Say goodbye to the crowds! Breakfast at the Vatican - Silence of the Vatican Museums all to yourself! Vatican, Italy Part 2

Vatican, Italy

A must-see for art lovers! Breakfast at the Vatican - Enjoy the serenity of the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel with elegance Monk Takahiro Ueda's Round-the-World Tour - Vatican, Italy Part 2

May 9. 7:00 AM.

Walking through sparsely populated morning Rome, we headed for the Vatican Museums.

Meet at the entrance of the museum at 7:15.

As the title says, today we will have breakfast at the Vatican Museums.

The advantage of this admission ticket with breakfast is that it allows visitors to enter the museum one hour early, when it normally opens at 9:00 a.m.

This means that visitors can take their time to enjoy the museum in a quiet environment, without being caught up in the huge crowds of yesterday.

This is the Peña courtyard, the pride of the Vatican Museums.

You can get here around 7:30 after baggage checks, etc.

I will have my breakfast in this courtyard, which is famous for its statue of a pine cricket.

What an elegant breakfast! Expectations are high.

Meals are buffet style.

After being shown to your seat, you are free to do whatever you want.

Although not quite on the level of a luxury hotel, for me, the selection of items on display was more than adequate.

My favorite is the freshly baked pancakes.

Why are pancakes so delicious when eaten on the road?

And this is the Vatican.

It is rare to find such a wonderful breakfast venue.

Good weather. Good scenery. Good sense of freedom.

There is nothing more to say. The best breakfast I've ever had.

The happiness of being able to have breakfast in the Vatican courtyard.

We also had coffee and enjoyed a moment of elegance.

It was indeed a wonderful breakfast.

Then at 8:00, visitors are allowed to enter the museum.

Please note that you will not be allowed inside until 8:00 p.m., so rushing to eat your meal will be a waste of time.

Now, let's take a quick walk through the museum.

No one is there. The scene is quiet.

The crowds we saw yesterday are a lie.

A quiet museum. Only the sound of shoes walking steadily echoes in the silence.

A luxurious time to immerse yourself in art in a world of your own.

You can see the difference if you compare this photo with the one from the previous day.

This difference makes a dramatic difference in the enjoyment of the museum.

Even in the small space of a museum, such a dense crowd of people would be exhausting.

In addition, I have to go with the flow, so I can't watch at my own pace.

This is also surprisingly strenuous.

If that happens, how much energy will be left to devote to art appreciation?

I suspect that one of the reasons people do not enjoy art when touring museums is because of this residual energy problem.

I am sure you may have some idea of this.

No matter how much I was looking forward to doing something, if I am exhausted and my spirits are low, I will not be able to enjoy what I do.

Tiredness and poor health. This is the great enemy.

How can we suppress it, how can we stay healthy and happy until the end?

This is something obvious, but surprisingly, it is really difficult to put it into practice.

However, this trip made me realize that this is one of the most important aspects of traveling.

The museum in the morning, when it is quiet and less crowded, provides the best environment in this regard.

The tiredness is as different as it gets.

And that allows them to devote plenty of energy to great works of art.

And the biggest advantage of the breakfast ticket I used today is that I get a taste of the quiet Sistine Chapel.

Photography is not allowed inside, so I hope you can get an idea from the picture of the postcard I bought as a souvenir.

When you actually walk in here, you can't help but be overwhelmed.

It feels like a different space from the real world.

And in this Sistine Chapel, the famous mural of Michelangelo's "The Last Judgment" is painted.

The ceiling paintings were also done by Michelangelo.

Unfortunately, there are so many people during the day that it is difficult to relax and watch the show.

In fact, I had visited here the day before, but could not see it properly due to the large number of people and the busy atmosphere.

That is why I was so looking forward to the Sistine Chapel this morning.

And it was everything I expected it to be.

There were few people, so I was able to watch the show calmly.

And the only people here are those who went out of their way to come early in the morning and paid more than usual.

In other words, people who want to appreciate this painting quietly and carefully gather here.

That is why the manner of appreciation is excellent.

There is an atmosphere of mutual respect.

I was able to take my time and enjoy the paintings in the quiet Sistine Chapel.

It was so beautiful that I lost track of time and watched it.

The Vatican is wonderful. You could come here every day and never get tired of it.

I have booked a breakfast ticket for tomorrow as well.

And this time I liked this quiet Vatican so much that I decided to book a ticket for the morning after tomorrow in a hurry, although I had not originally planned to do so.

I want to be here just for a little while before I head to the airport. I really want to see it.

That was the thought.

This would mean four consecutive days at the Vatican Museums.

You might wonder how they never get tired of it, but it was that great.

I can't describe each individual painting or chapel here, but I can tell you that they are truly wonderful.

If you come to the Vatican, I strongly recommend the admission ticket with breakfast. The price is higher, but it is definitely worth it.

From the Sistine Chapel, you can return again to the museum.

The route is just so that one can make a loop through the Sistine Chapel to the starting point.

Once you enter the museum, you can visit all the way until closing time.

Lunch can also be taken in the museum.

I was pleased with the food, which tasted better than I expected.

There are also several cafeterias where you can take a break if you get tired.

I stayed at the museum from 7:00 a.m. to early evening that day and the next day, and made a total of six rounds of this route.

Still, I am not bored at all.

I want to stay as many more days as possible. I would like to stay as many more days as possible.

be unbroken

*Please visit this category page for recommended books to learn about Rome and Italy.
The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism."
The Italian Renaissance and the Revolution in Knowledge."

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