German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

S. McKay, "The Bombing of Dresden 1945: From the Tragedy of the Air Raid to the Rebirth of the City" - What a tragic bombing that annihilated a beautiful old German city.

Dresden was billed as the jewel box on the banks of the Elbe. This book tells in detail about the bombing of that ancient city.

The conflict between the British and American leaders, the mental state of the soldiers, and the lives of the people who lived in Dresden before the bombing of Dresden. And the inferno that ensued after the bombing began...

This is a terrific piece of work.

Frankly, I am scared. The more I learn about history, the more I fear. I felt fear again after reading this book about what will happen to the world we live in in the future.

The issues raised in this book may also be important for Japan, which experienced the atomic bombings and air raids.

German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

Fuyuma Osaka's "Comrade Girl, Shoot the Enemy" Synopsis and Impressions - Recommended novel that won the Honya Taisho Award! A topical novel about a sniper girl fighting the war between Germany and the Soviet Union!

Comrade Girl, Shoot the Enemy," which was a hot topic on Twitter and other social networking sites.

This is interesting!

Anyway, I'll let you read it!

The storyline and psychological descriptions are very skillful and draw you into the story more and more. The immersion in reading is amazing.

I picked up this game because of the praise it received from MGS director Kojima, and it is a masterpiece that lives up to his praise. I highly recommend this work.

German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

List of 16 recommended reference books on the German-Soviet War - The German-Soviet War to learn about now.

This article provides a list of recommended reference books for learning about the German-Soviet war.

The war between Germany and the Soviet Union puts the nature of war before us as never before.

Why did war happen? How does war change people? The Russo-German War provides an amazing insight into why genocide occurs. I myself was very surprised to learn about the Russo-German War and felt fear of war. It is a different kind of fear than I had felt before. It is not the "victim fear" that I have seen in dramas, movies, and documentaries, but the fear of war itself.

Each of these articles introduces the book in more detail, so if you are interested, please refer to the articles as well.

German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

Vasily Grossman, "All Things Flow" Synopsis and Commentary - A masterful novel about the suffering of the Soviet repression era that continued after Stalin's death.

The translator hopes that "many people, especially young people, will read Grossman's work," and that "the problem of totalitarianism is still a major issue today, and the question of power and the individual has always been one that no one can avoid. The question of totalitarianism is still a big one today, and the question of power and the individual is still a question that no one can avoid in any age. He goes on to say, "The question of power and the individual is a big question today.

Like "Life and Destiny," this novel was hard to read. However, the shock was also tremendous. I can only sigh and wonder how he could write something so gruesome. I froze many times while reading it because of the severity of the story. I could not help but moan, "Then what the hell am I supposed to do?

I shudder to think what people were actually put in such a situation back then.

German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

Vasily Grossman's "Life and Destiny" Synopsis and Comments - A masterpiece of Russian literature about the fate of those who lived through the war between Germany and the Soviet Union!

Life and Destiny is Grossman's deadly indictment.

In the Soviet Union, criticism of the regime is the most taboo of taboos. One must be prepared to be sent to a concentration camp or even executed. Grossman wrote this work, but it was raided by the KGB and confiscated. The authorities then declared it a dangerous book and decreed that it could not be published for the next two to three hundred years.

The sentence of "no publication for the next two to three hundred years" was tremendous. This shows how dangerous the novel was to the Soviet authorities. Conversely, it may be said that the novel reflected a truth that was inconvenient for the Soviet Union.

Wassily Grossman is not well known in Japan, which I believe is unfortunate. One of the greatest writers to convey the horrors of war and totalitarian oppression is this Wassily Grossman.

German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

Red Army Reporter Grothman: Notes on the Battle of Germany and the Soviet Union 1941-45" - The reality of the war between Germany and the Soviet Union as seen by a Jewish military reporter in the Soviet Union.

What struck me most about this book is the part that covers the site of the Nazi Holocaust. When we think of the Holocaust, we think of Auschwitz, but the book describes an extermination camp called Treblinka. More than 800,000 people were murdered there. The gruesome manner of the killings is chilling to read about. It is hard to imagine how shocked Grossman must have been when he was there.

His front line coverage of the unprecedented war of extermination in the history of the world, the war between Germany and the Soviet Union, is a must-see record. I highly recommend this book.

German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

Takeshi Tomita, "Siberian Internment" - History of harsh forced labor after the war by the Soviet Union

The term "Siberian internment" brings to mind the image of Japanese people being subjected to misery by the Soviet Union, but in this book we learn that the Soviet political system and the influence of the Russo-German War played a major role.

There are also several columns interspersed throughout the book, where recommended books are introduced to learn more about the Siberian internment. Novels and memoirs based on the harsh experiences are introduced, and the book is full of information that will be appreciated by those who want to learn more about the Siberian internment.

This book is highly recommended to get an overall picture of Siberian internment.

German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

S. D. Goldman, "Nomonhan 1939: The Unknown Beginning of World War II" - Why did Japan repeat its tragic defeat? A shocking masterpiece!

First of all, let me say this first. This book is tremendous.

The book reveals that the Nomonhan Incident, a historical event that we all know only by name, had an unimaginably huge impact on the world.

The book also analyzes why Japan suffered repeated disastrous defeats and why the military went out of control and fought recklessly. I think you will be quite shocked when you read it. I myself was stunned many times while reading this book, saying, "No way.... It is that shocking.

German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

V. Zaslavsky, "The Kachin Forest: The Elimination of the Polish Leadership Class" - The genocide that the Soviet Union covered up.

Although the Kachin Forest Incident is less well known in Japan than the Auschwitz Holocaust, I found this incident to be a very important event in terms of war and historical issues.

Root out the country's leadership and intellectual class. I learned that this is the standard practice when it comes to violent control of a country. It is a very frightening book. I hope you will pick up a copy.

German-Soviet War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination

Alexievich, "War has no woman's face" - Listening to the voices of women who experienced the war between Germany and the Soviet Union - a famous book that is now being made into a manga in Japan.

This book is the result of Alexievich's interviews with women who served in or suffered the ravages of the Russo-German War, and is a written record of those interviews. In the huge history of the Russo-German War, individual voices were drowned out, especially those of women. This was especially true for women. War belongs to men, so women should not speak out. Such an atmosphere existed in the country.

Alexievich breaks the unspoken taboo and rises to the occasion. Alexievich interviews each person about his or her life at that time, and extracts memories from the darkness of history.