Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

List of "Learning from the Life and Thought Background of Marx Engels" Articles - Is Marx a Religious Phenomenon, Based on Historical Background and Thought Formation?

This article will summarize all 69 articles introduced in the series titled "Learning from the Lives and Thought Backgrounds of Marx and Engels".

These will give you a fairly detailed background on the emergence of Marx's and Engels' ideas. And this will give you a great insight not only into Marx-Engels, but also into religion, thought, culture, politics, and even the nature of human beings themselves.

We hope you will use this article as a table of contents for this series of articles.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(69) Thinking about the Marxism of Lenin and Stalin - Is Marx Engels guilty?

Now, it is time for the general summary of this book.

The author began the book by pointing out that while Marx has been reevaluated around the world in recent years, there is a tendency to hold Engels responsible for the politics of fear in the Soviet Union, China, and other communist countries.

In response to this trend, this book traces the life and ideological background of Marx Engels in order to examine the question, "Is Engels really guilty?" In this book, we have traced the life and ideological background of Marx Engels in order to examine the question, "Is Engels really guilty?

In this article I will also share my thoughts on such Marx Engels.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(68) On Engels' death in 1895 and his enormous legacy

Engels' estate was worth a whopping 4 million dollars, or more than 400 million yen in today's Japanese yen. In addition to this, there must have been various other assets in various forms, so the total amount must have been tremendous. Most of these assets were inherited by the Marx family.

In addition, Engels' ashes will be scattered at sea after his death according to his wishes. His grave will not exist in this world. This was a surprise to me.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(67) Volume 3 of "Capitalism," which Engels managed to complete while also making significant changes.

After Marx's death, Engels struggled to put himself out there to spread his ideas.

Engels then added to Marx's manuscript and the third volume of Capital was completed.

However, whether this can really be said to be the work and thought of Marx may be a delicate matter.

Can we really call a collection of notes pieced together a person's work or thought?

Moreover, the notes themselves were merely the random accumulation of Marx, who had read a vast amount of literature. To be honest, it is doubtful whether they were systematically written down as an idea.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(66) Engels struggles to edit the second volume of Capital

Engels was already editing Marx's voluminous manuscript at the time of the first volume of Capital. Even when Marx was alive, Engels was struggling with this task.

What happened after Marx's death?

The work became an unimaginably arduous path.

A huge pile of manuscripts filled with bad writing that is difficult to decipher, incoherent sentences, and disorganized quotations.

Engels was so sick in the eye from all this editing work!

In this article, I will discuss in detail the details of the events and the problems with the second and third volumes of "Capitalism.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(65) "From Imagination to Science" born out of Engels' "Anti-Duhring Theory" - This is where the term "imaginary socialist" comes from.

I cannot emphasize enough how significant it is to have disseminated the difficult "Capitalism," which no one reads or even can read, to the general public in an easy-to-understand manner.

The difficult and large "Capitalism" and the easy and compact "From Imagination to Science.

One might say that it was this combination that led to the explosion of Marxism.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(64) Engels' best guide to Marxism, "The Anti-Dühring Theory.

Engels' Anti-Dühring Theory had a tremendous impact on the spread of Marxism.

In contrast, however, in recent years there has been a strong criticism that "Engels distorted and spread Marx. The criticism that "Engels was the cause of the events that Marxism caused afterwards" has become stronger.

Did Engels really distort Marx? Or did he successfully explain Marx's difficult (and incomprehensible) ideas? This is a very big question.

We will consider that in this article.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(63) Engels, Dialectic of Nature - Application of Marxian thought and dialectics to science! Huge influence on the later Communist world

Just as Engels once applied Hegel to economics and human history, he now applied Hegel's dialectic even to science and technology.

Ideology can also be applied to science. We associate science with objective data such as mathematical formulas, but it is surprising that it can also be constructed under an ideological worldview.

And since they were spoken with such seriousness, it was a different world.

Engels, who even influenced the scientific framework of the communist bloc, is to be feared.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(62) Engels' speech at the funeral and the beginning of Marx's deification

Only 11 people attended the funeral of the great Marx, who would later influence countless others...

This surprised me as well.

But conversely, it is interesting to see how Marx, who was largely unknown or unappreciated by the public, took the world by storm from here.

Then, from this point on, that man will finally increase his presence.

It was here that Engels' work finally became significant.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(61) Marx dies without completing the second and third volumes of Capital.

In 1881, Marx was unable to see his wife through her final days and was himself battling illness. Marx, a giant who moved the world, suffered from illness in his later years and made little progress in his writing.

And Marx died in 1883 without completing the second and third volumes of his Theory of Capital.

But Marx's story does not end when he dies. Rather, after his death, his ideas would become even more massive and have a profound impact on the world. And there he was, after all, that man, Engels.