Russian Orthodox Church

RussiaDostoevsky and Christianity

Belyustin, "Life of a Russian Rural Priest in the Nineteenth Century" - A rural priest's plaintive cry lamenting the state of the Russian Orthodox Church in the nineteenth century.

The author, I. S. Belyustin (c. 1820-1890), was born into a family of Russian Orthodox priests and entered the priesthood himself.

This book is just so intense. You can hardly believe your eyes that the churches in rural Russia were in such bad shape.

The author then goes on to tell why this is so.

I felt that this book helped me to see more clearly how important the Optina monastery was and what Christianity meant to Dostoevsky.

Opuchina MonasteryDostoevsky and Christianity

S. Chetvednikov, "Opchina Monastery" - "The Brothers Karamazov" Elder Zosima was born here.

In "Opetina Monastery" you can learn about the history of this monastery and the life and thought of its famous elders. The book is richly illustrated with photographs and drawings, making it a very useful tool for visualizing what the monastery is like.

If you are interested in learning more about "The Brothers Karamazov," especially the relationship between Elder Zosima and the main character Alyosha, I highly recommend this book.

God and the devilDostoevsky and Christianity

Yasuyuki Takahashi, God and the Devil: The Greek Orthodox View of Man - A simple explanation of the Russian Orthodox view of man and salvation.

Christianity is associated with the image of original sin, that man is sinful, and with praying to God to be saved from original sin.

However, author Yasuyuki Takahashi states that this is not a traditional Christian idea, but an idea that was added later under Western ideas, and that the idea of the Roman Catholic Church is a unique product of Europe.

This work is especially recommended if you want to read "The Brothers Karamazov" in depth. It will give you a great clue as to where Dostoevsky saw human salvation.

Greek Orthodox ChurchDostoevsky and Christianity

Yasuyuki Takahashi, "Greek Orthodoxy" - This is the book to learn about Dostoevsky and the Russian Orthodox Church! Recommended introductory book!

The book features detailed explanations of the Russian Orthodox Church and Dostoevsky.

I was very surprised when I read this book. I had unconsciously thought of Roman Catholicism and Protestantism when I thought of Christianity, but this book made me realize that the Russian Orthodox Church has a very different teaching and culture from them.

What is the Russian Orthodox Church anyway?

What makes them different from Catholics and Protestants?

They are described in detail in this book.
A considerable amount of space is also devoted to Dostoevsky.

Yoshio YoshimuraDostoevskyism

Yoshio Yoshimura, "Dostoevsky: A Record of Overcoming the Modern Spirit" - This is the book to study Dostoevsky and Christianity!

Yoshio Yoshimura's "Dostoevsky: A Record of Overcoming Modern Spirituality" Overview and Impressions - If you want to learn about Dostoevsky and Christianity, this is the book for you! Today we would like to introduce Yoshio Yoshimura's "Dostoevskii: Record of Overcoming Modern Spirituality" published by Shinkyo Publishing House. The author, Yoshio Yoshimura, is a Shinshu University...


Fudeli, "Dostoevsky's Legacy" - Dostoevskyism of the soul by a Christian persecuted in the Soviet era.

Fudeli's "The Dostoevskii Legacy" was the book that opened my eyes.

The content is easy to read and discusses Dostoevsky's works along his life like a biography. It is also very thorough and easy to understand in terms of deepening one's understanding of the works.

This is the best book to learn about Dostoevsky's image as a Russian Orthodox religious figure.

I highly recommend this book.

critical biography of DostoevskyDostoevskyism

Motylski, "Critique Dostoevsky" - The gold standard of Dostoevsky critiques with an overwhelming amount of information!

Dostoevsky: A Critical Biography" was published in Russian in 1947 and was quickly translated into many languages and called "the best study of Dostoevsky's writings in any language.

The most important feature of this review is the detailed commentary on the work by Moturisky, an expert on Russian Orthodox doctrine and practice.

I highly recommend this critique as a terrific way to study Dostoevsky.

Dostoevskybiography of Dostoevsky

Pierre Pascal, "Dostoevskii" - A compact biography of Dostoevsky from a Christian perspective.

In this biography, Pierre Pascal will examine how Dostoevsky was influenced by Christianity.

To understand Dostoevsky, an understanding of Christianity is inevitable. However, surprisingly few works focus on this in their biographies.

The text of the biography is also reasonably sized, at approximately 150 pages. This biography is recommended for those interested in Dostoevsky and religion.