
one's share of the spoilsEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "Prey's Share" Synopsis and Impressions - 1850s Paris in a land speculation frenzy. A human drama in search of money and power!

In "A Share of the Prey," Aristide, the third son of the Lugon family, hungry for "money and power," sniffs out a prize of a Paris remodeling project and struggles in Paris to get a share of it.

Money, speculative fever, extravagance, lust...

Zola depicts human desire in this way as well.


zoraEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "The Birth of the House of Lugon" Synopsis and Impressions - Shockingly interesting! A masterpiece that brings to life the beginning of Napoleon's Second Empire! It all started here!

The Birth of the House of Lugon was published in 1871 as the first volume of Emile Zola's monumental Lugon-Macquart series, which took 24 years to complete.


読んでいて「あぁ~さすがですゾラ先生!」と 何度心の中で うめいたことか!もう言葉のチョイス、文章のリズム、絶妙な位置で入る五感に働きかける表現、ゾラ節全開の作品です。正直、私は『居酒屋』や『ナナ』よりもこの作品の方が好きです。とても面白かったです。

The Brothers KaramazovShinran and Dostoevsky

The Shock of the Grand Inquisitor in The Brothers Karamazov! What exactly is religion? My encounter with Dostoevsky (⑵)

After reading The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky's lightning bolt strikes over me as I was wondering what religion is and what is the difference between a parrot and me.

I have come to know. There is no turning back now.

This was the moment when a clear path was made for me, who had been vaguely wondering "What is religion?" and "What is the difference between Aum and myself?

Will I be able to overcome this problem?

Is religion really what the Grand Inquisitor says it is?

This was the second origin of my study of religion.

Buddhist Columns & Dharma Talks

Reading Hajime Nakamura's Translation of Buddha's Words: Listening to the Buddha's Words




Spain (ed.)

Pilgrimage and Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela - Considering the Pilgrimage in Spain⑯.

The power of the sacred actually acts on the human body and mind and has moved history.

And even today, many people continue their pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.

Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela and 88 pilgrimage sites in Shikoku...

Although the countries and cultures are different, they still have something in common in terms of "pilgrimage.

Shikoku's 88 temples are about 1,400 kilometers long, a journey that would take 50 days on foot.

This article will consider such a pilgrimage.

Spain (ed.)

Reflections on the Meaning of the Holy Land in Santiago de Compostela, Spain (15)

In a previous article, "Arriving in Santiago de Compostela, Holy Land of the Catholic Pilgrimage to Spain⑭," I told you that Santiago de Compostela became a holy place because of the discovery of the remains of St. James in the early 9th century.

And here in Santiago de Compostela is a holy place of great importance as one of the three major Catholic pilgrimage sites along with Jerusalem and the Vatican.

In this article, I will talk about this holy city of Santiago de Compostela and the power of the sacred in terms of the power of the sacred.