Comprehensive learning class at Hakodate Aoyagi Junior High School


News〕Hakodate Municipal Aoyanagi Junior High School gave a class for integrated learning.

October 20, 2021,Hakodate Aoyagi Junior High SchoolWe had the opportunity to teach a comprehensive study class at

This time I was in three second grade classes at Aoyanagi Junior High School.Auschwitz visited on a round-the-world tripWe talked about the

In each of the first, second, and fourth periods, I shared with the students my experiences and impressions of my visit to Auschwitz.

Everyone has learned about Auschwitz at least once from books or classes.

I myself have read "The Diary of Anne Frank" and Frankl'sNight and Fog.I have known about Auschwitz since I was a child. I had always wanted to visit there someday.

This time, I talked about my experience at Auschwitz, learning about the history of that time, what I actually felt there, and what I would like my students to learn in the future.

The students all listened intently and asked many sharp questions. The sensitivity of the children is still wonderful.

Ever since I was a student, my goal has always been to be involved in the education of children. I want to do a temple school someday. I have held on to that desire for more than 10 years.

To be honest, however, I had my hands full with my own studies at the moment, so the Terakoya program was still a long way off. I was very grateful for the opportunity to speak at Aoyanagi Junior High School.

This class at Aoyanagi Junior High School was truly my "first battle" in working with children's education.

I will always remember this day as an important first for me in the future. It was a very gratifying opportunity. It was truly a joyful day.

I would be so happy if the children could feel even a little something through this class. If there is another opportunity, I will do my best again, and I will stand in front of the students again with the feeling of "always on the first line".

Thank you very much, Aoyanagi Junior High School!

Click here for related articles about the Holocaust.
.Visiting the Death Camp Auschwitz (1) - Learning from the Holocaust, Poland (4)
.Visiting the Death Camp Auschwitz (2) - Nazis and the Treatment of Jews in Poland (5)
.What is Auschwitz-Birkenau - Terror in the Gas Chambers, Poland (6)
.Auschwitz and "Tannisho" - Listening to Shinran's Words in Poland (7)
.Why we Japanese dare to learn about the Russo-German War now... History repeats itself in different forms...