Theravada Buddhism

Naga Deepa IslandSecond Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(35) Visiting Nagadeepa Island, the Holy Island of Buddha's Arrival - A Sacred Buddhist site off the coast of Jaffna in northern Sri Lanka

After touring the city of Jaffna, thinking about the civil war, I headed to my next destination, Naga Deepa Island.

The island of Nagadeepa is believed in Sri Lankan Buddhist lore to be a sacred site where Buddha came to the island. Although the historical facts are difficult to ascertain, it is still a sacred site of great importance in the Sinhalese context.

AnuradhapuraSecond Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(34) Background of Sri Lanka's Civil War and Rapid Revival of Buddhist Sacred Sites: What is the Relationship between Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism and Sacred Sites?

In this article, I will discuss the general trend toward civil war, Sinhala Buddhist nationalism and the restoration of the Holy Land. I am sure that the last few articles have been full of surprises for you. I myself have been astonished by what I have learned about Sri Lanka. I am sure that you have found Sri Lanka to be a very interesting country.

DharmapalaSecond Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(33) Dharmapala and Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism: What is the major current of modern Buddhism in Sri Lanka?

In this article I will talk about a very important figure in Sri Lanka, Dharmapala. This Dharmapala is the one who advocated "Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism" that led to the Sri Lankan Civil War.

In Sri Lanka, Buddhism is integrated with nationalism and becomes the spark for ethnic conflict. We will also look at that Sinhala Buddhist nationalism.

colomboSecond Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(32) A Brief History of Sri Lanka's Colonial Period - The Historical Background of the Emergence of the Dharmapala

Dharmapala had a decisive impact on the Sri Lankan Civil War.

He did not suddenly appear out of thin air either. He came into existence because of the historical background of Sri Lanka at that time.

In this article, I will briefly discuss the colonial period in Sri Lanka, which is also important for the history of Dharmapala and Sri Lankan Buddhism.

jaffnaSecond Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(31) Buddhism Preaching Peace Causes Civil War? Thinking about Violence and Religion in Jaffna, a City in Northern Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka's civil war lasted 26 years, from 1983 to 2009.

This was a civil war between Sinhala Buddhists, the majority of the population, and Tamil Hindus, the minority. Of course, religion was not the only major factor, but I was shocked that Buddhism became involved in the civil war.

Sri Lankan BuddhismSecond Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(30) A brief explanation of what kind of Buddhism is Theravada Buddhism in Sri Lanka - a few words on the differences with Japanese Buddhism

Sri Lankans have their own context, just as Japanese people have their own context. And the differences in context will always affect the differences in religion and culture.

In this article, I will take a break from my travelogue and talk about the kind of Buddhism in Sri Lanka to begin with. It is very interesting to consider the differences between Sri Lanka and Japan.

Second Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(29) Why I could not be moved by the holy places and Buddhist sites in Sri Lanka - thinking about religion and "life context".

Why did I become so numb in Sri Lanka?"

This was actually directly related to the question, "What is religion for me?

It would fully reveal itself to me later when I visited the "Sree Maha Bodhi Tree," the holiest of the holy places in Anuradhapura.

I will talk about my "religious numbness" through this Bodhi Tree in this article. This is not only my problem. It is an unavoidable problem for human beings.

MihintalaySecond Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(27) Visit Mihintale, the sacred place where Buddhism was introduced in Sri Lanka - A mythical world worthy of the name of a sacred place!

The holy city of Mihintale is believed to be the place where Buddhism was introduced to Sri Lanka. A rocky mountain stands alone in the jungle spreading out before your eyes. I was impressed by the presence of this rock! I was also impressed by this view. What a mythical world! There is no other place where the mythical scene of the beginning of Buddhism in Sri Lanka fits so well! Personally, this is one of the best spots in Sri Lanka.

Sasserwa Buddha, Aukana BuddhaSecond Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(26) Sasserwa Giant Buddha and Awkana Giant Buddha - Visit the masterpieces of Sri Lanka's Giant Buddha that few people know about and visit them in the mountains.

I am now heading for the Sasserwa and Awkana Buddhas, masterpieces of Sri Lanka's Buddhist art known to those in the know.

These large Buddhas are located in the jungle, far from major sacred sites such as Mihintale and Anuradhapura, and are rarely seen by the average tourist. However, I was eager to see the Buddhist art of Sri Lanka with my own eyes.

Sri LankaSecond Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(25) How is the climate in Sri Lanka? I thought about the relationship between climate and religion. A word about Japanese Buddhism as well.

In this article we will talk about the climate in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka, a tropical tropical country, has two main climatic zones. The wet zone with high rainfall and the dry zone with low rainfall exist in this small island nation, and this has greatly influenced Sri Lanka's history. And the relationship between this climate and religion will also be considered in this article.