
Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(64) Engels' best guide to Marxism, "The Anti-Dühring Theory.

Engels' Anti-Dühring Theory had a tremendous impact on the spread of Marxism.

In contrast, however, in recent years there has been a strong criticism that "Engels distorted and spread Marx. The criticism that "Engels was the cause of the events that Marxism caused afterwards" has become stronger.

Did Engels really distort Marx? Or did he successfully explain Marx's difficult (and incomprehensible) ideas? This is a very big question.

We will consider that in this article.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(63) Engels, Dialectic of Nature - Application of Marxian thought and dialectics to science! Huge influence on the later Communist world

Just as Engels once applied Hegel to economics and human history, he now applied Hegel's dialectic even to science and technology.

Ideology can also be applied to science. We associate science with objective data such as mathematical formulas, but it is surprising that it can also be constructed under an ideological worldview.

And since they were spoken with such seriousness, it was a different world.

Engels, who even influenced the scientific framework of the communist bloc, is to be feared.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(53) Marx, impressed by "The Origin of Species," dedicates "Capitalism" to Darwin. How was his reaction?

Marx was introduced to "The Origin of Species" at the recommendation of Engels. Engels was far more enthusiastic about the book than Marx, but it seems that Marx was also greatly moved by the theory of evolution.

Marx was so impressed with Darwin that he offered him a copy of Capital. What was Darwin's reaction?

I will discuss that in this article.

Recommended Marx-Engels Biography

List of 12 recommended Marx biographies - to learn more about the life and thought of Marx Engels.

I am not a Marxist.

But I believe that studying Marx is a very important way to learn about religion and human beings.

Why did Marx's thought attract so many people?

How was Marx's thought developed?

Who was Marx in the first place, and under what historical background did he live?

The biographies we will present hereafter will be a great help in learning such things.

Is Marx a religious phenomenon?

Why I, a non-Marxist, study Marx - Marx as a religious phenomenon.

Marx criticized religion.

As one religious person, what do I say to Marx's criticism of religion?

This is a big challenge for me.

I am not a Marxist.

However, Marx had the magical power to move people all over the world. I think that is a fact. So what is the source of this magical power? Why did Marx's thought attract so many people? Who was Marx in the first place, and under what kind of historical background did he live? I believe that learning these things is a great clue to learning more about religion, or even about human beings themselves.