Learning from the Philosopher Schopenhauer

Learning from the Philosopher Schopenhauer

List of 4 recommended Schopenhauer works and commentary articles - The German pessimist master who was also influenced by Buddhism.

In this article, we will recommend four of Schopenhauer's recommended works and, as an extra, six explanatory and reference articles.

It was quite a demanding time reading his book, thinking about it, and writing the article. I felt several times more fatigued and depressed than usual.

But that is also why I felt that we must overcome Schopenhauer's pessimism. I felt again that Dostoevsky, Chekhov, and Zola were the great predecessors of Schopenhauer. I felt as if I understood a little why the great writers of that era were so earnest in their contemplation of "life.

Learning from the Philosopher Schopenhauer

Zafransky, "Schopenhauer: One Biography of a Raging Age of Philosophy" - Recommended biography to learn about the historical background and family environment.

Zafransky's book explains the historical background and currents of thought at the time. The book will look completely different if you read it after learning about the era in which Schopenhauer lived and his personality.

After all, even an abstract "thought" is something that is produced by a "living person. It is difficult to understand an idea even if one tries to look at it alone. This book makes us think about the fact that ideas are born in close relation with the times, society, and people. If you understand the historical background, it becomes much easier to understand the ideas. I think this book is a wonderful example of that.

This is a valuable biography that allows us to know not only the philosopher Schopenhauer, who created a difficult and demanding philosophy, but also Schopenhauer the man. I can see why this book is called a masterpiece.

SchopenhauerLearning from the Philosopher Schopenhauer

What is the Meaning of Life? How to Live in an Age of Despair - My Thoughts on Reading Schopenhauer

It was quite a demanding time reading, thinking about, and writing about Schopenhauer's book. I felt several times more fatigued and depressed than usual.

But that is why I also felt that we must overcome Schopenhauer's pessimism. I felt once again that Dostoevsky and Tolstoy were the great predecessors of Schopenhauer's pessimism. I felt as if I understood a little why the great writers of that era were so earnest in their contemplation of "life.

It was precisely because it was a time of despair that they were serious about "living. And they were putting their struggles into literature.

SuicideLearning from the Philosopher Schopenhauer

Schopenhauer's "On Suicide" Synopsis and Comments - Why Suicide is Wrong - An Argument Against the Christian View of Life and Death

Christian doctrine at the time forbade suicide, and those who committed suicide were not given a proper funeral and were treated as sinners.

But Schopenhauer questions this. This article will discuss Schopenhauer's suicide.

Although written more than 150 years ago, the issues addressed in this book are still of grave significance today.

About HappinessLearning from the Philosopher Schopenhauer

Schopenhauer's "On Happiness" Synopsis and Impressions - Schopenhauer's style of life theory strongly influenced by Buddhism.

Happiness is a mirage. It is a delusion."

The title of the book, "On Happiness," suggests that we will be taught how to make our lives happy, but Schopenhauer's character is in full force when he suddenly and bluntly dismisses happiness as nothing more than an illusion.

In this book, Schopenhauer shreds the "illusion of happiness that people believe in" and talks about how to live and what true happiness is.

Unlike his main book, "The World as Will and Representation," the stories are short, concrete, and very readable. It is an excellent introduction to Schopenhauer.

The World as Will and RepresentationLearning from the Philosopher Schopenhauer

Read Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation

The World as Will and Representation is a rather large work. It would be extremely difficult for the people of the time, as well as for us today, to fully understand it.

What's more, surprisingly, the author himself, Schopenhauer, makes a tremendous statement in his preface.

He begins by saying. You have to read this book twice to understand it.

He wants us to read such a difficult and long book twice. And he declares from the very beginning that you need patience because you won't understand it the first time. Schopenhauer is indeed a very different man.

Other words of surprise keep coming. After all, this work is not a simple one!

SchopenhauerLearning from the Philosopher Schopenhauer

Schopenhauer and Dostoevsky, the great masters of pessimism (pessimism)

Curiously, Dostoevsky himself does not have much of a Schopenhauer shadow. His contemporaries Turgenev and Tolstoy took a strong interest in him, while Dostoevsky did not. This fact, conversely, is intriguing.

Schopenhauer is also famous as a philosopher who was influenced by Buddhism. He is a philosopher that I have been meaning to read someday but have been putting it off.

This is also a good opportunity and I would like to read Schopenhauer from now on.