History of China 07: The Mainstream of Chinese Thought and Religion - Also recommended to learn about the revolution in knowledge brought about by the art of printing and its influence on Buddhism and Confucianism!

I was surprised to read this book because I had only had an image of the Sung Dynasty in my mind as the Japan-Song trade of Taira no Kiyomori. Although the Song dynasty is less impressive than the Sui and Tang dynasties, it was during this period that Chinese culture became overwhelmingly sophisticated.
This book provides a detailed look at the cultural aspects of the Sung Dynasty as well as its history. There are plenty of photos so that you can see the magnificent ceramics. I appreciate this because it gives me a visual image.

And what surprised me the most was the revolutionary change brought about by the invention of the art of printing. I was very interested in that moment when the act of "reading a book" was decisively transformed.

Chinese History 06Chinese Buddhism, Thought and History

History of China 06: The Glamorous World Empire, Sui and Tang Dynasties" - A book in which you can also learn about the Tang Dynasty envoys, Buddhism, and Ennin!

Although the Sui and Tang dynasties are well-known in Japanese history, until now I too knew very little about what the political situation was actually like. I had only a vague image of the Sui and Tang dynasties as world empires that boasted enormous power. That is the image of Chinese culture in all its splendor and splendor.

But in this book, we will take a closer look at how these Sui and Tang dynasties were founded and declined. Above all, it was very interesting to see how they tried to carry out the tremendously difficult task of governing the whole of China.

How do you govern a vast country in the absence of modern means of communication? This book will make you think about that again.

Birth of BuddhismBuddhism in India

Kan Sasaki, The Birth of Buddhism - A good introduction to Buddhism for beginning students!

This work, "The Birth of Buddhism" is a highly recommended reference book for an introduction to Buddhism. If you ask me, "I am interested in Buddhism, but what should I read? I have recently been recommending this book to people who ask me "What should I read? It is so easy to understand and read. Moreover, it is very practical because you can think about how Buddhism is related to our daily life. This book is not just a book of knowledge, but a book of wisdom for living Buddhism.

I have introduced various Buddhist books on this blog, but this book is the best introductory book. I would highly recommend it as well.

The Life of BuddhaBuddhism in India

Akira Hirakawa, "The Life of the Buddha: Reading the 'Buddha's Praises'" - Recommended introductory book that looks at the life of the superhuman Buddha based on the Chinese translation of the Buddha's biography.

In our previous article, we introduced the Buddhacharita, a Buddhist epic by Ashvaghosa, who was active around the 2nd century.

This "Buddhacharita" was translated into Chinese around A.D. 430 as "Buddhacharita" (仏所行讃) by Cloudy I-Ching. It was introduced to Japan and passed down to Japanese Buddhists. Saicho, Kukai, Honen, and Shinran must have read this Buddhist biography and thought about Buddha.

This book is an introduction to Buddhism in which the life of the Buddha is explained in an easy-to-understand manner while reading a transcript of this Chinese translation of the Buddha's Praises for the Practice of Buddhism.