
Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Jonathan Beecher, "Charles Fourier Biography: The Visionary and His World" - Recommended biography of Fourier!

This is not a popular book, but rather a scholarly work. However, it is not a book that is too academic for the average reader to understand.

I enjoyed reading it myself and was surprised many times by surprising facts. In particular, I was trying to read Fourier to learn about Marx, but I was surprised many times by his relationship with Dostoevsky.

There is no direct reference to Dostoevsky in the book, but as I read it, I felt that I could somehow see what attracted Dostoevsky to Fourier.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Yojiro Ishii, "From Science to Imagination: Fourier Revisited" - Who is Fourier, the famous imaginary socialist who described utopia?

There are few reference books on Fourier, and the ones we can get our hands on are limited. But among them, this book is recommended to read as an introduction. Fourier himself is a very difficult person to understand, so even the contents of this book have some difficult parts, but it is still a good book to get a general idea of the subject.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Shigeru Kashima, "Shibusawa Eiichi" - Strong connection to San Simonism! Familiar with the great drama "Ao Tian wo Sukeru"! Recommended biography of the great man who supported the Japanese economy!

What would have happened if there had been no Eiichi Shibusawa in Japan? This biography will give you a frightening glimpse of what would have happened if there had been no Eiichi Shibusawa. Eiichi Shibusawa was such a huge figure. I too was shocked from the bottom of my heart when I read this biography.

I believe that modern Japan is truly in a time of crisis. It is precisely because we live in such an era that I think it is very important to trace the path of Eiichi Shibusawa.

This biography is a great book that I would highly recommend. I even wish it would become a school textbook. Why not pick up a copy?

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Saint-Simon's "New Christianity" Summary and Impressions - Saint-Simon's exquisite writing that sharply criticizes the Church and teaches the construction of an ideal world.

The world would be led by moral industrialists who believed in God's teachings and sought to improve social welfare. This was the ideal society that Saint-Simon strived for.

Saint-Simon continues to criticize the Church and develop his own theories in this work. Surprising ideas come up again and again, and words that would make even those of us living in the present day groan.

Although labeled a fantastical socialist by Marx Engels, Saint-Simon was a very interesting thinker.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Saint-Simon's "Doctrinal Questions and Answers of the Industrialists" Summary and Comments - The main work of Saint-Simon, one of the visionary socialists.

The world is made up of producers, or industrialists. That is why the status of the industrialist must be recognized."

The idea that industrialists were the ones who would lead the world was carried on by his later disciples and flourished during the Second Empire of Napoleon III, which began in 1852.

In this sense, this work, which declares that "it is the industrialists who make the world," is of great significance.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

List of "Learning from the Life and Thought Background of Marx Engels" Articles - Is Marx a Religious Phenomenon, Based on Historical Background and Thought Formation?

This article will summarize all 69 articles introduced in the series titled "Learning from the Lives and Thought Backgrounds of Marx and Engels".

These will give you a fairly detailed background on the emergence of Marx's and Engels' ideas. And this will give you a great insight not only into Marx-Engels, but also into religion, thought, culture, politics, and even the nature of human beings themselves.

We hope you will use this article as a table of contents for this series of articles.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Engels' masterpiece "From Imagination to Science" - A best-selling introduction to Marxism! Is Marxism a religious phenomenon?

The difficult and large "The Theory of Capital" and the easy and compact "From Imagination to Science.

It may be said that it was this combination that led to the explosion of Marxism.

I will state my conclusions in this article on the subject of "Is Marx a Religious Phenomenon?" Engels has accomplished something tremendous in this work.

This work is as decisive as "Capitalism" in considering Marx's thought. We hope you will read this article!

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Overview and Comments on Engels' "Anti-Dühring Theory" - Engels' masterpiece that had a huge impact on the propagation of Marxism.

The Anti-Dühring Theory has been highly regarded as an important commentary on Marxism. Marx's writings, especially "Capitalism," were too vast and difficult to understand. This book was published as an easy-to-understand explanation of Marxism, extracting the essence of such a book.

Indeed, the book is easy to read.

It is immeasurable how much the existence of the "Anti-Duhring Theory," with such an easy-to-understand and dramatic narrative in contrast to the ultra-obscure "Capitalism," has helped propagate Marxism.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Reading Marx's "Capitalism" - Is this a great book or.... Considering Marx as a Religious Phenomenon

Capitalism" is difficult anyway. It has even become an idiom.

This work is not something that could ever compete with reading it on its own.

It is necessary to learn extensively about the historical background, the process by which the book was established, and even how the book was accepted.

I started thinking about reading Marx because of the "Is Marx a religious phenomenon?" theme.

It took me over a year to get here, but I am truly happy to have learned Marx and Engels.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Toshio Matsunaga, "The Life of Charles Darwin: The Gentleman's World that Gave Birth to the Theory of Evolution" - What is the relationship between Darwin's life and Malthus Marx?

Everyone knows the name Darwin and "The Origin of Species".

However, what kind of life he led and the times in which he lived are probably little known. I was one of them.

This book is tremendously interesting. Please come and see Darwin as you never knew him.

I highly recommend this book to learn more about Darwin himself, "The Origin of Species," and the culture of Victorian England. Why not pick up a copy?