Russian literature

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

Kosuke Togashi, "Conflicts in the Caucasus" - recommended to learn about the conflicts and Russia in Chechnya, Nagorno-Karabakh and Georgia.

This book is not intended to be useful only for understanding the Caucasus region, but also for understanding the issues of ethnicity and nationhood that are emerging in various regions in the international community today. (From the Introduction)"

This work is truly a reference book that allows students to learn about the complex Caucasus situation and also to develop "an eye for conflict in other regions.

Moreover, all of the conflicts in the Caucasus region are conflicts with close ties to Russia.

This is a recommended reference book that will also give you a new perspective on the Russian-Ukrainian war!

Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War

W. Shabłowski, "Dancing Bears: People Struggling with Regime Change after the Cold War" - Freedom came suddenly to the people of the former communist bloc. Is freedom a burden?

This book is about the "dancing bears" of former communist Bulgaria and looks at the lives of people living in the former communist bloc.

This book is also amazing..!

There are plenty of books on Russia, but books on the former communist bloc and its aftermath are quite rare to begin with.

Moreover, the "bear dance" that has been handed down in the region is an exquisite symbol of the very drama of the transition from the former communist bloc to "freedom.


Russian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

O. Fayziz, "Natasha's Dance: A Cultural History of Russia" - A recommended reference book on the origins of Russian culture and spirituality!

A great book to learn what the Russian spirit is all about!

It makes me think about how culture is created.

For me personally, I was particularly impressed by the book's description of the Optina monastery.

This is a very famous Russian monastery that was visited by Dostoevsky in his later years, and even Tolstoy visited the monastery many times.

The book also provides a very important perspective on Dostoevsky's understanding of Christianity.

Russian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

Montefiori's "History of the Romanov Dynasty 1613-1918" - One of the best books to learn about the history of the Russian Romanov dynasty!

For me, Montefiorelli is a historian I can have great confidence in, and this work was of consistent Montefiorelli quality. I can only say one word: "Excellent.

You will learn in a dramatic and fast-paced manner how Russia expanded and grew in power from the beginnings of the Romanov dynasty.

The chapters are also progressed for each emperor, so it is very easy to understand the flow of the times.

This book is a great way to learn about the history of the country of Russia and what it has gone through to get to where it is today.

Dostoevsky and Freud's Killing of the Fathers

Why is "The Brothers Karamazov" so difficult? What was the theme of the novel and what was the context in which it was written - what did Dostoevsky want to convey in this novel?

In this article, we will discuss the actual context in which "The Brothers Karamazov" was written.

This work is often described as "difficult" or "hard to read," and we will also look into the reasons why people feel this way.

Knowing the background of this work, you will see "The Brothers Karamazov" in a different light. Karamazov is interesting! I highly recommend this article!

Europe through Classical and Western Art

Lepine and the Glimmer of Russian Modern Painters" - A recommended guidebook on 19th century Russian painting, in which Dostoevsky also lived.

This book is a recommended guidebook that provides a general view of the Russian painting world of this period, with a focus on Repin, one of the leading Russian painters of the 19th century.

And what I appreciate about this book is that it also gives us the historical background of Russia at that time. You can learn what kind of society these painters lived in, what they wanted, and what they continued to paint and struggle for. I highly recommend this book!

British and German Literature, History and Culture

Sanshiro Yokoyama, "The Rothschilds" - Recommended for a history of the Rothschilds that is not a conspiracy theory!

Conspiracy theories are often mentioned when it comes to Rothschild. While I do not deny that Rothschild's books and articles are often conspiracy theories, I suspect that most of the Rothschild books and articles in the world are conspiracy theories.

But this book is not a conspiracy-theory book, but a historical reference book that tells the story of how this family came to power, which is very much appreciated!

Europe through Classical and Western Art

Hino Madoka, "Prokofiev - Music for Whom?" ~ A biography recommended to learn about the suffering and life of the genius musician of the Soviet Union!

Hino Madoka's brush with the Soviet era of oppression from the perspective of a musician is nothing short of astonishing. She does not merely lay out historical facts, but vividly tells the story of his harsh life as a narrative. The "advantages of biography," which allow us to learn about the historical background as well as the people, shine through more than ever. Every time I read Madoka Hino's writings, I am amazed.

Learning from the History, Thought and Literature of the Cold War World

Solzhenitsyn's "A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" Synopsis and Comments - Accusations of the Soviet Gulag

This work is set in the Soviet concentration camps after World War II. Through this work, Solzhenitsyn attempted to portray the reality of the Soviet Union itself.

Solzhenitsyn is a Soviet-born writer and Nobel laureate in literature. The "A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich," introduced here, is one of his best-known works, and he is also famous for "The Gulag Archipelago.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

List of 7 Nietzsche Recommended Works and Commentary Articles - Nietzsche is interesting! Not only his philosophy, but also his life and personality!

Nietzsche's philosophical writings may have an image of being esoteric, but it is a fact that they are still loved by many people to this day. I believe that Nietzsche's books continue to be read by many people not only because they are difficult to understand, but also because they have a strong message that strikes a chord with readers.

In this article, I will present seven of Nietzsche's philosophical books that I would recommend, as well as several articles with interesting commentaries on Nietzsche.