Marx and Engels Studies

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(12) What is the connection between the free-spirited and radical young beer intellectuals and Marx Engels?

Up to the last article, we looked at the flow of "young Hegelian" and anti-establishment thought, from Strauss to Bruno Bauer to Feuerbach.

And in this article, we will talk about the "beer intellectuals" that the young Engels was dating during his Berlin days.

In fact, Marx was also a member of this beer intelligentsia, and although he and Engels were swapped and never met, they spent their younger days in the same group.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(11) Feuerbach's materialism - Marx's "religion is opium" was born here.

I will discuss in this article the flow of Strauss, Bruno Bauer, and Feuerbach, who had a tremendous influence on the young Marcus Engels.

Marx's famous statement, "Religion is opium," comes from Feuerbach's thought, which is presented here.

It was clear to me that Marx-Engels did not create a system of thought from nothing, but rather developed it by absorbing the theories of other thinkers active at the time.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(9) Engels uses his volunteer military service to go to the University of Berlin: Hegel studies and encounters with Bakunin and Kierkegaard

Engels served in the military in Berlin, but sneaked out and attended the University of Berlin, the center of academia.


To his surprise, Kierkegaard and Bakunin were there, and Engels studied Hegel alongside them. Moreover, Marx and Turgenev also studied at this university a few years ago. Fear not, the University of Berlin.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(8) From Strauss to Hegel: Why did Hegel's ideas capture the hearts of young people?


Atheism, as discussed in this article, was not about believing in nothing, but also about denying traditional Christian beliefs and committing oneself to a new creed.

At that time, there were many young people who rejected the Christian worldview and became committed to Hegelian thought. One of them was Engels and another was Marx.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(7) Strauss, "The Life of Jesus" - What is the youth's denial of Christianity and the trend toward atheism?

What was the decisive impetus that led Engels to atheism?

In this article, I will discuss Engels' encounter with Strauss' work "The Life of Jesus" in order to consider such issues.

The Life of Jesus had an enormous impact on the radical youth of the time, leading them to atheism. The same is true of Marx. Marx was also greatly influenced by this work.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(6) Engels, "Wuppertal Dayori" - 18-year-old journalist Engels denounces the poor conditions at the factory.

Wuppertal Dayori" was published when Engels was 18 years old.

As we will discuss later, this style of "Wuppertal Dayori" was carried over into the later "The State of the Working Class in England," which in turn was directly connected to Marx's "Capitalism.

Although Engels was expelled from Gymnasium and was unable to go to university, there is something different about the genius who changed history. Although he is often overshadowed by Marx, glimpses of his genius have already appeared here.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(5) Engels' abandonment of his studies and his training as a merchant in Bremen, where he learned the capitalist system

Engels, who was imaginative and loved poetry, was forced to drop out of school for his family's business and had to give up his college education. He was also forced to serve an apprenticeship in a job he did not want to do, even though it was in the family business.

These youthful years only added to Engels's rebellious spirit.

We will discuss in this article how Engels became involved in political activism.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(4) German Romanticism, the Gale - The baptism of Romanticism that greatly influenced Marx Engels and other young men.

What is the nature of German Romanticism, the gale that had a tremendous impact on the world of German thought in the 18th and 19th centuries?

This article looks at the characteristics of this period, which saw the emergence of such distinguished faces as Goethe, Schiller, Hegel, Hoffmann, Beethoven, and the Brothers Grimm.

Marx Engels was also born as a child of these times. It is very important to understand the background of their thought.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(3) What is the religious situation in Wuppertal, the industrial area where Engels was born?

The religious situation in Barmen, the German industrial city where Engels grew up, coincides exactly with that described in Weber's "The Ethics of Protestantism and the Spirit of Capitalism.

It was surprising to learn that Engels grew up in such an environment in Germany.

This article will discuss the religious situation in Barmen, Engels' family environment, and the young Engels' views on religion.