Japanese literature

Yukio Mishima and BuddhismYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

The connection between Yukio Mishima and Buddhism: Where did Mishima learn Buddhism, including the philosophy of Yusama in "The Sea of Fertility"?

We do not know what Mishima actually read when he studied Buddhism, but we know from the article in the complete works referred to here that he read a number of introductory books and arrived at Yudhistra, and that he was taught by Dr. Masu Yamaguchi of Otani University.

I am now deeply aware that I would like to relearn the Yoboku-kyo again in order to better appreciate "The Sea of Fertility," which became Mishima's lifework. This will be an important point in understanding Mishima's thoughts in his later years.

Yukio Mishima Impressions of IndiaYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Yukio Mishima's "Impressions of India" - What did Mishima see and think during his trip to India in his later years? Strong influence on "The Sea of Fertility!

Yukio Mishima spent 15 days in India in the fall of 1967. The route was a forced march around the vast country of India.

In his later years, Mishima had a fairly strong interest in India. This is not an age when anything can be easily searched on the Internet. You cannot learn much about Hinduism without actively gathering information yourself. This strong interest in India and Buddhism seems to have greatly influenced Mishima's literature, especially "The Sea of Fertility.

There is no doubt that this interview article is an important source of information about Mishima's views on India.

Introduction to Behavioral ScienceYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Yukio Mishima, "Introduction to Behavioral Studies" - Mishima himself wrote about his own self-determination! Recommended commentaries for understanding Mishima's suicide

Until Mishima's suicide on November 25, 1970, almost no one had expected him to make his decision. Yes, many people had noticed something vaguely unusual about Mishima, but they did not think that he would go to such lengths.

But after his suicide, time after time, it turned out exactly as Mishima had predicted in this book. In "An Introduction to Behavioral Science," Mishima's thoughts are expressed directly. I am going to do it. I will take action. I am not just a man of my word.

Yukio Mishima and the Tatenokai IncidentYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Masayasu Hosaka, "Yukio Mishima and the Tatenokai Incident" - Recommended reference book to learn about the detailed process leading up to his suicide at the Self Defense Forces Ichigaya Camp in 1970.

On November 25, 1970, Yukio Mishima and four members of the Tatenokai holed up in the Ichigaya Camp of the Self-Defense Forces, and after making speeches from the balcony urging the uprising against the Self-Defense Forces, both Mishima and Masakatsu Morita committed seppuku (ritual suicide). This book is the best introduction to the background and circumstances of this shocking incident.

The book provides a fairly detailed look at the process that led to Mishima's suicide. I found the explanation of the formation of the Tatenokai, its progress, and Mishima's connection to the Self-Defense Forces to be particularly interesting.

I can't introduce its contents here, but I was also surprised by the number of "eh! I can't tell you about the contents of the book here, but I can tell you that I was surprised by many things that came out. I think my view of Mishima changed before and after reading this book.

Music Yukio MishimaYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Yukio Mishima's "Music" Synopsis and Impressions - A masterpiece that contains a critical challenge to Freud's psychoanalysis!

A unique work that dramatically depicts the depths of the female psyche and sexuality."

Although this introduction may make it sound like a dubious work, "Female Psychology and Sexuality," this work is actually a novel written by Mishima in which he challenges Freudian psychoanalysis. I read this book precisely because I was interested in this challenge to Freud.

The protagonist of this work is a psychiatrist. The story progresses in the form of a memoir by this middle-aged psychiatrist.

He presents his own psychoanalysis in abundance in this memoir, but he is not with the right person! His plausible interpretations are overturned one after another by the mysterious actions and words of beautiful women. Herein lies Mishima's challenge to Freud.

After the Banquet Yukio MishimaYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Yukio Mishima's "After the Banquet" Synopsis and Impressions - Highly acclaimed overseas! A problematic work that led to a privacy lawsuit

While Mishima tried to depict "the times" in "Kagamiko's House," his current work, "After the Banquet," was written based on the actual election of Hachiro Arita, a politician, as governor of Tokyo.

