
Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(2) Introducing Piazza di Spagna in Rome, where the great writers stayed! (3) Be fascinated by the fountain of Bernini's masterpiece "Barcaccia"!

This article will introduce Piazza di Spagna, familiar from "Roman Holiday".

This place, like the Porta del Popolo and Piazza del Popolo, was also very significant to Goethe, Stendhal, and other great writers of the 18th and 19th centuries.

This place is always crowded with tourists. This is still the best place to feel the atmosphere of the cosmopolitan city of Rome.

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(1) Gateway of Rome, Porta del Popolo and Piazza del Popolo - A stroke of the eye that instantly draws the traveler in! What is the true essence of Rome as a theater city!

The memorable first installment of my Rome travelogue is the Gate of Popolo and Piazza del Popolo, the gateway to Rome.

I also came to the Porta del Popolo by subway from Termini station.

Goethe and Stendhal passed through here. Dostoevsky and Mendelssohn, two of my favorites, would have passed through here.

For me, Rome is the city of Bernini and the city that Goethe praised. The beginning is the key to everything. It was a very encouraging first day for my future stay in Rome.

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

Travels to Rome: "The Beauty of the Theater City of Rome: A Pilgrimage to Dostoevsky and Bernini" - An introduction to ancient Rome and its temple of beauty!

From the beginning of November to December, I traveled through Europe on a trip titled "Dostoevsky's Journey. And although I did not mention it in my travelogue, I did in fact visit Rome during my trip.

I am one of those who are completely fascinated by the charms of Rome. In this travelogue, I would like to share with you the charms of Rome and its wonderful art.

If the words "Dostoevsky and Rome" sound stilted, don't worry, it's not at all. This is a travelogue of my love for Rome, having fallen in love with its beauty. I hope you will feel free to read it.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(24) Holwirap Monastery overlooks Mount Ararat, the sacred site of Noah's Ark! Thinking of the biblical world

On the third day in Armenia, we headed to Mount Ararat, the holy place in the "Old Testament" where Noah's ark is said to have drifted ashore.

I was to view this view from Horwirap Monastery, famous for having the most beautiful view of Mount Ararat.

I will talk about Mount Ararat and Christianity for Armenians in this article.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

The "Globe-Trotter Rome 2018-19" - Amazingly comprehensive! I can't help but introduce it to you with so much satisfaction!

I had already bought the "Italian" edition before I bought this "Rome" edition.

But the more I learn about Rome, the more places I want to visit. And the more I learn about Bernini and his literary associations, the more maniacal the places I find myself wanting to visit. In that case, the "Italy" edition is not enough.

So I bought the "Rome" edition again and found that these maniacal places were also included!

The map is well detailed and well explained. This is excellent!

I have introduced various books on this blog, but I never thought that the day would come when I would introduce "Globe-Trotter"! (LOL)

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Masumi Ishinabe, "As Long as St. Peter Stands: My Guide to Rome" - The most comprehensive guidebook to Rome, covering art, history, religion, and everything else!

This book is the best!

There is probably no better work to appreciate the charms of Rome! It is such a wonderful work.

The reader who has discovered the charms of Rome through this book is sure to be awakened to a passionate spirit of travel."

This is exactly what it is! This book makes me want to go to Rome so badly!

The book offers an exciting and masterful commentary throughout.

The depth and breadth of the area is nothing short of astonishing. We assure you that your vague view of Rome will change.

The best Rome guidebook, here's the best of the best!

We highly recommend this product!

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Masumi Ishinabe, "St. Peter's Basilica" - Recommended reference book to learn more about the history of this temple of beauty and its attractions.

St. Peter's Basilica is an architectural marvel that is overwhelming even without knowing its history.

However, you can enjoy its charms more by learning about its history and points of interest to see.

When I visited in 2019, I was simply overwhelmed by the scale and beauty of the place and could not take the time to enjoy it. I was so overwhelmed by the scale and beauty of the place that I didn't take the time to fully appreciate it.

So I made up my mind that the next time I go there, I would study hard before heading there.

It was the best reference book for me.

It is a very interesting work. I highly recommend this book.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Thomas a Kempis, "In the Footsteps of Christ" - Huge impact on the spiritual life of the monks! Amazingly powerful! A favorite work of Bernini too!

This book is considered the most read book in the world after the Bible.

Do it. Do it now.

While you have the opportunity, accumulate wealth that will not perish."

What powerful words...! I got goosebumps reading these words.

I can only be shocked at the power of this work. I can see why this book has had such an impact on the world. It is rare to find a book that feels so powerful.

I read this work because of the Bernini connection and it was a wonderful read. As a monk, I was very inspired by this work.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Ignatius de Loyola, "Spiritual Manipulation" - A meditation instruction book by the founder of the Jesuits. Commonalities with Zen and connections to Bernini.

The meditative methods of Ignatius de Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, had a great influence on Bernini's original work.

This was very interesting to me as a student of religion.

And in the translator's commentary of this work, a surprising fact was mentioned. To my surprise, it pointed out the similarities between Loyola's method of meditation and Zen Buddhism.

In fact, as I read this "Spiritual Manipulation," I see, indeed, there are similarities in the meditation method and its process.

And I felt the very connection to Bernini that inspired me to read this book.

This is interesting!

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Shoichi Sato, "Europe in Mission" - Recommended to learn about the founding of the Jesuits and Xavier! And the connection with Bernini.

The meditative methods of Ignatius de Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, had a great influence on Bernini's original work.

This was very interesting to me as a student of religion.

And if so, I would like to know more about that Ignatius de Loyola and the Jesuits themselves.

It was with these thoughts in mind that I picked up a copy of "Missionary Europe" by Shoichi Sato.

I highly recommend this work to anyone interested in the Jesuits, Ignatius de Loyola, or Xavier.