
History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(4) Encounter between Lenin and Marx, who admired the revolutionary's bible, Chernyshevsky's "What is to be done?





History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(2) Lenin's origins - aristocratic, wealthy family environment and the execution of his brother that changed his life.

Lenin was often thought of as a ruthless dictator who determined the direction of the subsequent Soviet Union. However, Lenin was an ordinary man who grew up in a wealthy, warm family. His life changed drastically when his brother was executed and he was ostracized in the town. This background is what led Lenin to become a revolutionary, and it gave me a slightly different impression of Lenin from the ruthless and cruel dictator he had been.


History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(1) Why should we study Lenin now - What do we learn from the huge historical swell of the Soviet Union?


History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

V. Seveschen, "Lenin: Power and Love" - A biography recommended to understand what kind of revolution the Russian Revolution was!

In this book, you will get to know a different Lenin from the image of Lenin deified by the Soviet Union.

And above all, this biography is just fascinating! It is a very clear and exciting account of why the revolution happened in Russia and how Lenin seized power. The author's narration is so brilliant that it reads like a novel.



History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Masafumi Asada, "Siberian Expedition: Modern Japan's Forgotten Seven Years' War" - Recommended reference book to learn about the Siberian Expedition.

Although the Siberian Invasion is not often highlighted in history, it was in fact a very important event that would later lead to World War II.

You will often be surprised at the unexpected discoveries that you did not know about in this book, such as not only the intention to warn the communist Soviets, but also the pressure from Western countries and the background of having to appeal to them in order to get a share of the First World War.

The war was a long and tragic battle, and the growing mutual suspicion and hatred between Japan and the Soviet Union was reminiscent of the Sino-Japanese War that followed.

The book made me feel that the Siberian Exodus was actually a significant event in the history of Japan.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Shinichi Kajikawa, "Revolution of Illusion: From the October Revolution to NEP" - The Realities of a Revolution That Began with Hunger and Moved Forward with Illusion





History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Shigeru Takamoto, "The Forgotten Revolution - 1917" - What was the Russian Revolution? A book that describes the author's anguish.




History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

S.P. Melignov, "Red Terror in Soviet-Russia (1918-1923)" - Shocked by the horrific system of repression in the Lenin era...




History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Masashi Jinno, World History Theater: The Impact of World War I - Without this war, there would have been no Russian Revolution.



『世界史劇場 ロシア革命の激震』でもそのあたりの事情は詳しく書かれているのですが、やはりこの大戦そのものの流れや世界情勢に与えた影響を知ることでよりこの革命のことを知ることができます。

