A Tale of Two Cities," one of Dickens' most popular works, synopsis and commentary - London and Paris during the French Revolution!

Tale of Two Cities Dickens, England's greatest writer

Depicts London and Paris during the French Revolution! Synopsis and outline of "A Tale of Two Cities," one of Dickens' most popular works.

The book presented here is "A Tale of Two Cities," published by Dickens in 1859.

I read "A Tale of Two Cities" translated by Takuro Kagayama in Shincho Bunko.

Let's take a quick look at the synopsis.

Charles Darnay, an exiled aristocrat who came to England because he hated the tyranny of France, and Sidney Carton, a prodigal and incorrigible lawyer who despairs of life. Both young men have feelings for Lucy, the daughter of Dr. Manette, who has been imprisoned in the Bastille for many years for a crime she did not commit. Just as the flames of the Revolution are about to ignite in Paris, the two young men find themselves at the mercy of the stormy times. What will be the fate of these three people who are tossed about by the stormy waves of the times? A magnificent historical romance, an eternal masterpiece in a new translation.

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This work is from Dickens' mature period and is one of the most popular of his works.

Takuro Kagayama, the translator of the book, also wrote in his postscript

Dickens was not only the national author of England, but he was also widely read throughout the world and influenced such great writers as Dostoevsky, Proust, and Kafka. The "A Tale of Two Cities" is a case in point. A Tale of Two Cities" is one of these "dark" Dickens stories in full bloom, and is one of his most outstanding entertainments among his more than 20 works. It is one of only two historicals in the series,A Christmas Carol.The novel is one of the world's top best-selling novels of all time.

Shincho Bunko, A Tale of Two Cities, translated by Takuro Kagayama, p. 660

As Mr. Kagayama says, the humor in this film is clearly less humorous than in his previous works. Instead, the depiction of the evil that infested the French Revolution and the gloomy world of London are vividly depicted.

So, wouldn't a novel with such a dark atmosphere be boring?

No, no, you don't need to worry about that. Mr. Kagayama says, "I am not worried about that.

This book is short for a Dickens novel, and because it was published weekly, the story develops quickly. The book is rich in courtroom drama, murder, revenge, riot, espionage, and the hidden past, all of which will delight mystery fans. The first thing that comes to mind when one hears the name Dickens is his many fascinating characters. In particular, his skill in vividly and freely depicting ordinary people is unrivaled, even after more than 150 years of his writing (and his ability to write from the perspective of children is unrivaled). However, in this book, the author himself seems to have decided in advance to write a "story composed of incidents" and to have adopted a method of moving the characters along with the incidents.

 However, of course, this is Dickens, and while the historical upheaval of the French Revolution is featured, it is only the background. The story is centered on the human drama of the people who live in and travel between the two cities, London and Paris. Because the story is well written, the somewhat unrealistic actions of the people who devote themselves to their loved ones are convincing and move the reader emotionally.

Shincho Bunko, A Tale of Two Cities, translated by Takuro Kagayama, p. 662-663

As Kagayama says, this work develops quickly and each character is distinct and easy to read. Also, the storyline is developed enough to satisfy mystery fans.

A Tale of Two Cities and Dostoevsky

There is no direct reference to this work by Dostoevsky either.

butThe Pickwick Club.It will be very interesting to see how Dostoevsky, who appreciated Dickens' humor so much, would react to a "Dark Dickens" such as the one in the present work!

Now, again, we have Keiko Shimada'sDickens Literature and Light and Darkness."Let's take a look at this with reference to

This work is the first to deal with the themes that run through Dickens' later completed works-self-sacrifice, redemption, and resurrection. Angus Wilson has said of these later novels, "The world of Tolstoy or Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment in his later works. . feels like 'the world of Dmitry and Ivan Karamazov,' and is nothing less than a New Testament Christian world with a sense of transcendence." He asserts.

Keiko Shimada, Sairyusha, "The Darkness and Light of Dickens' Literature: Stories of People Fascinated by the Light that Illuminates Evil," p. 1.34

This view is surprising!

I had no idea that "A Tale of Two Cities" had influenced that Tolstoy!

And most importantly, there is the theory that this work also influenced "Crime and Punishment" and "The Brothers Karamazov.

Kagayama's commentary at the end of the book also mentions that this work is about resurrection. Let's take a look at this as well.

It has long been pointed out that the theme that runs through the entire film is "rebirth. Dr. Manette comes back to life after 18 years in prison. Darnay is saved from death more than once. Cruncher is a resurrectionist by trade, and a spy who is supposed to be dead is somewhere on earth. Sidney Carton wanders the banks of the Seine and finds meaning in his life, a life that he had always despised. Carton's rebirth, the climax of the book, has been likened by some to Christ sent to a shabby land. The repeated recitation of the Gospel of John, "I am the resurrection (......)," and the nobility of his actions are enough to give a nod to this interpretation, but the strength of Carton's devotion to Lucy and the "prophecy" he leaves behind at the end of the book are not related to the religion he believes in. The "prophecy" that Carton leaves at the end of the book resonates with everyone, regardless of the religion they believe in.

Shincho Bunko, A Tale of Two Cities, translated by Takuro Kagayama, p. 662-663

certainlyCrime and Punishment."is best known as a psychological drama about a young man who commits murder, but it is actually a work in which a Christian worldview is a very serious subject matter.

Sonya, the lover of the main character Raskolnikov, is a deeply religious woman, and throughout the work she reads the biblical story "The Resurrection of Lazarus" to him. Raskolnikov's resurrection depends on her.

andThe Brothers Karamazov.The critical theme of the film is also the protagonist Alyosha, an apprentice monk who seeks Christian salvation through his relationship with his mentor, Elder Zosima.

In this light, it does not seem far-fetched to say that "A Tale of Two Cities" influenced Dostoevsky.


As I considered "A Tale of Two Cities" and Dostoevsky, I came up against the Christian worldview of "resurrection."

This is a very difficult story to understand without knowledge of Christianity.

It seems to me that this is the reason why many people find Dostoevsky's works difficult. The worldview is different from that of modern Japanese, which makes it difficult to visualize the stories he tells.

Nevertheless, as with Dickens, the stories themselves can be enjoyed without knowledge. We are not creating a work that non-Christians will not understand at all.

In the first translator's commentary I mentioned.

A Tale of Two Cities" is one of those "dark" Dickens stories, and is the most entertaining of his more than 20 works. One of only two historicals, it is best known along with "A Christmas Carol," and is one of the top best-selling novels of all time.

Shincho Bunko, A Tale of Two Cities, translated by Takuro Kagayama, p. 660

As stated, this is a top-notch entertainment piece.

It is by no means a work of esoteric Christian interpretation, philosophy, or jargon that is repeatedly smoked out.

It is great because it skillfully portrays a Christian worldview in a story that is open to all.

This is also true of Dostoevsky.

So please do not be afraid of not having any expertise, but read it first with the feeling of genuinely enjoying the work itself.

If you do so, you will surely see something.

That is why it has stood the test of time and is still a beloved classic.

The above is a summary of "One of Dickens' most popular works! A Tale of Two Cities" Synopsis - London and Paris during the French Revolution! The above is the synopsis of "A Tale of Two Cities", one of Dickens' most popular works!

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