However, after the publication of this novel, Mishima was sued by Mr. Arita. This became the first privacy trial in Japan, and Mishima suffered a psychological shock following the house of "Kagamiko's House.

However, as Mr. Tokuoka and Donald Keene state, the work itself is undoubtedly very good. This work seems to be highly appreciated overseas as well.

Kagamiko's HouseYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Yukio Mishima's "Kagamiko's House" Synopsis and Impressions - Mishima's Failure? Considering his turning point feature film.

This work, "Kagamiko's House" is a full-length novel published in 1959. Yukio Mishima won the Shinchosha Literary Award in 1954 for "Shiosai" and the Yomiuri Literary Award in 1956 for "Kinkakuji," and in 1958 he married his wife Yohko.

Kagamiko's House" was written by Mishima with all his heart and soul. Mishima himself states that the major theme of this work is "the times.

In this novel, Mishima attempted to express the Mishima style of "postwar is over" literature by projecting the times onto the four young men gathered at Kagamiko's house. This was Mishima's first attempt at an ambitious challenge.

However, "Kagamiko's House," which took Mishima 500 days to write with all his heart and soul, was severely criticized by critics and branded as a failure. Mishima was deeply wounded by this.

cucumberYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Ryunosuke Akutagawa's "Kappa" Synopsis and Impressions - What happens when you wander into the land of kappa? A satirical masterpiece about modern Japan through a strange other world

Through "The World of Kappa," Akutagawa poignantly questions the state of Japan.

How unique and humorous are each (each and every?) kappa! How unique and humorous each kappa is. And how eerie....

It is horrifying to think that this work was Ryunosuke Akutagawa's desperate protest, a warning for the end of his life. He committed suicide less than a year after the publication of this work.

It will soon be 100 years since the death of Ryunosuke Akutagawa. But even 100 years later, Akutagawa's works have never faded. The power of literature has been passed on to those of us living today.

heck-bent on robbing a robberYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Ryunosuke Akutagawa's "Jigoken" Synopsis and Impressions - To complete the picture of hell, one must see hell... A masterpiece depicting the madness of a genius painter!

When I read this work, I find myself surrounded by tension as if I am watching a suspenseful movie. It is not so bad until the genius painter Yoshihide chains up his apprentice or sparks an owl. It's just like, "Here we go again with Yoshihide's eccentricities. But from there, a strange feeling of foreboding gradually emerges in our minds, and it becomes more and more eerie. We start to get nervous, thinking, "No way, what is Yoshihide trying to do? This style of storytelling, which gradually and progressively builds up fear and anxiety, is a model of vivid storytelling that can be said to be a model of mystery. This is indeed Ryunosuke Akutagawa.

This work even shows Akutagawa's ambition: "An artist of words can perfectly portray a mad painter who is trying to create a perfect picture.

It is easy to see why this work is regarded as a masterpiece among Akutagawa's literature.

Rashomon, noseYukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Ryunosuke Akutagawa's "Rashomon: The Nose" Synopsis and Thoughts - I want to read it now that I am an adult! A masterpiece that captures that decisive moment of progression to evil!

Well - even so, Akutagawa's short story technique is brilliant! An eerie presence appears in the darkness of the night after ascending Rashomon. Even as an adult, I still find myself engrossed in the story, wondering what is out there. It's almost like a cinematic technique, and the sense of realism is incredible.

In this work, Akutagawa decisively captures the moment when a man embarks on a path of evil. The last part of the work, in which the subtle psychological state of this man is exquisitely captured, is a masterpiece.

Rashomon" is harsh. It shows us the harsh, harsh world as much as possible. It leads us to the very point of what it means to embark on the path of evil. It is truly a wonderful work.

This article will also discuss the connection between Ryunosuke Akutagawa and Russian literature, particularly Gogol.