
Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(2) Introducing Piazza di Spagna in Rome, where the great writers stayed! (3) Be fascinated by the fountain of Bernini's masterpiece "Barcaccia"!

This article will introduce Piazza di Spagna, familiar from "Roman Holiday".

This place, like the Porta del Popolo and Piazza del Popolo, was also very significant to Goethe, Stendhal, and other great writers of the 18th and 19th centuries.

This place is always crowded with tourists. This is still the best place to feel the atmosphere of the cosmopolitan city of Rome.

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(1) Gateway of Rome, Porta del Popolo and Piazza del Popolo - A stroke of the eye that instantly draws the traveler in! What is the true essence of Rome as a theater city!

The memorable first installment of my Rome travelogue is the Gate of Popolo and Piazza del Popolo, the gateway to Rome.

I also came to the Porta del Popolo by subway from Termini station.

Goethe and Stendhal passed through here. Dostoevsky and Mendelssohn, two of my favorites, would have passed through here.

For me, Rome is the city of Bernini and the city that Goethe praised. The beginning is the key to everything. It was a very encouraging first day for my future stay in Rome.

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

Travels to Rome: "The Beauty of the Theater City of Rome: A Pilgrimage to Dostoevsky and Bernini" - An introduction to ancient Rome and its temple of beauty!

From the beginning of November to December, I traveled through Europe on a trip titled "Dostoevsky's Journey. And although I did not mention it in my travelogue, I did in fact visit Rome during my trip.

I am one of those who are completely fascinated by the charms of Rome. In this travelogue, I would like to share with you the charms of Rome and its wonderful art.

If the words "Dostoevsky and Rome" sound stilted, don't worry, it's not at all. This is a travelogue of my love for Rome, having fallen in love with its beauty. I hope you will feel free to read it.

FlorenceThe Italian Renaissance and the Revolution of Knowledge

Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence - Visit the tombs of Michelangelo, Machiavelli and Galileo

At the end of 2022, I traveled to Europe. I have been updating this blog with a travelogue titled "Dostoevsky, My Fateful Journey with My Wife: Travels in Western Europe of Madness and Love" about my experiences. I also visited Florence on that trip.

In this article, we will introduce the Basilica of Santa Croce, one of the most impressive cathedrals in Florence.

In this cathedral are the graves of eminent figures. I came to this cathedral to visit the graves of these great men. I visited the tombs of Michelangelo and Machiavelli with a strong desire to visit their graves.

Dostoevsky and His Wife's Fateful Journey: Travels in Western Europe of Madness and Love

(22) Dostoevsky's days in Florence - places associated with him and his favorite art!

The couple saw rock bottom at Baden-Baden Geneva Vvay. They have nothing to fear anymore. They have no choice but to climb up.

They have shared their sorrows and sufferings, and now they are bound together by a strong bond. Their resurrection finally begins here. Their life in Florence, where they liken themselves to Mr. and Mrs. Micawber, must have been a major point of this trip.

Ah, beautiful Florence! If I could, I would have stayed longer and longer too! Florence is indeed the city of flowers. I was in awe of the art in this city.

I would like to believe that for Mr. and Mrs. Dostoevsky, their stay in this city was an irreplaceable one.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

Takahiro Ueda, "Impressions of the Summer Written in Autumn: A Journey to Paris and Georgia" Articles - A Journey to Learn from Tolstoy and Dostoevsky

For approximately one month, from mid-August to mid-September 2022, I have been traveling around Europe, mainly in Georgia.

This trip visited France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Georgia-Armenia.

Its main purpose was to see the Caucasus Mountains of northern Georgia to study Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

This article will list all 31 articles. We hope you will use it as a table of contents for "Impressions of Summer in Autumn.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

Paris-Georgia Travelogue] (31) Postscript - After the Paris-Georgia Trip

I have come this far with the hypothesis that "Tolstoy's origin may have been in Kafkaes.

And it actually made me think of the landscape and the mountain people that Tolstoy would have seen.

This resulted in a connection with Dostoevsky.

Dostoevsky is the exact opposite of Tolstoy. So if you learn one, you learn the other."

That is exactly what happened.

This article will summarize this Paris-Georgia trip. This concludes my "Impressions of Summer in Autumn".

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(24) Holwirap Monastery overlooks Mount Ararat, the sacred site of Noah's Ark! Thinking of the biblical world

On the third day in Armenia, we headed to Mount Ararat, the holy place in the "Old Testament" where Noah's ark is said to have drifted ashore.

I was to view this view from Horwirap Monastery, famous for having the most beautiful view of Mount Ararat.

I will talk about Mount Ararat and Christianity for Armenians in this article.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(12) Have you missed "Nike of Samothrace"? An explanation of the Louvre's greatest treasure, which is often overlooked!

The Louvre's greatest treasure, "Nike of Samothrace". This sculpture was discovered in 1863 on the island of Samothrace in the Aegean Sea, and the word "Nike" means "goddess. And this Nike is thought to have been created around 190 B.C. during the Hellenistic period. This sculpture became the most impressive work of art I saw in Paris. I was completely mesmerized by its beauty. In this article, I will talk about the fascination of Nique.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(11) Claude Lorrain, Dostoevsky's favorite ideal landscape painter, is discovered at the Louvre Museum. Introduced together with Poussin, a genius of the same period.

Many people still think of the Louvre when they think of Paris.

However, as someone who is interested in Dostoevsky, this museum was actually not on my radar. To be honest, there was nothing in particular that I really wanted to see. I just thought, "Well, it's the famous Louvre, so I might as well go.

However, when I actually visited this museum, I was very ashamed of myself for thinking such a thoughtless thing. This is a wonderful museum that deserves to be recognized. It is a bit presumptuous of me to say so at this late date, but I will say it. The Louvre was amazing after all! I am sure you will agree with me.