Lugon McCall Series

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(14) To Zola's house in Medan, a suburb of Paris - with the gentle stream of the Seine loved by the great writers of France.

This article introduces Zola's house in Medan, a suburb of Paris.

Zola, which had amassed assets thanks to the blockbuster success of "Nana" and other films, spent many years to complete this mansion.

A quiet residential area on the banks of the Seine loved by the great writers of France.

This article will also introduce the atmosphere of the beautiful Parisian suburbs where people are said to have spent time floating small boats.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(9) A panoramic view of Paris from the Sacré Coeur: a huge church on the hill of Montmartre, associated with Zola's late masterpiece novel "Paris".

In our previous article, we introduced the places associated with Emile Zola's "Lugon Makkar Series".

And in this article, we will introduce the Sacré Coeur Abbey, the main setting of "Paris," the final volume of the "Three Cities Twins," which Zola wrote in full after completing the "Lugon-Macall Series.

This church is famous for its spectacular view of Paris, but from a Zola fan's point of view, it has a completely different meaning. What Zola thought about this church will be introduced in this article.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(8) A roundup of sites associated with Zola's "Lugon MacCarl Series" in Paris - set in Paris under the Second Empire of France.

In this article, I will introduce the places associated with "The Lugon Makkar Series," a masterpiece by Emile Zola, a writer I respect and admire.

The "Lugon McCall Series" is just fascinating. And I suspect that nothing has exposed the workings of the modern society we live in as much as this group of works.

We encourage you to first pick up a copy of even one of the masterpieces by the genius that is Emile Zola. And please be shocked by its powerful blow.

I would highly recommend "Izakaya" and "Nana" as they are available in paperback.

To enjoy "Les Miserables" even more

Shigeru Kashima, "Tomorrow is the Ball" - How the dream society really is! Explains the love and marriage patterns of Parisian women!

For women, a ball is a battlefield. The way you behave here can have a decisive impact on the rest of your life.

The book may destroy your longing for a dreamy moment with dandies in elegant social circles, dressed in glamorous costumes.

It seems that the social scene was a more serious and realistic battleground than I had imagined.

It is a perfect book to learn about the view of marriage and the love affairs of men and women at that time.

You can see why French literature is full of sludgy affairs and love stories.

Zola and DostoevskyEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

I thought about the difference between Zola's and Dostoevsky's views on human beings and the existence of a blank space.

This article will consider the two writers through the lens of Zola and Dostoevsky's views on humanity and the existence of blank spaces.

The presence or absence of a blank space creates mystery, which creates debate, and debate expands the discussion.

It was very interesting for me to see the differences between Zola and Dostoevsky in this aspect.

Zola and DostoevskyEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Historical Background and Differences in Moral Consciousness between French and Japanese as Seen from Zola

The relationship between Europe and Japan, and the difference in moral values.

This seems to be another major reason why Zola was a minor player in Japan.

However, today, as in the past, Japan is not a poor society or a country dominated by powerful "family logic.

As I have said many times in this blog, the French Second Empire is directly related to our lifestyle.

Our lives today are based precisely on the world depicted by Zola.

If this is the case, then perhaps now is the time in Japan when the novels depicted by Zola are most meaningful.

Zola and DostoevskyEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Why Zola is minor and Dostoevsky is popular in Japan - Misunderstanding of Zola

In our previous article, we looked at Zola's popularity based on its circulation in France.

As evidenced by its overwhelming sales, Zola is a leading French author.

However, while there are many great writers who are well known in Japan, Zola has been oddly overshadowed in Japan.

Why has Zola become such a little-known writer?

In this article, I would like to consider why Zola has become minor in Japan and why Dostoevsky is so immensely popular in Japan in comparison.

human beastEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

How great a writer was Zola - Zola's popularity as seen by the number of copies published in France.

Zola is not well known in Japan, but he is one of the most beloved authors in France.

It is difficult to convey the greatness of Zola's works when you are in Japan, but I have just read "The Beast Man," translated by Yukinori Terada, Fujiwara Shoten, and in the translator's commentary, the number of copies of Zola's works published in France is given, so this article will use those figures to see how popular Zola was in France.

Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

What is Emile Zola's Novel Style and Naturalistic Literature - What makes Zola so great?

The terms "00ism" and "~~ism" are often used to determine what group a writer belongs to or what tendencies he or she has.

However, the word itself may be difficult to understand, and it may be even more complicated than it needs to be.

In such a situation, Zola explains his own novel style, "naturalistic literature," in his own words. It was very easy to understand, so this article will consider the characteristics of Zola's novel style with reference to Zola's words.

Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

The Monk's Choice! 7 recommended works by Emile Zola! An exciting human drama full of troubles for you!

Zola's work is the best textbook for understanding how the world works.

How does this society work? Why do people fight? Why can't people resist their desires? What kind of methods do people use to take advantage of other people's desires?

And above all, it is just so interesting! I have read the works of many authors and Zola is one of them I would recommend!

In this article, we will introduce seven carefully selected Zola works among the many masterpieces.