
Oliver.Dickens, England's greatest writer

Dickens' "Oliver Twist" Synopsis and Comments - An indictment of the dire social conditions in London! The adventures of Oliver, a good boy

Oliver Twist" was more than just an interesting novel; it had a strong impact on society. In fact, many people actually read the book and advocated for social improvement and institutional reform.

Such is the "influence of the novel in evoking goodness.

This is a tremendous achievement.

Perhaps this is why Dostoevsky recommended Dickens' novels to many people, especially children.

Dickens' masterpiece, "Oliver Twist," was an interesting work, easy to read and with a dizzying storyline.

money (written before an amount)Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola "Gold" Synopsis and Comments - The financial war in 19th century Paris between Rothschild vs. the emerging Parisian banks!

In "Prey's Share," the protagonist, Saccar, made a huge amount of money mainly through land speculation, but in this film, we see him throw himself into a new battle by establishing a huge bank. Saccard's rival Jews are modeled on that Rothschild family. During the Second Empire of France, financial wars actually broke out between the new banks and the Rothschilds. Zola painstakingly researched these facts and incorporated them into this work.

human beastEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola "The Beastmaster" Synopsis and Comments - Zola's railroad suspense inspired by "Crime and Punishment"! Is murder reason or instinct?

Raskolnikov killed by reason, Jack by instinct.


If you are hooked on "Crime and Punishment," I hope you will read this one as well.

I recommend this book along with Balzac's "Old Gorio" (see article below).

the (vast) landEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "The Land" Synopsis and Impressions - Controversial work that is so controversial because it writes too much about the depressing world of rural villages as it is.




germinalEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "Germinal" Synopsis and Comments - Strike and Workers' Tragedy in a Coal Mine Zola's Crab Ship

In "Germinal," we see the oppressed workers, the reality of unknowable stock market domination, and the consequences of a socialist ideology that is spiraling out of control.

Socialist thought may sound complicated, but this work is neither a philosophy book nor a technical book. Zola tells the actual content through people's stories and weaves socialist thought into the story in a very easy-to-understand way.

It is much easier and more interesting to learn than reading difficult technical books.

Bonheur des Dames Department StoreEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "Bonheur des Dames Department Store" Synopsis and Impressions - The Secret of Desire and Mass Consumption Society - To understand the origins of the department store.

この作品はフランス文学者鹿島茂氏の『 デパートを発明した夫婦』 で参考にされている物語です。





hotchpotchEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "Gotta Be a Lady" Synopsis and Impressions - A poignant film that exposes the hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie! You may play the lady, but when you peel back the layers...





rape (seed oil plant, Brassica campestris)Emile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

A synopsis and commentary on Zola's masterpiece "Nana" - exposes the glamorous world of stage actresses and the realities of the upper class!


If "The Stomach of Paris" is a work that exquisitely symbolizes desire in the form of "food," then "Nana" can be said to be a straightforward depiction of sexual desire.



one's share of the spoilsEmile Zola, the blog author's favorite author.

Zola's "Prey's Share" Synopsis and Impressions - 1850s Paris in a land speculation frenzy. A human drama in search of money and power!

In "A Share of the Prey," Aristide, the third son of the Lugon family, hungry for "money and power," sniffs out a prize of a Paris remodeling project and struggles in Paris to get a share of it.

Money, speculative fever, extravagance, lust...

Zola depicts human desire in this way as well.


Shigeru KashimaFrench Literature, History and Culture

Shigeru Kashima, "The Couple Who Invented the Department Store" - The department store began here! France's Second Empire and the "Bon Marché

Department stores are deeply rooted in our lives. We live with department stores as a matter of course, but do you know when and where department stores were born?

In fact, it was this Paris of the French Second Empire.

The birth of the department store revolutionized the world's commercial style.
This book is a condensed version of the world we usually shop in without thinking about it. This is an amazing book. I wish this book could be used as a textbook for social studies. I highly recommend it.