(13) Special tour of the Vatican City, which is off-limits to all but authorized personnel! You will also get a rare behind-the-scenes look at St. Peter's Basilica!

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

Travel in Rome] (13) Special visit to the Vatican City, which is off-limits to all but authorized personnel! Also, a rare behind-the-scenes look at St. Peter's Basilica!

On November 28, 2022, I went on a tour of the Appian Way and aqueduct with a local travel agency. The scene was.(7) "All Roads Lead to Rome" - Visiting the Baths of Caracalla, the Appian Way and the Aqueduct. The amazing technology of ancient Rome is astonishing."As I told you in my article in the "The Day" section, I had a joyous occasion that made my heart skip a beat.

To my surprise, two days later, on the 30th, I was able to visit the interior of the Vatican City!

Detailed map of the VaticanWikipedia.

Vatican City is famous for being the smallest state in the world. While the Vatican City is home to St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museums, the Vatican City also has its own state institutions. Vatican City also has state institutions such as banks, post offices, courts, and various other facilities. However, the areas other than the cathedral and the museums are off-limits to all but authorized personnel, so the general public is not allowed to see these facilities. But, to my surprise, I was allowed to enter them!

I asked for a tour on the 28th.Jimmy TourDuring the tour on the 28th, I told them that I was a monk, here to study religion and usually write articles for newspapers, and they offered me a tour of the Vatican. This was truly a bolt from the blue! I was so surprised and excited! I had never even imagined such a thing. I never imagined that this would happen! I can only thank Jimmy Tour for his kindness.

After meeting our guide, we finally entered the grounds of the Vatican City, passing through the entrance gate of the Vatican City and the Swiss Guards' station.

I am elated that I am now in the Vatican. I can't believe it.

The main avenue within Vatican City. It is the street that extends straight from the entrance gate.

A post office is on the right side of the building as soon as you walk in.

Passing through the gate and up the hill.

The sensation of being quite high up. In fact, I am now heading for the top of the Vatican walls.

In case you are wondering, I am at the very center of this picture, where there is a palm tree-like plant. This photo shows the Vatican walls as seen from the outside. The tallest building in the upper center of the photo is part of the Vatican Museums. The courtyard of the Vatican Museums, famous for its reliefs of pinecones, is located there.

Courtyard of the Vatican Museums

It is very exciting to be able to see the Vatican from angles we don't usually see.

Finally, we came to the top of the ramparts. It was a little surprising and interesting to see cars parked in the parking lot.

A view of Rome from the city walls. Just below are the streets and squares where I always used to walk. I never thought I would be looking down on it from those Vatican walls.

The tour of the Vatican interior continued. We came to a square surrounded by buildings on all sides. The front of the photo is the Vatican Archives. It is a repository of historical and valuable materials, a treasure house of humanity.

Fire trucks were also waiting in this plaza. As expected, everything is in place.

And I would like to share this picture with you. Can you see a passageway along the wall just a little above the center? This is actually a passageway for visitors to the Vatican Museums, and it is through this passageway that you go to the Room of Raphael's Signature.

I was in the plaza looking down from this passageway. And at that time, I was looking up at this passageway. It is a strange feeling to think back on it now.

Then, we proceeded further down the aisle. The picture on the right may be difficult to recognize, but this is actually the Sistine Chapel.

I was able to see my favorite chapel, with Michelangelo's ceiling paintings and "The Last Judgment," from the outside. I could not stop the goosebumps. Michelangelo's marvelous space was spread out inside of this rugged building.

And now we will go around to the back side of St. Peter's Basilica.

Looking back, we could see the magnificent rectangular-shaped Sistine Chapel.

Walk along the Vatican Gardens and around the dome of St. Peter's Basilica.

We came across a gardener just behind St. Peter's Basilica who was finishing a Vatican coat of arms-shaped garden tree. They were very friendly and even gave me a candy. I was honestly happy.

Now, this is the back side of St. Peter's Basilica! You can clearly see the great dome designed by Michelangelo. It is very rare to see this view.

