
The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

Masaie Matsumura, "The Bakumatsu Restoration Mission to England: The Victorian Impact" - What the Japanese at the end of the Edo period and during the Meiji period saw in England!

In this work, we will look at the Victorian era and World Expositions as seen from the perspective of a mission at the end of the Edo period and during the Restoration Period. What was the reaction of our delegation when they left Japan, which had been closed to the rest of the world, and saw European mechanical civilization for the first time? In this book, you can learn about the Victorian era from a different perspective from ordinary British history.

The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

Masaie Matsumura, "The History of the British Empire Expositions: A Tale of Two Cities, London and Manchester" - A book to learn about the connection between the Expo and Manchester!

The book will be a work that looks at the connections between the London Expo and the Manchester Meiho Expo from a larger perspective, and from there at the connections to Japan.

Manchester is often seen as a disastrous result of the Industrial Revolution, but in fact, the Manchester Expo was also related to the movement to improve the lives of the people.

Marx has been in England since 1849 and, as for Engels, much longer than that. The background to the emergence of their ideas is the social situation in England. I found this book very helpful in understanding such social conditions in England.

The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

Hiroshi Unno et al. "Lens ga shooteta 19th Century Europe" - A recommended guidebook for a photographic overview of 19th century Western Europe!

In this book, you can learn what the connections were between the nations of the same period and what the characteristics of each nation were like. Moreover, the large number of photos makes it very easy to visualize.

And as the title of the book suggests, you can also learn about the history of the camera and photographic technology itself. Camera technology was invented in 1839, and from there it quickly progressed to the point where by the 1840s, camera technology with considerably better performance was available.

This is an exciting book!

The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

The City and Life of Victorian London in Photographs" - Recommended to learn about London in the late 19th century as seen by Dickens!

The book offers a large number of photographs of London in the mid- to late-19th century.
The book is unique in that it tells the story of the city of London in the context of Dickens, the great 19th century English writer.
The book is a must for Dickens fans, as it explains the relationship between Dickens and his works along with many photographs.

The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

Ryozo Tanaka and Akihisa Masuda, "Britain's Heritage of Modernization" - Recommended for learning about the historical spots of the British Industrial Revolution!

The book is characterized first of all by its beautiful photographs. Each full-page spread is illustrated with a commentary.

The book is also a gratifying way to learn about the full legacy of Britain's Industrial Revolution.

The second half of the book preaches a clear explanation of the Industrial Revolution in England. It is a very thorough explanation that even those who had no previous knowledge of the Industrial Revolution will enjoy reading. This was another point I appreciated very much.

This book is one that allows you to learn about the legacy of the Industrial Revolution era with great visuals.

The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

Simon Forty, "100 Inventions and Innovations in the History of the Industrial Revolution" - Recommended for learning about the history and inventions of the Industrial Revolution.

What makes this book unique is the wealth of material. As the title of the book suggests, 100 inventions are clearly explained with photographs and illustrations.

While there are surprisingly few books written about the Industrial Revolution, this book is a much appreciated work. As the title says "Historical Illustrated Book," another great aspect is the abundance of photographs and illustrations. The explanations are also very easy to understand.

As an introduction to the history of the Industrial Revolution, this is a highly recommended book.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Toshio Matsunaga, "The Life of Charles Darwin: The Gentleman's World that Gave Birth to the Theory of Evolution" - What is the relationship between Darwin's life and Malthus Marx?

Everyone knows the name Darwin and "The Origin of Species".

However, what kind of life he led and the times in which he lived are probably little known. I was one of them.

This book is tremendously interesting. Please come and see Darwin as you never knew him.

I highly recommend this book to learn more about Darwin himself, "The Origin of Species," and the culture of Victorian England. Why not pick up a copy?

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Darwin's "Origin of Species" Summary and Comments - The Theory of Evolution, which transformed world thought and worldview. And its relationship to Marx.

This work is a scientific book, so it is not surprising that there is almost no narrative, no storytelling to draw the reader in. The words are simply laid out in a straightforward manner.

But in the midst of these bland and difficult sentences, powerful words like "natural selection," "struggle," "evolution," and "natural selection" appear from time to time.

These words will stand alone as a "summary" of this vast and difficult book.

For me, it was a very interesting experience to read this book while thinking about the reasons why it has taken the world by storm.

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Jacques Barzun, "Darwin, Marx, Wagner: A Critique of the Intellectual Heritage" - Why did they take the world by storm? A masterful book that uncovers the secrets of their work!

This book was an exciting work that explained what I most wanted to know: why Darvin and Marx took the world by storm so much! This is interesting!

I have referred to this work in my previous reading of Marx's "Capitalism".

The author's theory that "The Theory of Capital" is so difficult to understand and so vast that "its incomprehensibility, on the contrary, was a major reason why the world treated it like a Bible" was very interesting.

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

(65) "From Imagination to Science" born out of Engels' "Anti-Duhring Theory" - This is where the term "imaginary socialist" comes from.

I cannot emphasize enough how significant it is to have disseminated the difficult "Capitalism," which no one reads or even can read, to the general public in an easy-to-understand manner.

The difficult and large "Capitalism" and the easy and compact "From Imagination to Science.

One might say that it was this combination that led to the explosion of Marxism.