
DisneyDreamland Disneyland Research

List of recommended commentaries on Disney as religious thought, history, and art

I think Japan is one of the countries in the world where Disney is unparalleled. I love Disney, too.

However, its popularity cannot be dismissed merely in terms of entertainment. There is no doubt that you will enjoy Disney even more if you know more about its history and depth.

In this article, we will introduce some recommended books that will also help you learn about Disney's history and philosophy.

Yukio MishimaYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

List of 15 recommended works of Yukio Mishima and commentaries - Interesting works of Yukio Mishima, one of Japan's most famous writers, and his epic life.

This article will introduce recommended works and commentaries by Yukio Mishima.

It was my blessing to have met the extraordinary giant that is Yukio Mishima.

Mishima literature may seem obscure, but if you start with a solid introduction, you will be able to enjoy its charms more than enough. It is truly the black magic of Mishima literature. I highly recommend this author.

Second Indian Expedition - Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

(46) Thinking about the 1971 armed uprising by Marxist students at the University of Peradeniya in Kandy.

I have been in the process of studying Dostoevsky for the past few years, mostly European history. And now I am learning about India and Sri Lanka.

But I wondered, "What do I really know about Europe, India, and Sri Lanka? What do I think I know about Europe, India, and Sri Lanka?" Coming to the University of Peradeniya made me aware of this question once again.

Walt Disney: A Life of Creation and AdventureDreamland Disneyland Research

Bob Thomas, "Walt Disney: A Life of Creation and Adventure" - Official Biography of Walt Disney! Biography of Walt as a Bible

This book is an authorized Walt Disney biography by the Disney Company.

Mickey Mouse made his debut in 1928 with Steamboat Willie. This book is a recommended biography to learn about the extraordinary life of its creator, Walt Disney.

Bob Thomas' biography is an easy read as an introduction because it is written rather neatly and also explains the good side of Walt and his accomplishments in an easy-to-understand manner.

I highly recommend this book to Disney fans. It will definitely make you fall in love with Disney even more. Why don't you pick up a copy?

The Madness of CreationDreamland Disneyland Research

Neil Gabler, "The Madness of Creation: Walt Disney" - Neutral recommended Disney biography!

This book is a recommended biography of Walt Disney, creator of Mickey Mouse.

What sets this book apart is its neutrality. As mentioned in the introduction above, this book neither overly praises nor criticizes Walt. It is written in a neutral manner.

This position of neutrality may seem obvious, but when you are a giant like Walt, it is not so easy. On the Disney side, Walt was often deified and presented as a deity, and on the other side, there were many instances where Walt was cast down as a satanic figure from a political or ideological stance.

This book, "The Madness of Creation: Walt Disney," is a recommended book that allows you to consider Disney from a variety of perspectives.

DisneylandDreamland Disneyland Research

R. Snow, "Disneyland: How the World's Greatest Entertainment Was Created" - A recommended book to learn the story behind the birth of the land of dreams!

The book is not simply a glorification of Disney, nor is it an exposé or slander to the contrary. As the book's obi proclaims, "Epic nonfiction that you need to read now," it is a documentary-style look at the birth of Disneyland and its development after its opening.

The book describes not only Walt Disney's superhuman imagination and work ethic, but also the struggles of the many people who made his reckless challenge a reality. To be honest, the construction of Disneyland as told in this book, including Walt's, is out of the ordinary.

Moreover, this theme park was built with laughably slapstick and reckless planning.

The glorious day of the opening of Disneyland was also "Dark Sunday" for Disney, and this episode is the highlight of this book. It is extremely interesting.

Yukio MishimaYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Yukio Mishima, Masahiko Akuta, and others, "Yukio Mishima vs. the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto 1969-2000" - What was that legendary debate? A recommended work to learn about the students' thoughts and relationships with each other!

After all, what was that Tokyo University Zenkyoto...what was the difference from the students who holed up in the Yasuda Auditorium and threw Molotov cocktails, or the sects who repeatedly engaged in internal rebellions...?

I could not for the life of me figure this out. Who were these people who debated with Yukio Mishima? Were they also engaged in internal strife and violence...?

This book has been too gratifying for me to have such questions.

This is an amazing book. This book is the text of 15 hours of intense discussion. This book is the best resource to learn what the Zenkyoto of Tokyo University was all about and what the discussion with Yukio Mishima was about. I highly recommend this book to get a feel for the atmosphere of this era.

The Zenkyoto Generation as an IdeologyYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Shuhei Kosaka, "Zenkyoto Generation as an Ideology" - Recommended work to feel the spirit of the times from the 60's through the author's personal narrative.

What was the student conflict?

For me, a stranger to that era, they were so mysterious and complex that I did not know how to understand them.

The book looks at the Zenkyoto and even the Red Army through the author's personal narrative.

I highly recommend this book as an introduction to Zenkyoto and the student conflict. I believe that we, the younger generation who do not know about this era, should read this book. Why not pick up a copy?