The huge façade of St. Peter's Basilica makes it impossible to get a good look at the dome.

Another angle. This is a view from behind St. Peter's Basilica, the very area where Cathedra Petri and Baldacchino are placed. It was a real pleasure to see up close this huge dome, which was the total power of the Vatican during the Renaissance. I could not stop getting goosebumps.

After this, he continued walking around Vatican City.

This temple-like building was once used as the Vatican's train station and has now been reborn as a duty-free store. The photo on the right shows the back side of the building. You can see the railroad tracks. It was unexpected to find a duty free store inside the Vatican City.

This is a gas station. It is much cheaper than in Rome because there is no tax. It is very convenient to do everything in Vatican City.

Walk further around the dome to St. Peter's Square.

The gate on the left leads to St. Peter's Square, where I learned a startling fact.

In fact, the day I visited was the day of the Pope's audience, and the Pope was speaking right now on the other side of the room.

The convertible car in which the Pope would be riding was waiting right there.

And the guide said to me: "You are so lucky! You are really lucky! You may be able to see the Pope coming back now! I'll go check now!" And he said.

What? I am the Pope directly with my own eyes!

My mind went blank! I didn't think this was possible!

The guide then hurriedly moved to a new location where we were to wait.

This is where Pope Francis is currently living. Originally a lodging facility for dignitaries visiting the Vatican, Pope Francis is now using one of the rooms as his home. This has been talked about as an unusual practice in the history of the Vatican. The fact that he lives in a hotel room rather than in the Vatican Palace is said to be his intention to spend as little money as possible. Our guide told us that the people of Rome have a strong love for Pope Francis.

Then, nervously waiting for the moment.

It won't be long now. The guards are getting ready. They are coming from over there in that car.

Finally... I was so nervous I could hear my heart beating. Of course, there was no way I could see them in person. I could only watch from a little distance. But it was almost as if I was walking right in front of him. I would be able to see directly one of the movers and shakers of the world. It was impossible not to be nervous!

And finally the time came.

A white car was coming slowly from the square. The Pope was sitting in the back seat of the car. Several bodyguards guarded the car and slowly approached. Then the Pope slowly passed in front of me...! This is that...! I froze and could not even wave my hand. I just stood there stunned with my mouth open.

The car then slowed further and stopped at the entrance to the accommodation. The Pope is 85 years old (as of November 30, 2022). He is so ill that he has difficulty standing on his own. When he got out of the car, he seemed to be struggling just to stand up from his chair. With his bodyguard supporting him, he slowly got out of the car and sat down in his wheelchair. He then shook hands with the guards guarding the entrance to the facility. According to the guide, no Pope had ever shaken hands with the guards at the entrance before. I was moved by the Pope's concern for the guards even though he was in such a difficult condition that it was difficult for him to stand up from his chair.

The duties and tasks of the Pope are unimaginably strenuous. In spite of his advanced age, he delivered a speech in front of a large audience. I was overwhelmed by the enormity of the Pope's presence.

A photo taken after the Pope entered the facility. I couldn't get out of my state of abandonment for a while.

After this, we continued our tour of special places such as the catacombs of St. Peter's Basilica and the staircase designed by Bernini, all of which were wonderful experiences. Photography is not allowed in the catacombs, and the Bernini staircase will be introduced in a later article, so I will leave it out here.

Nevertheless, having the Pope in front of me made me completely lose my mind. I never imagined that this would happen.

This was the most shocking day of my stay in Rome. Thanks to Jimmy Tour for giving me such a wonderful opportunity. The Appian Way tour two days before was also very enjoyable and memorable. If you are ever in Rome, please don't miss it!Jimmy TourI would like to recommend Mr. K. K. to all of you.

be unbroken

*The list of articles in the "Rome Travel Journal" can be found atCategory page hereindicates direction or goal (e.g. "to")

*Please visit this category page for recommended books to learn about Rome and Italy.
The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism."
The Italian Renaissance and the Revolution in Knowledge."

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