
Recommended Marx-Engels Biography

Francis Wheen, "The Life of Karl Marx" - Biography by the English writer in pursuit of the human Marx.

Francis Wiener says in this work that his writings are not biased toward either ideology, but rather portray a "human Marx" who is neither God nor the devil. In other words, he states that he wrote his biography from a "neutral" standpoint.

However, as is the case with all genres, there may be no one more difficult to look at from a "neutral position" than Marx.

I found this biography to be an easy read, but the type of book that must be read with caution.

Recommended Marx-Engels Biography

Jacques Attali, "Marx, the World Spirit" - Large biography by the French thinker.

Jacques Attali is a French journalist and a well-known member of the French Socialist Party who also served as the brain behind the Mitterrand administration.
Although the author says that he is not a "Marxist" in his position, you can tell that he loves Marx. This is a biography written with a great deal of appreciation for Marx. It is difficult to be completely neutral about anything, but I feel a defensive atmosphere toward Marx. It is my impression that the book is a form of defending Marx and praising him quite a bit as a result of the pose of being neutral and based on historical facts.

Is Marx a religious phenomenon?

Historian E. H. Carr's Views on Marxism - Why Marxism Attracts People

In this biography, E. H. Carr will point out the problems in Marx's "Capitalism. He then discusses such contradictions as the famous "surplus value theory" and the "value of labor," and analyzes why Marx is believed by so many despite these problems.

It may be said that E. H. Carr, as a historian, takes a step back in his approach, not only in terms of economics, ideology, and ideology, but also in terms of his relationship with the world as a whole.

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Hidenobu Kosai, "Rhetoric and sophistry" - How sophistry works and how to prevent it - The kinder and more serious people should know how to protect their minds from sophistry and pressure.

I am sure that there are many people who have had a difficult time being talked down to by someone with a strong mouth.

And sadly, the kinder and more serious a person is, the more he or she is unable to refute the words of such an opponent, and the more he or she keeps the pain inside himself or herself.

In such a world, this book is a wonderful prescription for such suffering.

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Orwell's "Animal Farm" Synopsis and Comments - This is how people are fooled. A masterful satirical allegory of Soviet totalitarianism.

You should beware of those who create enemies and promote hatred, insecurity and fear. That's what "Animal Farm" tells us about what happens after the enemy is defeated.

This short novel of about 150 pages is easy to read, yet contains an amazing amount of essence. It is guaranteed to be a shocking read. I highly recommend this work!

Contemporary Society through Dystopian Science Fiction Novels

Orwell's "1984" Synopsis and Impressions - How Totalitarian and Surveillance Societies Work - A Terrifying Work that Questions Our Present

1984" is a very frightening work. But it is hard to find a work as important as this one. I think it is one of the must-reads of our time.

I have been particularly fearful of the Orwellian world since the beginning of the Corona disaster. This is a terrifying work that asks the question, "What kind of world are we living in now? It is a masterpiece that we should cherish especially now!

Europe through Classical and Western Art

Hino Madoka, "Prokofiev - Music for Whom?" ~ A biography recommended to learn about the suffering and life of the genius musician of the Soviet Union!

Hino Madoka's brush with the Soviet era of oppression from the perspective of a musician is nothing short of astonishing. She does not merely lay out historical facts, but vividly tells the story of his harsh life as a narrative. The "advantages of biography," which allow us to learn about the historical background as well as the people, shine through more than ever. Every time I read Madoka Hino's writings, I am amazed.