Hisao Yanagisawa "Resonate from the Balkans! Song of Joy" - An amazing story of a Japanese conductor who survives in the Balkans

Learning from the Bosnian Conflict and the Tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide: International Conflicts after the Cold War

Hisao Yanagisawa "Resonate from the Balkans! Song of Joy" Overview and Impressions - The Amazing Story of a Japanese Conductor Surviving in the Balkans

We are pleased to present "Resonate from the Balkans! Song of Joy" written by Hisao Yanagisawa, published by Shinyusha in 2015.

Let's take a quick look at the book.

The scars of the Yugoslav conflict have not disappeared, and ethnic conflicts still linger.
In the Balkans, once called "the powder keg of Europe," a Japanese conductor has risen to the occasion!
Symphony No. 9, "Ode to Joy," which resonates in the hearts of people around the world by the "Balkan Chamber Orchestra," a miraculous orchestra that brings together opposing peoples.
Prayers for peace and national co-prosperity, delivered to your heart now!

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And here is a profile of the author, Hisao Yanagisawa.

A Japanese conductor active mainly in the former Yugoslavia, he was appointed Principal Conductor of the Macedonian National Opera in 2005, Principal Conductor of the Kosovo Philharmonic Orchestra in 2007, Principal Guest Conductor of the Neš Symphony Orchestra of Serbia in 2001, and Honorary Chief Conductor of the Sinfonietta of Belgrade in 2004. In 2007, he founded the Balkan Chamber Orchestra with the hope of promoting the co-prosperity of the peoples of the Balkan Peninsula. The concert that took place in Mitrovica in northern Kosovo in 2009, with the help of the United Nations and military forces, is said to have been a "miracle concert" that resumed cultural exchange among various ethnic groups that had been lost during the ethnic conflicts that followed the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia. In Japan, he has made guest appearances with the New Japan Philharmonic, Japan Philharmonic, Tokyo Philharmonic, Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Sapporo Symphony Orchestra, Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra, Gunma Symphony Orchestra, Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra, Kyoto Symphony Orchestra, Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra, Hyogo Arts Orchestra, Kyushu Symphony Orchestra, and Ensemble Kanazawa. His activities in the Balkans include NHK's "Ohayo Nippon", NHK BS1's "Harmony for Reconciliation", "Hibikake! El Mundo", TBS "NEWS23", TV Tokyo "Sekai no Nazeko Soko? Japanese," BSJAPAN, "Bridging Music in the Battlefield (winner of the Grand Prix at the 6th Japan Broadcasting Culture Awards)," "Bridging the Divide of Music," and many other media reports.

Shinyusha, Hisao Yanagisawa, "Resonate from the Balkans! Song of Joy".

For more information about Mr. Hisao Yanagisawa, please click here.Official Web SitePlease take a look at the following website.

Well, I am ashamed to say this, but I was so moved by this book ...

I have introduced books about the Bosnian conflict and the Rwandan Genocide, but I had a really hard time reading books and writing articles. I found myself honestly suffering from so much misery and helplessness that I couldn't do anything about it.

However, there is salvation in this book. It conveys a strong message of reviving peace and hope through the power of music in a world of misery and hatred.

I had already sensed such power in this book, which is why I saved it to read last.

The introduction to the book also includes the following commentary

It was in the Balkans, where he landed by chance, that his true life as a conductor began.
There are things that can be done because they are Japanese, and things that can be done because they are music!

In 2004, he was given the opportunity to swing the baton at the National Opera in Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, and the following year he was appointed Chief Conductor of the Macedonian National Opera. His conducting career in Europe did not start out smoothly-...... but there was a major setback waiting for him. He was able to recover from this setback and made a fresh start in the neighboring country of Kosovo in 2007. However, what he found in his new home was ethnic conflict and the deep scars of the conflict. What can I do as a musician, a conductor, a Japanese, and a human being? He established the "Balkan Chamber Orchestra" to bring people together through music, transcending national and ethnic boundaries. Wishing for peace and harmonious coexistence, the orchestra, which performs with all ethnic groups, will bring "songs of joy" from the Balkans to the world.

Shinyusha, Hisao Yanagisawa, "Resonate from the Balkans! Song of Joy" from

The book first tells of the author's Balkan baptism and frustration in Macedonia, from which we see how he rose to the occasion and how the "Balkan Chamber Orchestra" became a success.

The author's account of the complex post-conflict political situation, the devastated infrastructure, and ethnic sentiments are extraordinary hardships.

But even in such a situation, I was really numb to this story where he believed in the power of music and pushed forward and created a miracle......!

You can also view Hisao Yanagisawa's activities and what he wrote in this book on YouTube.

I will introduce them below, and I hope you will take a look at them as well as the book.

In the following video, there is a lot of footage from Bosnia. The footage is very valuable for understanding what is happening in Bosnia today.

I have introduced a reference book so far to relearn the Srebrenica massacre.

It was really significant for me to be able to read this book at the end of it.

There is hope in this book. It lets us know that the Balkans are rising up after a hopeless conflict.

Thinking back, I also visited Bosnia in 2019. The local guides, Mirza-san and Matsui-san, who took care of me at that time, also said this.

Bosnia did indeed experience a tragic conflict. Many people are still suffering. But Bosnia is a fascinating country. It has a great culture, and there are many wonderful landscapes. Bosnia is under reconstruction. I hope that many people will be able to see the charm of this country. Of course it is important to learn about the darker side of the conflict, but I hope that you will also introduce the beauty of Bosnia."

Learning about the conflict inevitably becomes painful. And if you only read articles about the conflict, you may end up with the image of Bosnia as a "scary and heavy country. However, the local people are living day by day for the reconstruction of the country, despite the pain they are feeling.

I believe from the bottom of my heart that hope and the bright side are important as well as the dark side.

This is a highly recommended book. I hope many people will read this book.

The above is a summary of "Peace and Hope for the Balkans! Hisao Yanagisawa "Resonate from the Balkans! Song of Joy".

Bosnian Conflict, Recommended Reference List Introduction article for learning about the Srebrenica massacre.

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