Buddhist Columns & Dharma Talks

Buddhist Columns & Dharma Talks

Reggie's "Fast Culture: People Who Want Answers in 10 Minutes" Impressions - The Dark Side of Modern Japan from the Perspective of Culture. A stimulating work that cuts to the mechanisms of influencer popularity.

What is the darkness of modern people who try to consume culture as if it were fast food?

I was really interested in this book when I saw it on my Twitter timeline!

This book is not simply a work written to criticize "Hiroyuki, Atsuhiko Nakata, Kazu Laser, DaiGo, Yusaku Maezawa, Takafumi Horie" and other influencers.

Rather, the work carefully follows the mechanisms of modern society as to why we are attracted to such influencers.

I really appreciate this book for my love of reading. I recommend it!

Buddhist Columns & Dharma Talks

Kenichi Yoshida, "The Forensic Scientist's Mission: To Keep Human Death Alive" - Sudden death was surprisingly close to us.

In this book, we learn that we are exactly the ones who do not know when we will die, and that many people actually die from sudden death every year. I believe that this book plays a significant role in the coronary disaster. In this article, I would like to introduce the book and share my thoughts about death in our daily lives.

Buddhist Columns & Dharma Talks

The Dead and Spirituality: Reconsidering Modernity, edited by Fumibishi Sueki, How to Face Death Today in the Wake of the Corona Disaster

This book is very important because of the current moment in the Corona Disaster. How should we think about illness and death? How should we deal with invisible beings? Are we so blindly trusting in science and rationality that we have lost sight of what is important? This is a book that makes us think about such things.

Now our view of life and death is being questioned.

Hasten to do good.Buddhist Columns & Dharma Talks

Hasten to do good. Retreat the mind from evil. If you slow down to do good, your mind will enjoy doing evil - listen to the words of the Buddha

善をなすのを急げ。悪から心を退けよ。善をなすのにのろのろしたら、心は悪事を楽しむ―お釈迦様のことばに聴く 一一六 善をなすのを急げ。悪から心を退けよ。善をなすのにのろのろしたら、心は悪事を楽しむ。 一一七 人がもしも悪い…

Winning a Million on the BattlefieldBuddhist Columns & Dharma Talks

The one who conquers only one self is truly the greatest victor, rather than the one who conquers a million men on the battlefield.

戦場において百万人に勝つよりも、唯だ一つの自己に克つ者こそ、じつに最上の勝利者である―お釈迦様のことばに聴く 一〇三 戦場において百万人に勝つよりも、唯だ一つの自己に克つ者こそ、じつに最上の勝利者である。 一〇四 自己に…

I will point out your transgressions andBuddhist Columns & Dharma Talks

(When you meet a wise man who points out your sins and tells you of your faults, follow that wise man - listen to the words of the Buddha.

(おのが)罪過を指摘し過ちを告げてくれる聡明な人に会ったならば、その賢い人につき従え―お釈迦様のことばに聴く (おのが)罪過を指摘し過ちを告げてくれる聡明な人に会ったならば、その賢い人につき従え―隠してある財宝のありかを…

foolish foolsBuddhist Columns & Dharma Talks

Foolish people behave as if they were avenging their own enemy. Do evil deeds and bear bitter fruit - listen to the words of the Buddha

あさはかな愚人どもは、自己に対して仇敵に対するようにふるまう。悪い行いをして、苦い果実を結ぶ―お釈迦様のことばに聴く あさはかな愚人どもは、自己に対して仇敵に対するようにふるまう。悪い行いをして、苦い果実を結ぶ。 岩波書…

The self is alreadyBuddhist Columns & Dharma Talks

The self is already not one's own. How can the child be one's own, much less one's own - listen to the words of the Buddha

「わたしには子がある。わたしには財がある」と思って愚かな者は悩む。しかしすでに自己が自分のものではない。ましてどうして子が自分のものであろうか―お釈迦様のことばに聴く 「わたしには子がある。わたしには財がある」と思って愚…