Future blog updates - Why study Dostoevsky now? What do I want to do?

Dostoevsky Shinran and Dostoevsky

Future blog updates - Why study Dostoevsky now? What do I want to do?

I have been updating my article on Dostoevsky since about April of this year (2020).

For those who are not interested in Dostoevsky, this will be nothing but "? and for those who are interested in Dostoevsky, they may wonder why I, a monk and not an expert, have to keep writing about Dostoevsky to this point.

When I first started the blog, my theme was to think about Buddhism in an easy-to-understand way and to ask the question, "What is it all about? When I first started the blog, my theme was to think about Buddhism in a simple and easy-to-understand way, but I have not written many articles on Buddhism.


We apologize, but we will have to ask our readers to be a little more patient.

The reason I am now posting articles about what I have read is that I want to convey the quality of the book to everyone who reads it.

Above all, I consider this "article writing" to be a valuable learning experience for myself.

Selfishly, I have recently taken the opportunity of this blog to make it an important place of learning for me.

In the next article, we will also look at the works of writers who greatly influenced Dostoevsky, such as Victor Hugo, famous for "Les Miserables," and Charles Dickens, a great English writer.

With that in mind, this work is still likely to take the rest of the year, even if we update at this pace.

Ultimately, I hope to return to Dostoevsky again and talk about the appeal of his works, how great his works are, and their significance, as well as tips and pointers for reading his works.

If we can get to that point, I believe we can get to the point where even those who were not interested in Dostoevsky can get out of the "??" I believe that we will be able to get to a point where we can get out of this state.

To that end, I would like to continue my current style of updating, even though you may still be in a state of "? I will continue to update the website in the same style as before, although I am afraid that you may still be in a "?

However, we do not intend to stop at merely introducing books.

We will make every effort to make each work we introduce as easy as possible to understand, to show how wonderful it is and what connection it has to Dostoevsky.

Basically, all of the works we are about to introduce are considered masterpieces in the history of literature.

Hugo's "Les Miserables," Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," Tolstoy's "War and Peace," and many others are masterpieces among masterpieces.

There are a number of works that I know the titles of but have never read in books.

I would be happy if my article could be an opportunity for you to encounter such works.

Reading foreign authors to learn about Dostoevsky is seemingly a long way off.

But going through the process will change your view of Dostoevsky again.

We will read the works of other writers only with the viewpoint of studying Dostoevsky.

It is to read Hugo but to study Dostoevsky, and going back further from there, to study Shinran and Buddhism.

If you are a monk, you should be studying the sutras, not looking at other things."

I think you are right about that.

However, reading sutras is not the only way to study sutras.

Everything in front of us is sutra and Buddhist study.

We can find Buddhism even in seemingly completely unrelated things.

I read books and see the world every day with this in mind.

Of course, I have no intention of neglecting the sutra itself. In fact, it is my starting point and an important part of my life. If I fail to learn it, I will be throwing away something important as a monk.

I am only a monk. I read Dostoevsky, Hugo, and Tolstoy from the perspective of a monk.

Dostoevsky, Hugo, and Tolstoy are all important teachers who support my studies as a monk.

We hope that you have been able to understand that we are by no means neglecting Buddhism.

The above is a summary of the blog, "Future Blog Updates - Why Study Dostoevsky Now? What do I want to do?" was "Why study Dostoevsky now?

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