Jodo Shinshu (offshoot of the Jodo sect)

Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Plato's "Socrates' Dialectic Kriton" Synopsis and Impressions - Surprised at the similarities between Master and Disciple Socrates Plato and Master and Disciple Honen and Shinran...

Plato wrote "The State" in reaction to the unjust execution of his respected teacher Socrates.

The work "Socrates' Defense" is about why Socrates had to be executed.

Shinran himself, like Plato, experienced firsthand how his respected teacher had to be unreasonably punished.

In part, Shinran wrote his main work "Kyogyoshinsho" in order to refute such irrationality.

The similarity of the "regret" experienced by Plato and Shinran was a thrill for me.


Shinran Shonin Shinran Shonin Shinran Shonin's New Year Memorial Service at Nishikiori-ji Temple, the head temple of the Shinshu Kibe sect of Shin Buddhism

On June 16, 2022, I gave a talk at the Shinshu Kibe sect head temple Nishikiori-ji in Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture, for the Shinran Shonin Shinran Shonin New Year Memorial Service.

It was my first visit to the head temple in two years. Moreover, this time I was very nervous to visit the temple because I was a missionary.

We will continue to devote ourselves to this project and look forward to working with you in the future.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Questioning Shinran's theory of the righteousness of evildoers - I thought about the question, "Is there a way out (salvation) for evildoers like Stalin and Hitler?

I am on Twitter, where I introduce articles posted on this blog and tweet about my round-the-world trip and other daily musings.

Recently I have been updating my articles on Stalin and Hitler, and I received a question from one of them.

In this article I have tried to note my own thoughts through that question.