

T.G. Masaryk, "Russia and Europe I," a valuable discussion of Russia by the philosophical president of the Czech Republic!

Russian Dostoevsky by Masaryk, who was born to a serf father and a cook mother, from whom he struggled to become a philosophy professor and even the first president of the Czech Republic.

To begin with, he is a top-notch philosopher. Masaryk was also a politician with experience in world affairs, politics, and economics. He was also a great personality who was respected not only by the Czech people but also by people all over the world.

The Russian history and Dostoevsky theory told by such a grown-up was extremely stimulating.


Tatsuko Hoshino, "Shakespeare and Russian Writers and Dramatists" - Recommended work to learn about the connection with Dostoevsky and Tolstoy!

As the title suggests, this book is about Shakespeare's connection to Russian writers and theater artists.

The book features Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Stanislavsky, Pasternak, and a host of other great names in Russian literature.

This book is very valuable because it allows us to take a closer look at the connections between Shakespeare and Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, and other heavyweights that are absolutely unavoidable when considering Russian literature.


Fusatoshi Fujisawa, "The Story of the Birth of 'Italy'" - A book I read to understand why Dostoevsky did not go to Rome with his wife!

Mr. and Mrs. Dostoevsky also stayed in Italy for an extended period of time. However, I have always wondered why Dostoevsky did not go to Rome. Why didn't Dostoevsky go to Rome?

It is strange if you think about it, coming all the way to Italy and not going to Rome.

Thanks to this book, I learned a lot about the political situation around Rome, which Dostoevsky avoided. It was a very gratifying book for me.

I found this book to be full of very interesting information about the country of Italy. I highly recommend this book.


G. Lukács, "Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky" - "Dostoyevsky is a writer who gives questions, not answers."

The task of the literary writer is not to give answers, but to ask questions," said Lukács. He cited Dostoevsky as one of the most successful in this regard.

Indeed, Dostoevsky does not give us answers. He drags us into a complex and bizarre world, as if he were knocking the reader into chaos.

But that is also Dostoevsky's greatest appeal.

As mentioned in the translator's afterword, there may be some problems with the work, but I think that what is being discussed in this work provides a good opportunity to look at Dostoevsky from a different point of view.


Mutsumi Yamashiro, "Dostoevsky" - A recommended reference book full of sharp explanations for deep reading of the five great works!

This work is an overwhelmingly deep and incisive discussion of the Five Great Lengths from a wide range of perspectives. I was immediately impressed by this book. In the beginning of the book, Futabatei Shimei talks about Dostoevsky and Russian literature. This book, which began with the words of Futabatei Shimei, is a wonderful work that is exactly as he said it would be.

In particular, Bakhtin's explanation of polyphony is very clear.

Mr. Yamashiro's explanation makes very clear the difficult concept that we often see in Dostoevsky's commentaries that "Dostoevsky's novels are polyphony," which seems to be understandable but not understandable. I recommend this book!


Dolinin (ed.), "Diary of Souslova - Dostoevsky's Lover" - to learn about Dostoevsky's stay in Rome.

My focus in the book was on Dostoevsky's stay in Rome.

On this trip, the two will travel from Paris to Baden-Baden to Geneva to Turin to Genoa to Livorno to Rome to Naples to Livorno to Turin to Berlin.

Dostoevsky stopped in Rome on this trip to see St. Peter's Basilica and the Colosseum.

The book also gives us an idea of what Dostoevsky was doing in Rome and what kind of correspondence he had with Soussourois. Of course, the information is limited, but it remains valuable.

For me, it was a very gratifying book to learn about Rome and Dostoevsky.


Recommended! Naoto Saito & Yoko Ueda "Does Dostoevsky Support War? 〜Traveling in Russia in ~2022" # Silas

In this program, Dr. Saisu, a Dostoevsky scholar, and Yoko Ueda will discuss the topic "Does Dostoevsky Support War?

At the beginning of the program, we will first look at how Dostoevsky is quoted in Russia, based on the various documents introduced by Professor Saisu. It was especially interesting to see in what context President Putin quotes Dostoevsky and what his intentions are in doing so.

It was very easy to understand what kind of national outlook President Putin has and what kind of theories he uses to criticize the West. And to hear it intertwined with Dostoevsky was also a great pleasure for me.


G. Stainer, "Tolstoy or Dostoevsky" - A famous book that explains the characteristics of the two great Russian writers in an easy-to-understand manner!

Tolstoy or Dostoevsky?" It cannot be both. This is something I have felt strongly about in my reading of Tolstoy's works, and this work is a masterpiece that elucidates this mechanism beautifully.

Oh no, it's just so interesting! This book is tremendous! I would highly recommend this one!

The characteristics of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky are very clear. We encourage you to pick up a copy. If you like Dostoevsky, you will like Dostoevsky, and if you like Tolstoy, you will like Tolstoy more.


Shunji Hagiwara, "Dostoevsky's Elevator: On the Disease of Self-Respect" - Recommended reference book to question life through Dostoevsky.

Dr. Toshiharu Hagiwara served as a professor at Osaka Prefecture University and became a professor emeritus in 2012.

He also continues to offer a public course "Reading Dostoevsky" at Osaka Prefecture University.

As you can see in my profile above, I am also a fan of Mr. Hagiwara's blog and was greatly impressed especially by the article he wrote about "The Brothers Karamazov". I would highly recommend it.

This book is filled with Hagiwara's passionate message. This book is not just a commentary on Dostoevsky, but one that explores life itself through Dostoevsky. It is a highly recommended work. I highly recommend this book.


Ziid's "Dostoevsky" - A stimulating and recommended discussion of Dostoevsky by the Nobel Prize-winning French author.

The Shinchosha edition of Ziid's complete works, like "Soweto Travels," is written in an old-fashioned style, which was a bit disconcerting for a moment, but once I started reading it, I found it to be very easy to read, thanks to Ziid's excellent writing.

Above all, there were several interesting perspectives on Dostoevsky that were eye-opening, or I should say, I made several discoveries that I couldn't help but shout out. They explain very clearly what I had been wondering about and the subtleties that I had been itching to get to but couldn't.

As a French writer, it was also very gratifying to hear him talk about Dostoevsky in contrast to Balzac and other French literature.

This book is truly amazing. Published in 1923, the book is famous as a classic of Dostoevsky's theory, but its content has not aged at all.