Pure Land teachings

Lao Zhuang and BuddhismChinese Buddhism, Thought and History

MIKUSABURO MORI, "Laozhuang and Buddhism" - A stimulating book that provides insight into the relationship between Laozhuang and the reception of Buddhism in China!

This book is a tremendously interesting classic! It's one of those books that is so stimulating it sparks your brain!"

Well, I am here for this book. This book is definitely one of the best books on China that I have ever read on this blog. I would say that this book ranks at the top not only in China but also in all books related to Buddhism. It is such an interesting book.

The main theme of this book is how Buddhism, which came from India, was accepted and transformed in China, and this is extremely exciting.
The book also includes an overview of Lao Zhuang philosophy, the relationship between Chinese Buddhism and politics, the development of Zen Buddhism and Pure Land Buddhism, and other interesting details that just keep coming up in this book. Oh no, it's interesting! It sparked my brain.

Bhagavad GitaIndian thought, culture and history

Synopsis and Comments on "The Bhagavad Gita" - Hinduism's deepest secrets that live on today! And its connection to Mahayana Buddhism!

The Bhagavad Gita is quite compact, about 140 pages in paperback. Katsuhiko Uemura's translation is very easy to read, and there are more than 50 pages of commentary at the end of the book, which is very helpful.

In this book, more and more ideas are discussed that are very close to the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism.

I strongly felt that, after all, Buddhism was also born within the framework of Indian thought and culture. Of course, this is not a one-way passage from Indian mythology to Buddhism, but rather a mutual influence.

This was also significant in my study of Buddhism. No, it was a gem of a scripture that opened my eyes not only to Buddhism, but also to religion and human beings themselves. I find myself more and more attracted to Indian thought and culture.

The History of Indian Buddhism as a CultureBuddhism in India

Yasuaki Nara, "History of Indian Buddhism as 'Culture'" - A great book that I highly recommend to monks who are troubled by criticism of funeral Buddhism!

I highly recommend this book to "those who are struggling with how to be a monk".

It is clear that Buddhism is not only a doctrine written in literature, but has walked with the people who live there. I myself received a lot of courage from this book. I feel that Buddhism will surely lead to the power to live even today.

Even non-monks interested in the meaning of rituals in Buddhism will find much in this work.

This is a great book that I would highly recommend. It was a wonderful book that conveys the author's beliefs.

The Abyss of the Mahayana BuddhaBuddhism in India

Tomomichi Nitta, "The Abyss of the Buddha in the Mahayana" - There was no mythologizing of the Buddha! What is Gen Nakamura's Critique of the Historical View of Buddha? From "Series on Mahayana Buddhism, Volume 5: Buddha and Pure Land - Mahayana Buddhist Scriptures II

This work is very interesting to me as a Jodo Shinshu monk because it teaches about the Pure Land scriptures.

The second chapter, "The Abyss of Mahayana Buddhism" by Mr. Tomomichi Nitta, was particularly shocking. This is a paper that should be read by all students of Buddhism.

The "Series on Mahayana Buddhism" reflects the latest research as of the early 2010s. It was a first-hand experience of how the once mainstream understanding of Buddhism is no longer valid.

The Series Mahayana Buddhism Volume 5: Buddha and the Pure Land - Mahayana Buddhist Scriptures II, which contains the shocking treatise by Tomomichi Nitta, is a tremendous book that I recommend to all students of Buddhism. It is by far the most impressive work in this series.

The World of the Bhagavad GitaIndian thought, culture and history

Katsuhiko Uemura, "The World of the Bhagavad Gita: The Salvation of Hinduism" - A masterpiece that also provides insight into Japanese culture and its connection to Mahayana Buddhism!

It is no exaggeration to say that the Japanese are, so to speak, "hidden Hindus. One of the purposes of this book is to show that."

It's a shocking word, isn't it?

But in this book, these words feel all too real. The connection with Japanese culture and Mahayana Buddhism is explained very clearly.

As a commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, this book may be difficult to access. However, I suggest that you switch your perspective and look at this book as a Buddhist book.

The book is designed to be read without any knowledge of ancient India or Indian thought. At the same time, the work is easy enough to understand that it can also serve as an introduction to Buddhism. This is a great book.

False Images and Fragments of Indian Mahayana BuddhismBuddhism in India

G. Schopen, "False Images and Fragments of Indian Mahayana Buddhism" - The latest collection of articles by the great scholar who revolutionized the study of Indian Buddhism!




