Zola Fan's Must-See Movie "Officer and Spy" Synopsis and Comments - "I Impeach! A masterpiece about the famous Dreyfus Affair in the

Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola Fan's Must-See Movie "Officer and Spy" Synopsis and Comments - "I Impeach! A masterpiece about the famous Dreyfus Affair in the

We are pleased to present "Officer and Spy," a film directed by Roman Polanski, which was released in June 2022.

This film is about the Dreyfus Affair, made famous by the words "I impeach!" by French literary giant Emile Zola. by French writer Emile Zola.

The special website describes the film as follows

Document falsification, evidence fabrication

"The Scandal of the Century You Never Knew About."

The reversal of a man's fight against a giant power at the cost of his own life.

The latest film by Roman Polanski ("The Pianist") is an adaptation of the historic false accusation of the Dreyfus Affair. The film depicts the indomitable conviction of a man who fought against enormous power and a spectacular reversal of fortune, and was awarded the Silver Lion at the Venice International Film Festival. In France, the film won three awards at the 45th Cesar Awards and became the No. 1 blockbuster in its home country.

This incident caused a serious division in France at the time, shaking the very foundations of the nation. The director depicts the fate of Dreyfus, who was falsely accused of the crime, and the hero, Picard, who tries to save him and let the world know the truth. The overwhelmingly suspenseful and heartrending storyline, coupled with the profound visuals that highlight every detail, including costumes and artwork, will keep your eyes on the film for an unforgettable moment.

A masterpiece of historical suspense that raises alarms about the current era through incidents that are pervasive in the present day!

Officer and Spy" filmOfficial page.

"Document tampering, evidence fabrication."

A masterpiece of historical suspense that raises alarms about the current era through incidents that are pertinent to the present day!

Oh no, that's exactly right. This will be a film about a major incident that is not at all a stranger to the modern Japan in which we live.

And a rough synopsis is as follows

France, 1894. Dreyfus, a Jewish army captain, is sentenced to life in prison for espionage for passing military secrets to Germany. However, Lieutenant Colonel Picard, head of counter-enemy intelligence operations, discovers shocking evidence of Dreyfus' innocence. In order to clear his name, the film depicts his pursuit of truth and justice while resisting the state authorities who, fearing scandal, fabricate evidence, falsify documents, and otherwise attempt to cover up the truth.

Officer and Spy" filmOfficial page.

I decided to watch this film because this case was closely related to Emile Zola.

I came across Emile Zola's novels three years ago and fell in love with them wholeheartedly, and his masterpieceIzakaya."andNana."includingThe Lugon McCall Series.to read.

And in my last article.Zola, Man and Thought 73.The life of Zola and the Dreyfus Affair were inseparable and gigantic events, as the biography of

The protagonist of the film is Picard, a soldier. He realizes that Dreyfus is falsely accused and fights to uncover the truth.

Zola does not have a large role in this film. However, this film makes it clear why Zola wanted to intervene so much in this case.

Zola intervened in the case and "I impeach!" and published the famous sentence, "I impeach! This sensational indictment turned the case into a national scandal. Without Zola, the Dreyfus affair might have remained in the dark.

But the cost was also great.

Zola is met with intense hatred from the anti-Semitic public. Look at about 23 seconds into the trailer above. You see a lot of paper being burned. In the full film, we clearly saw Zola's "Nana" being burned. The people attacked Zola for siding with Dreyfus, a Jew, as a "pirate and traitor".

Although not depicted in the film because Zora is not the main character, Zora was later forced to defect to England for fear of personal danger and repercussions for the case.

Zola had to pay that much price for his involvement in this case. Even so, Zora was willing to fight for justice. One can only be amazed at the strength of Zora's desire for "truth and justice.

Zola went into exile in July 1898 and returned home in June 1999. Shortly thereafter, in 1902, he died suddenly of carbon monoxide poisoning in his home. Although investigations have ruled it an accidental death, the theory that it was an anti-Semitic act has not been dispelled. His death was too sudden and too shocking.

Zola's death came as a great shock to all of France, and indeed to the world, as the Dreyfus Affair was still unresolved. There was such a connection between the life of the great writer who sought "truth and justice" and the Dreyfus Affair.

Now that I have talked more about Zola than the film itself, I would like to say a few words about the film,

I would definitely go and see it! It is a must-see for Zora fans! And for those who aren't, especially the younger generation, this is a must see!"

I would very much like to share this with you.

This work is not a bright, fun, entertaining piece.

However, it is not so heavy as to be painful. Although the theme is a serious one of a false accusation, the director's skill, I suppose, is evident in the flowing storyline, which pulls you in quickly.

And as I told you at the beginning of this article,

Document falsification, evidence fabrication
"The Scandal of the Century You Never Knew About."
The reversal of a man's fight for his life against a giant power."

We Japanese are no strangers to these themes.

To protect the military's appearance. To protect the prestige of the nation. To protect one's own self."

For various reasons, large and small, the state authorities tried to pin the blame on Dreyfus and cover up or falsify everything.

And what did those who had a hand in the cover-up and falsification say?

In the military, orders are absolute. If a superior officer tells you to do something, you do it."

I can't remember exactly what he said, but I think it is a great scene that really highlights the fact that people can commit crimes without any sense of guilt once they become a cog in the system of power structure.

In Japan, various problems such as falsification and cover-ups have recently erupted. But what has happened since then? Have they not been swept under the rug and the curtain has fallen far short of the truth? Why does this happen? I think this is exactly what this film shows.

I think it is extremely significant that this film is being released now. This is the reason why I said that young people are the ones who should see this film. We are the ones who will be responsible for our country in the future. If we do not know this reality, how will we be able to build a society?

The film also gave me an insight into the vehemence of anti-Semitism. The society of the time used Jews as a scapegoat to direct people's frustration toward. Whenever something bad happened, they would attack them and say, "It's their fault," to vent. The state power also took advantage of this to keep the Dreyfus affair in the dark. The mechanisms of mass agitation, populism, and violence are also skillfully depicted in this film.

I think it is especially important for us to know these things.

I would highly recommend this movie! I fell in love with Zora even more after watching this movie. I would like to receive what Zola tried to convey throughout his life with great care.

The above is a summary of the must-see movie "Officer and Spy" for Zola fans - "I impeach! a masterpiece about the famous Dreyfus Affair!" The above is a summary of the film "Officer and Spy," a must-see for Zola fans.

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