Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Emile Zola's "Paris" Synopsis and Comments - From Lugon McCall to Beyond! This is Zola! How does a serious confrontation with religion end!

Paris" is the culmination of Zola's work on the "Lugon McCall Series. It is a work that is full of Zola's character, and one might be tempted to call it "THE Zolaism.

I feel that Zora is exactly what Japan needs today.

Perhaps no other writer has analyzed the workings of society as dispassionately as Zola and sought justice and truth.

Paris" is the best work I've ever seen. It made me love Zola even more. I hope it will spread to many people.

Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Synopsis and Comments on Zola's untranslated work "Rome" - Zola's indictment of the Vatican, which criticized the corrupt Vatican and inspired religious figures to rise to the occasion.

Zola's experience at the Fountain of Lourdes led him to write "Lourdes" and "Rome".

And Zola goes all the way to Rome to appeal directly for reform even though "Lourdes" has been officially listed in the Index of Forbidden Books by the Vatican. This shows how serious he was and how seriously he thought about religion.

This work is a reflection of Zola's thoughts, and will lead to "Paris," the final volume of the "Three Cities Sosho" series.

Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Synopsis and Impressions of Zola's Untranslated Work "Lourdes" - How Zola, who values scientific analysis, viewed the "Miracle of the Fountain of Lourdes".

The "Lourdes" that we are going to introduce here has not yet been translated into Japanese.

The reason why I dared to introduce this work without having read it is because the "Three Cities Twins," including "Lourdes," are very important in considering Zola's religious views.

Only the last book in the "Three Cities" series, "Paris," has been translated into Japanese, but the first two books have not yet been translated into Japanese. This article is also meant to express our hope that they will be translated into Japanese.

Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Alain Pagès, "The Dreyfus Affair: Truth and Legend" - Falsification of documents and fabrication of evidence by the state - This is the book to learn more about the Dreyfus Affair!

This work looks at the Dreyfus Affair from a wide variety of perspectives.

The book also provides a connection between Emile Zola and the Dreyfus case.

And I am happy to note that there is also a reference to the movie "Officer and Spy". The film was released in France in 2019, so this Japanese translation of the book has been published with additions based on that film as well.

It was very interesting to read this book while juxtaposing it with my memories of the movie. I would highly recommend this!

Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola Fan's Must-See Movie "Officer and Spy" Synopsis and Comments - "I Impeach! A masterpiece about the famous Dreyfus Affair in the

Document falsification, evidence fabrication

"The Scandal of the Century You Never Knew About."

The reversal of a man's fight against a giant power at the cost of his own life.

This film is about the Dreyfus Affair, made famous by the words "I impeach!" by French literary giant Emile Zola. by French writer Emile Zola.

Come and see it! It is a must see for Zora fans! It is also a must-see for those who are not, especially the younger generation!

Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Kazuo Ozaki, "Zola: Person and Thought 73" - Recommended biography to learn about Zola's life, characteristics, and the Dreyfus Affair!

I believe that in the history of literature, no one has depicted the workings of modern society as dispassionately as Zola.

This biography is a wonderful book that explains the life and characteristics of Zola in an easy-to-understand manner. As a Zola fan, I strongly, strongly recommend this book. This book is very meaningful for Zola fans, and I highly recommend this book to those who have never heard of Zola. I think you will be surprised to know that there was such a person. And you will want to read Zola's works.

Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Kimiko Shinseki, "Cézanne and Zola: Their Art and Friendship" - A recommended work that examines whether his best friend Cézanne Zola really abstained!

In this book, the author, who has a deep knowledge of Zola and Cézanne, examines whether Zola and Cézanne, who were close friends, really had an abortive relationship.

This book will tell you some amazing facts about it. I was also astonished when I read this book.

I would highly recommend this work to anyone interested in Impressionist paintings and Zola's novels. It is a wonderful work that connects Impressionism and Zola.

Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Read "Department Stores Finally Enter 'Era of Great Store Closures,' Tokyo Shoko Research Explains" on Yahoo!

If you read Zola's "Bonheur des Dames Department Store" and Shigeru Kashima's "The Couple Who Invented the Department Store," you can learn quite a bit about the birth of the department store and the secrets of its prosperity.

I am neither an economist nor a business expert, so it is presumptuous of me to say this, but I think it would be very interesting to look at department stores from the perspective of literature, thought, and society.

The news made me feel once again that Zola's point of view will surely come alive in the modern age.

Zola and DostoevskyEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Emile Zola and Dostoevsky Summary - Reading the "Lugon McCall Series

This article summarizes our findings about Zola and Dostoevsky.

I myself never thought I would go this far with France, so I am very satisfied with the unexpected harvest, even though I feel that I have come a long way.

To be honest, I never really liked France, but now I find myself rather liking it. I am ashamed to say that I now have an itch to go to Paris.

It is not that I did not like to eat, but the experience reminded me that when you get to know a person well, you can see unexpected good points.

Taiji KimuraEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Taiji Kimura, "The Revolution of Impressionism" Zola and French Impressionism: Cézanne, Manet, and Monet

In the previous articles, we have considered various aspects of "why Zola is minor and Dostoevsky is popular in Japan," but this time we will change our perspective a bit and talk about Zola and French Impressionist paintings.

My interest in Zola led me to an interest in Impressionist painting.

On the other hand, it may be that those interested in impressionist paintings will connect with Zola's novel. I highly recommend this article!