Ryohei Kasai, "Modi Changes India" - Recommended to learn about the political economy and diplomacy of contemporary India!

Modi's Changing India Indian thought, culture and history

Ryohei Kasai, "Modi's Changing India" Summary and Comments - Recommended for learning about the political economy and diplomacy of contemporary India!

I would like to introduce "Modi ga Kaiten India: 'Quiet Revolution' in the Rising Asian Giant Nation" by Ryohei Kasai, published by Hakusuisha in 2017.

Let's take a quick look at the book.

The reality of modern India comes into view! 《》

This book provides an overview of contemporary Indian politics, economy, society, and diplomacy through the figure of the 18th Prime Minister of India, who is said to be "the leader with the largest number of followers in the world on social networking sites.

This book is an attempt to portray the political, economic, social, and diplomatic aspects of contemporary India through the path Modi has taken, his achievements, and his words and actions as prime minister, as well as to look ahead to the future of a country that is expected to become even more prominent in the world. The future of India is not unrelated to that of Japan. In recent years, relations between the two countries have been growing closer, but what are the implications of this and what are the intentions of the Indian side? This book addresses these questions not only from a bilateral perspective, but also from a regional and even global perspective. (from "Prologue")

Last November, in the shadow of the "Trump Shock," Prime Minister Narendra Modi stunned not only the Indian people but also the international community by suddenly announcing the abolition of high-denomination banknotes. He has been described as the "Kakuei Tanaka of India" for his charisma, high practical ability, bold policies, skillful bureaucratic maneuvering, and the fact that he was not born into the elite class. This book provides an overview of contemporary Indian politics, economy, society, and diplomacy, and an easy-to-understand introduction to South Asian affairs and Japan-India relations through the eyes of Modi, who is said to be "the leader with the most followers on social networking sites in the world.

There is no end to the list of indicators that show India's rapid growth and rise. Yet, despite its growing presence and importance, India continues to be perceived as "hard to understand. Why has "cow protection" become a major political and social issue? What is the background of the caste system and religious conflicts that still persist? What does India's rise in the regional and international community mean for Japan? And how will it distance itself from the U.S. and China? The author, who has been involved in South Asian studies for many years, carefully answers these questions and reveals various aspects of contemporary India in a skillful style. Includes many photographs and illustrations.

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India has shown rapid growth in recent years, so much so that it may finally surpass China, BBCNEWSJAPAN's"India's population to overtake China as world's largest by mid-year at 1,428.6 million = UN."article stated that the country will surpass China in terms of population by the end of this year.

This book is an excellent introduction to the political economy and diplomacy of this growing modern India.

The protagonist of the current book, "Modi's Changing India: The 'Quiet Revolution' of a Rising Asian Giant Nation," is, as the book title says, Narendra Modi, who became Prime Minister of India in 2014.

Modi (pictured right) assumes the position of Prime Minister.Wikipedia.

As mentioned in the book introduction above, this book takes a look at the complex Indian society around the figure of Prime Minister Modi.

Prime Minister Modi's brief biography, his personality, and how he became one of India's most influential figures will be explained in an easy-to-understand manner.

The reality of India is also revealed through the policies and slogans of Prime Minister Modi. Prime Minister Modi enjoys the enthusiastic support of the Indian people because of his strong leadership and implementation of what the Indian people want.

Of course, not everything is smooth sailing and going well. It is impossible to have a one-size-fits-all policy that satisfies every corner of the great country that is India. India is a country of such diversity and complexity. Problems are piling up. But even so, Prime Minister Modi is the one person who can make the people have high expectations for the future.

I think this book is an excellent introduction to an overview of the political economy and diplomacy of modern India.

I would highly recommend this book.

This is "Ryohei Kasai's "Modi's Changing India" - Recommended to learn about the political economy and diplomacy of contemporary India! The above is a summary of the book.

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