
NapoleonFrench Literature, History and Culture

A quick look at Napoleon III and the six characteristics of France's Second Empire! The unique reforms that shaped modern society.



CubaCuba Edition

Cuba's Relying on Inbound Cities, Disparities, and Education Issues" Japan is no stranger to these issues! Cuba Part 12

Cuba has its good points and its bad points. The good part is the wonderful education and health care system. I also studied at the University of Havana for six years and in Japan for one year. All for free. It is wonderful that everyone has a chance to learn. But today Cuba has serious problems. We have serious problems with the economy and tourism."

My local guide began by telling me about the harsh reality of the situation in Cuba. This article will discuss the horrifying reality that the country's foundation is crumbling as it tries to build an economy based on tourism. And Japan is no stranger to this. I was horrified by my guide's story.

CubaCuba Edition

Santa Clara city center and the monument to the attack on the armored train - Santa Clara, the place associated with Che Guevara (Santa Clara 2) Cuba Part 8

After paying my respects at the Che Guevara mausoleum, my next stop was the center of Santa Clara.

Arriving in downtown Santa Clara, one gets a sense of Cubanness from the colorful buildings that are showing their age.

Wander through the city and walk to the nearby Armored Train Assault Monument. The victory here in Santa Clara was decisive for the revolutionary forces in the Cuban Revolution. I came here because the battle that triggered it took place right here.

CubaCuba Edition

The Unexpected Relationship Between Che Guevara's Mausoleum in Santa Clara and Don Quixote, Cuba (7)

Santa Clara is a city inextricably linked to Che Guevara.

Che Guevara, whom I came to know while studying Cuban history.

A revolutionary warrior in pursuit of his ideals. The most respected revolutionary in the world.

Why does he attract so many people from all over the world?

In the course of my research on him, I came to learn something.

It was the fact that Che Guevara's favorite book was Don Quixote and that he was greatly influenced by Don Quixote's life.

In this article, I will discuss the relationship between Guevara and "Don Quixote" and my experience visiting Guevara's grave.

CubaCuba Edition

The Connection between Communism, Capitalism, and Religion - Why I Chose Cuba: Cuba Part 6

Having discussed the history of Cuba over the past four articles, some of you may have the following questions.

'Why did I suddenly start talking so much about Cuban history? No, why Cuba in the first place? What does religion have to do with Cuba?" And.

Indeed, Cuba is not a religious sanctuary.

But for me, Cuba was a very important country to study religion.

In this article, I will talk about that "why I chose Cuba, which is not a holy place for my religion.

Cuba Edition

Castro's Reforms and Cuba after the Collapse of the Soviet Union - Cuban History Explained⑷ Cuba Part 5

As I mentioned in my previous article, "Revolutionary Regime and Missile Crisis - Cuban History Explained (3) Cuba Part 4," in 1962, the world managed to stay just short of ruin in the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The U.S. cancelled plans for a military invasion of Cuba, and the Soviet Union quickly followed through on an agreement to remove its missile bases.

The rest of the world has just breathed a sigh of relief, but from Cuba's point of view, there is something left to simmer in our hearts. In this article, we will discuss the subsequent developments in Cuba.

AmericaU.S.A. version

Thoughts on the 911 Memorial Museum and New York at Night, U.S.A. Part 3

After the cruise, we went to the most important destination of the day, the 911 Memorial Museum.

I have always wanted to see Ground Zero someday. A stone with the names of the victims engraved on it. Bouquets of flowers and national flags were offered there. Amidst the sound of running water, I offered a silent prayer.

As a priest involved in religion, I cannot help but think deeply about conflicts involving religion. This was the case in Israel and Bosnia.

A heavy question with no answer.

Here in New York, I felt as if I was confronted with such a question in front of me in the same way.

New YorkU.S.A. version

The Temple of Capitalism New York Federal Hall and Wall Street, U.S.A. (1)

After 20 days of touring around Spain, it is time to say goodbye.

The next stop is New York, USA.

The first stop is Wall Street, where I wanted to see the best part of New York City: Federal Hall. It is also where I wanted to see the most in New York City, Federal Hall, where George Washington was elected the first President of the United States and delivered his inaugural address in 1789.

It is a symbol of the founding of the United States, so to speak, and the American ideals of freedom and equality are embodied in this building. Few tourists who visit here think about that.

However, the significance of this temple-like building and Washington's statue here on Wall Street should not be overlooked when understanding American history and thought.