Excellent espresso recommended by a Rome connoisseur! Days at the Vatican and Departure from Italy Vatican, Italy (7)

Vatican, Italy

Excellent espresso recommended by a Rome connoisseur! Days at the Vatican and Departure from Italy: Takahiro Ueda, a Monk, Around the World - Vatican, Italy (7)

His stay at the Vatican will be four days, from May 8 to 11.

I spent every day of those four days in the Vatican Museums and visited St. Peter's Basilica.

Frankly, four days is not enough at all.

I thought from the bottom of my heart that I would like to stay here for another week or so.

That is how interesting and fascinating the Vatican was to me.

Although I could not introduce it before due to the volume of the article, the Picture Gallery of the Vatican Museums was also really wonderful.

Three of Raphael's works are also on display here, especially the centerpiece, "The Transfiguration of Christ," which is so masterful that it is considered Raphael's last work and his greatest masterpiece.

I still remember the excitement of seeing this up close and personal.

I could easily write a whole article just talking about how wonderful this picture is.

The figure of Christ and his disciples soaring through the air. And what a sense of floating in the air.

The scene of the meeting between Jesus and the demon-possessed child in the lower half of the painting is also so authentically depicted, one by one.

This was shocking to see firsthand.

The information that comes into the eye is as different as if it were different. This is a sensation that can only be felt by confronting the picture directly face to face.

It is hard to put into words, but I can only describe it as an overwhelming experience, as if my body felt something invisible.

The Picture Gallery has become one of my favorite places where I can fully appreciate Raphael's outstanding painting skills.

I am happy to tell you that it is also a hole in the ground because it is surprisingly empty.

At night, we went to the hotel's rooftop bar, where the night view is said to be spectacular.

this way (direction close to the speaker or towards the speaker)Atlantestar Hotelis famous for its rooftop terrace, which offers a great view of St. Peter's Basilica from its prime location.

Even if you are not staying at this hotel, you can enter the rooftop bar, so I walked there from my hotel to enjoy the night view of the Vatican.

If you come at dusk, you can watch the Vatican turn orange with the sun slowly setting over the Vatican hill.

It is most fulfilling to relax and enjoy the ever-changing scenery.

I highly recommend this bar.

And finally, when it comes to Rome, espresso is the name of the game.

I was told about this restaurant, Castroni, by Mirza in Bosnia.

Mirza is a Rome connoisseur who has lived in Rome for over 10 years.

The person said, "This is the best place to eat. All the locals go here," so there is no doubt about it.

The store itself is a grocery store, which means it has a wide selection of local foods, but go to the back and you will find a coffee counter.

Here, you can enjoy a cup of espresso made by an uncle while standing at the counter.

This is the Roman coffee style.

It is espresso, so the quantity is small.

But that's the thick of it.

Since they do not have the custom of drinking it black like the Japanese, the taste is based on the assumption that sugar is added.

I'll take it right away.

What the...? What is this...?

Delicious ... too delicious! ...but I have no idea what it tastes like!

My head is confused! I don't know, but it tastes good anyway.

This was a strange experience. It was so good that it was confusing.

A taste that cannot be explained. It's no wonder, since even I don't know what it is.

I immediately had another one.

Another drink is still delicious!

Really great.

I was completely hooked on the taste.

From then on, I went to this place every day and followed a strange routine of ordering two drinks from the start, downing them all at once, and then leaving.

I really recommend this store. It is a great place to buy Italian souvenirs. You can buy local and really high quality food at reasonable prices.

If you are going to the Vatican, why not stop by?

Now, the morning of the last day at the Vatican.

In the short time it took me to get to the airport, I had one last taste of the Vatican.

There were many priests and men in black suits making various preparations at the altar of St. Peter's Basilica, as if some kind of event was going to take place that day.

Seeing such a large number of priests and men in black working together brought up a variety of emotions, including the thought that it looked scary and cool.

These are the people who run the head temple of Roman Catholicism. They must be incredibly talented people.

I felt a unique aura or style.

Let's make sure to keep this one in our sights as well.

Well, it's finally time to say goodbye to Italy. The Vatican really was a wonderful place. I am really sorry to leave the Vatican, but that's exactly what I mean.

Now, the next destination is Spain.

Spain will take 20 days to tour around.

Spain is home to numerous religious holy places.

It is also a country I was personally looking forward to seeing immensely.

I will continue to watch Spain carefully, being careful of pickpockets.

be unbroken

*Please visit this category page for recommended books to learn about Rome and Italy.
The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism."
The Italian Renaissance and the Revolution in Knowledge."

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