Russian literature

The great Russian writer Pushkin Gogol

Pushkin's "The Captivity of the Kafkaes" Synopsis and Impressions - Romantic Kafkaesque narrative poem about majestic nature and exotic culture.

It is a narrative poem written by Pushkin during a visit to the Kafkaes, based on the inspiration he found there.

What I still think of when reading this work is Pushkin's typical romantic depiction of scenes. The description of the magnificent scenery of the Kafkaes is just cool. There is a mysterious uplifting feeling that makes me feel excited when I read it. The power to appeal to the emotions is tremendous. This is Pushkin! This is a masterpiece!

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Summary and Comments on Berlin's "The Hedgehog and the Fox" - A valuable reference on Tolstoy's "War and Peace".

When I study Tolstoy, I always think that the number of reference books on Tolstoy is obviously much smaller than those on Dostoevsky. Moreover, there are almost no reference books that specialize in individual works.

In this context, "The Hedgehog and the Fox," introduced here, is an extremely valuable reference book on Tolstoy's works.

In this work you will learn about Tolstoy's characteristics and his historical philosophy on the subject of "War and Peace". It is a stimulating and interesting book and we highly recommend this reference work.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Synopsis and Comments - Tolstoy's masterpiece set in the Napoleonic Wars.

If Dostoevsky's works seem to dive into the deepest and most profound abysses of the human interior, Tolstoy's works seem to expand into a sky-high, far-off space.

Dostoevsky dives deep and deep, and Tolstoy tries to grasp the world high and wide.

It was in the work "War and Peace" that I could sense the tremendous difference between the two of them.

It is not a work that I can recommend to everyone, but there is no doubt that it is a tremendous work. Once you read it, you will never forget its overwhelming scale. If you want to feel Tolstoy the Giant, this is the work for you.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Kaori Kawabata, "100 Minutes de Meisaku: Tolstoy's 'War and Peace'" - A miraculous reference book that explains that great work in a compact and easy-to-understand manner!

I think it is safe to say that this book is a must-read when reading War and Peace!



Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Russia's Connection to the Caucasus and Chechnya: The History of War between the Russian Empire and the Georgian (formerly Georgian) Region



Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Strong connection between Tolstoy and Caucasus (Caucasus) - overwhelming mountain landscape and Tolstoy's military experience





Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's "The Age of Youth" Synopsis and Impressions - Tolstoy's ardent idealism and conflicts of self-contradiction appear early in the work.

This work is the final in the trilogy of Tolstoy's autobiography that continued with "Childhood," "Boyhood," and "Youth.

The trilogy follows the development of the main character Nikolenika from childhood to adolescence, but Nikolenika reflects quite a bit of Tolstoy's own personality.

Tolstoy's character, which remains unchanged even in his later years, can already be seen in this work. This work is also very important in understanding Tolstoy's personality and characteristics.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's "Childhood" Synopsis and Comments - Tolstoy's debut novel, which surprised the Russian literary world!



In terms of volume, the work is quite compact, with less than 200 pages in the paperback edition. Although the name "Tolstoy," a great writer, may give an image of being difficult to understand, the narrative style of this work is very easy to read.

This work is a good gateway to understanding what makes Tolstoy unique.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's life and works in chronological order - Experience the overwhelming scale of the great Russian writer.





Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Takashi Fujinuma, "Tolstoy" - A recommended biography of Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, with a full description of his tumultuous life and works!

This work is the most recommended biography of the life of the Russian literary giant Tolstoy.

This book will give you a glimpse of the overwhelming scale of Tolstoy's work. This is very interesting.

I also use this biography as a commentary when reading Tolstoy's works.

I really appreciate this biography, which tells not only about Tolstoy's life, but also the background and commentary of his works.
