
Rashomon, noseYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Ryunosuke Akutagawa's "Rashomon: The Nose" Synopsis and Thoughts - I want to read it now that I am an adult! A masterpiece that captures that decisive moment of progression to evil!

Well - even so, Akutagawa's short story technique is brilliant! An eerie presence appears in the darkness of the night after ascending Rashomon. Even as an adult, I still find myself engrossed in the story, wondering what is out there. It's almost like a cinematic technique, and the sense of realism is incredible.

In this work, Akutagawa decisively captures the moment when a man embarks on a path of evil. The last part of the work, in which the subtle psychological state of this man is exquisitely captured, is a masterpiece.

Rashomon" is harsh. It shows us the harsh, harsh world as much as possible. It leads us to the very point of what it means to embark on the path of evil. It is truly a wonderful work.

This article will also discuss the connection between Ryunosuke Akutagawa and Russian literature, particularly Gogol.

French Literature, History and Culture

R.J. Goldsteen, "Political Censorship: in Nineteenth-Century Europe," The Turbulent Nineteenth Century. What did it mean for publishing, music, and culture?

The book takes a closer look at what censorship actually was in the 19th century from a variety of angles.

As far as censorship in publishing is concerned, Russian literature, which we have been discussing on this blog, is a very relevant item. Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Tolstoy, and Chekhov have all suffered from censorship.

It was a very interesting book to learn about how censorship is practiced not only in Russian literature but also in other European countries.

Russian History and Culture and Dostoevsky

O. Fayziz, "Natasha's Dance: A Cultural History of Russia" - A recommended reference book on the origins of Russian culture and spirituality!

A great book to learn what the Russian spirit is all about!

It makes me think about how culture is created.

For me personally, I was particularly impressed by the book's description of the Optina monastery.

This is a very famous Russian monastery that was visited by Dostoevsky in his later years, and even Tolstoy visited the monastery many times.

The book also provides a very important perspective on Dostoevsky's understanding of Christianity.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

(7) The Amazing Roughness of Stalin's Hometown of Gori and the Birth of Stalin the Reader

Stalin was born in the Georgian (Georgia) city of Gori.

The city of Gori is just so intense. The intensity of the city will be discussed in more detail in this article, but it was a den of unbelievably rough and tumble people.

Although Stalin grew up in such a rough-and-tumble den, he was an astonishingly well-read man. The reading he did at this time had a profound impact on Stalin's life. In this article, we will discuss Stalin's reading.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Gorky from "Biography of Stalin" - Gorky as a Soviet Propaganda Writer




departed soulThe great Russian writer Pushkin Gogol

Gogol's "The Soul of the Dead" Synopsis and Impressions - Considered the greatest work in the history of Russian literature

The Dead Soul is Gogol's masterpiece, a full-length novel published in 1842.

Gogol studied directly under Pushkin. Here was the great Pushkin-Gogol relationship that created the Pushkin-Gogol stream of Russian literature.

Gogol developed the themes handed down to him by such a respected teacher, Pushkin, in this work.

It is believed that Dostoevsky was also very fond of this work.

A realistic portrayal of Russian reality.

The common theme of later Russian writers was clearly demonstrated by this work.

GogolThe great Russian writer Pushkin Gogol

Gogol's "The Cloak" Synopsis and Impressions - The Sorrowful Days of a Small Official - Directly related to Dostoevsky's "The Poor People

The Mantle is a very important work for understanding Dostoevsky.

It is also an interesting work for understanding Russian society of the time. Gogol tells the story of the life of Russian petty officials with humor.

Dostoevsky began to write his own story based on "The Cloak". This was his debut novel, "The Poor People.

public prosecutorThe great Russian writer Pushkin Gogol

Gogol's "The Prosecutor" Synopsis and Impressions - A Masterpiece that Shocked the Russian Theater World

The plot of "The Prosecutor" is a comedy in which corrupt and deep-pocketed officials mistake a young wayfaring traveler, Frestakov, for a prosecutor who has come to expose them, and the officials engage in a series of ridiculous exchanges of ideas left and right.

Gogol had been a master of satire since his student days. He was a young man who excelled at extracting the characteristics of his target audience and expressing them in a humorous manner. He created this work in order to satirize the evils of Russian society and make the world a better place by laughing at them.

GogolThe great Russian writer Pushkin Gogol

Gogol's "The Nose" and "Diary of a Madman" Synopsis and Impressions - Representative of the "Petersburg Stories" that strongly influenced Dostoevsky's "Double Personality".

Dostoevsky was strongly influenced by Gogol's "Diary of a Madman" and "The Nose" to create his second work, "The Double Character."

It seems to me that reading Gogol's work makes it more clear what Dostoevsky was trying to say.

As works of art, "Diary of a Madman" and "Nose" are very funny. It may be said to be the ultimate in surreal laughter.

If you like surreal laughter, you will be hooked first.

I highly recommend this work as it is by far the most readable of Gogol's works.

GogolThe great Russian writer Pushkin Gogol

Gogol's "Nevsky Boulevard" Synopsis and Impressions - The Beginning of Gogol's "Petersburg Things"

The story is set on Nevsky Boulevard, the busiest main thoroughfare in St. Petersburg.

Nevskii Street has a magical charm, Gogol says, and everyone is enchanted by this street.

But don't be fooled by these glamorous streets. All kinds of wondrous things happen here, he says, and so the story begins.

Gogol would go on to write a number of "Petersburgs," which were also inspired by this work.

These works were to have a great influence on Dostoevsky.